Need help with CS 1.6 FPS

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Ok so I installed cs 1.6 on a machine and it's getting horrible frame rates, it starts at 75 in the main menu, then during gameplay it stays at 4fps bouncing from 4 to 25fps ( but feels like 4 :| )

here are the specs of the pc attached on the image

(I used the search looking for similar problems, but most of them did not have any answers/solutions)

Edit: This same machines runs hl & hl2 at decent frame rates, don't understand what the problem with CS is :|


Edited by maudit
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check your "fps_max" setting. default is 72 but maybe somehow it got turned down.... also try searching the steam forums... a lot of times a bunch of people will be having a problem and someone will write a FAQ for it.

  kalizar said:
check your "fps_max" setting.  default is 72 but maybe somehow it got turned down.... also try searching the steam forums... a lot of times a bunch of people will be having a problem and someone will write a FAQ for it.


Nope, It's at 72, yeah I've been looking in the steam forums except oddly no one there answers

  virtorio said:
Isn't 1.6 based on the older Half-Life engine?  If so, you might want to make sure it its using the right (either Direct3D/OpenGL or Software Rendering) video driver.


I've tried all three options and got the same FPS

  maudit said:
Nope, It's at 72, yeah I've been looking in the steam forums except oddly no one there answers

I've tried all three options and got the same FPS


Check your Networking.

There is something running that prevents the server from cleanly telling the game on your HD what is going on.

You've integrated the game into Steam, right?

Get a copy of blackvipers services guide, use autopatcher, or grab gamegain to free up resources for Counterstrike. A quick run of some Ram freeing utility that allows you to force unused DLLs out of ram (Tweak Xp does this, but there are others).

Things you don't want running behind an online shooter:


Any Other Downloading software

Any application that has Automatic Updates enabled (Realplayer, Quicktime, Windows update, etc.)

Any cleaning application

You want all available resources for the game.

Are you using SP2? Firewall? Make sure Counterstike is allowed to pass.

  MateoGWJ said:
Check your Networking.

There is something running that prevents the server from cleanly telling the game on your HD what is going on.

You've integrated the game into Steam, right?

Get a copy of blackvipers services guide, use autopatcher, or grab gamegain to free up resources for Counterstrike. A quick run of some Ram freeing utility that allows you to force unused DLLs out of ram (Tweak Xp does this, but there are others).

Things you don't want running behind an online shooter:


Any Other Downloading software

Any application that has Automatic Updates enabled (Realplayer, Quicktime, Windows update, etc.)

Any cleaning application

You want all available resources for the game.

Are you using SP2? Firewall? Make sure Counterstike is allowed to pass.


I've tried Steam solutions, tried steam forums and no one replies :| :odd:, tried disabling all unneeded services such as AV, anything that autoupdates.

  Mystr-.-Ajay said:
check your rates. also, type "net_graph 3" in console, join server, and tell us what your choke and loss are. if they are both 0 we know it is actual fps related, but if they are alot higher it is to do with your rates or network settings.


There both at 10, for a a couple of seconds choke went to 10, but then back to 0 and stayed there. heres a screen.


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  Mystr-.-Ajay said:
do you get the same problem if you make a listen server? e.g. connected to a server on a LAN or on your own PC.


Yes, tried playing on a LAN server or be the host of one, using bots, get the same problem :|

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