Google Has been hacked!

Recommended Posts DNS problem. Somebody (The Mysterious Global DNS Gods that Contol Our Internet And Have This Redirecting Job On The Side) must have been redirecting again. Redirecting a giant like Google must have earned them topdollar. :-)

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lol I haven't been to in ages.. MSN Search all the way!


So they really do exist... :laugh:

Never thought i'd see a non-google user in my life.

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game2, i have gmail and google down. it's pretty clear this is a DNS issue now though.

i searched for sogo on yahoo, nothing really there, except some asian companies that have nothing to do with search engines.

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damn, 10 minutes that google is down, and over 100 posts, google is very powerfull, I bet they could take down a government!

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Whoever said A server must be down.

Google use thousands of servers with load balancing technology. If one server were down then you could still access the site from other servers. The servers are not down as when I go to the page I get a virtual Directory Listing denied message which is generated by the server. For all of google's servers to be down it would require a massive outage at all their datacenters across the world. It is likely to be something else like the DNS poisoning mentioned by someone else.

Edit: Looks like that error is due to it resolving to my sites ip for some reason.

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