Thurrott: "This has the makings of a train wreck"

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Paul Thurrott has been updating a blog on the WinHEC and has some interesting comments to share:

I hate mornings. I wish that wasn't the case, but it is. It's especially true after an excruciatingly long day followed by not enough sleep. In the cold light of morning, I'm reflecting a bit on Longhorn 5048. My thoughts are not positive, not positive at all. This is a painful build to have to deal with after a year of waiting, a step back in some ways. I hope Microsoft has surprises up their sleeves. This has the makings of a train wreck. I'll have more on that later.

Anywyay, there's a controversy brewing. The community sites like Neowin were asked yesterday by a "community lead" at Microsoft to take down their screenshots of Longhorn build 5048. This caused a big stir in the press room after the blogger lunch. When someone asked why they were doing this, Chris Pirillo quipped, "because it looks like #$%," which I thought was the appropriate response. Apparently, there is a condition in the EULA preventing people from posting screenshots. Nobody saw anything like that. And I wasn't asked to remove anything yesterday, which caused some grumbling. I'll get to that in a moment, but I'm a bit freaked out that Microsoft wouldn't mention this condition when they asked us to come to WinHEC, or when they handed out the CDs. It would have affected my decision to come.

Certainly doesn't sound encouraging :/ I'm still wondering what happened to Aero and all the cool features I was looking forward to...

I think the folks over at Apple are generally more creative than Microsoft devs team.

Microsoft has the edge when it comes to thinking on behalf of the business user though and what they need.

Uh oh... you know when Paul Thurrott starts criticizing builds of longhorn- somethings definitely not right.

I'm waiting 'til BETA 1 to make my personal opinions, but I can see this now:

MS releases longhorn with hardly any new features, shunned by even the top-MS fanatics, while Apple decides to move over to X86.

Sure would be interesting to see MS struggle for once!

Right on Paul T, 5048 is way less that I would have expected by now too.

They released a build to the "cream" (no pun intended) of the crop so to speak, that still isnt even remotely usable as a day-to-day OS. Still, I'm hoping that they pull another Chicago out of their pants like they did with Windows 95. The pre-beta builds of that were just as laughable.

Oh NO!  An OS that's not even in BETA yet is being criticized!  I'm ditching my PC and moving to Linux/OSX!!!!

Gimme a break.


By their timeline, it's going to BETA in 2 months time. Beta usually indicates a lock on features. Two months is not a lot of time.

By their timeline, it's going to BETA in 2 months time. Beta usually indicates a lock on features. Two months is not a lot of time.


Well, in their defense, Allchin did say that even Beta 1 would only be "1/3 feature complete." And that Beta 2 is when things will start to take shape.

In trying to rush it so much, they've managed to regress it even more. I haven't used either, but this WinHEC build seems almost identical to the one from last year - full of features, etc. that were not even close to functioning. And the progress that they've made in one year - thumbnail images and a new search tool? What have they been up to all this time?

It does indeed look quite scary, but there's nothing to suggest that Microsoft don't have quite a few features now working in the labs... I really do think we just need to wait and see. Beta 2 of Longhorn is when we can start to expect to really see this thing taking shape.

Although I am gutted to hear that they dropped the Sidebar. I think that was probably one of the most attractive features of the damned thing.

It doesn't seem all that much more advanced than winXP. They need to be adding some amazing features in the months to come, if not I don't see a reason for anyone to get it. Its not worth the money to get a new visual style, that as of now, I don't even like.

I thought this was a "Developers Preview" release, so unless you are preparing drivers for Longhorn, you probably aren't going to get much from this release.

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