White Start Button Flag

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Has anyone got a image/screenshot or something of the whitey blue-ish start menu button flag. I used to have it a while back but lost it now :/, I want to put it onto my classic theme coz im sick of the yellow/red/blue original flag.



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just exactly how do you change the flag

i'd like to know how to change the text "start" too

Thank You Very Much!


if you're using a vs, you can replace the bitmaps in the msstyles file. you can also change the content alignment/margins to shift it out of the way.

or you can reshack explorer.exe.

if you want to use an app, use tclock2.

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Where can I mport the flag



Reshack explorer.exe

bi11y's images follow the format:

Bitmap's filename=Bitmap's number.

Remember to kill explorer before you do this and cancel WFP after you resave explorer.exe to C:\Windows.

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Reshack explorer.exe

bi11y's images follow the format:

Bitmap's filename=Bitmap's number.

Remember to kill explorer before you do this and cancel WFP after you resave explorer.exe to C:\Windows.


not necessary if he's using a visual style. then it's just a matter of editing the vs and replacing the correct bitmap.

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Silly question, but what is the default font for thr "Start" on Classic Style? I changed it in TClock by mistake and dont know what the default was.

Any help appreciated. :)

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Reshack explorer.exe

bi11y's images follow the format:

Bitmap's filename=Bitmap's number.

Remember to kill explorer before you do this and cancel WFP after you resave explorer.exe to C:\Windows.


What is WFP? When I change the BMP and save the explorer.exe, then the original BMP will always rewrited.

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What is WFP? When I change the BMP and save the explorer.exe, then the original BMP will always rewrited.


that's exactly what we're talking about. wfp = windows file protection. it will automatically overwrite the file with the backup one if it detects the file has been changed.

copy and psate explorer.exe to the desktop and edit the copy. then use replacer to replace the file: http://www3.telus.net/_/replacer/

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