MPAA targets TV download sites

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I know im all on your sides here. But the problem comes in on the quality. Most Rls are in HDTV. Lots of us dont pay for that service so if we think about it....But its not stopping me watching some ****ty cable one.


I sincerely doubt the legal action would be dropped if everyone only downloaded normal quality episodes :no:

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Here in France I want to see " Joey " but you have to wait almost a year to see any new episod it's very very long that's why I'm downl. every episod, I know it's bad But it's Joeyyyy :cry:

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downloading tv shows is the exact same as a DVR. There are no commercials, do you honestly think people who record tv shows with a DVR or VCR don't fast forward through commercials? No one sits through commercials if you don't have to, the television rips on the internet just save you that time of fast forwarding.

why would they even bother bringing up HD releases, HD is free over air just like regular for your basic local channels.

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I can't do anything i used to do anymore :cry:

i am seriously considering to do a drive by. Does anyone know where the MPAA's main building is??

Edited by Chad
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I already have 2 tivo's, and still miss shows on occasion due to them running 1.5 to 2 hour long finale's, or scheduling the show to start at 7:03 and end at 8:03 so that your tivo can't switch to another program. If I miss the end of Lost because they took away "X" site, i'm going to be :angry: :angry: :angry: . My dvd is on preorder, but I don't want to wait until Sept. to see it. I can see the problem if you're sharing HBO or cable shows, but OTA shows? That's just stupid, and turns more and more people off to their shows.

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so hows this any different from having a dvd recorder/tivo/VCR ???? i think this whole MPAA/RIAA thing is a huge hypocracy and some sort of conspiracy ... it doesnt make sense.

and how does the MPAA sue for tv?



grow up>

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i know i wont say anything that hasnt been stated before but just to get it off my chest.

the mpaa sucks more ass than usual this time. so i cant even download the shows that i actually like that you make? and u do this right at the season finale part of the year? yeah u ******s can dress it up however you want but this is bull**** and you just want to squeeze every dollar you can out of the advertisers on your shows. its not about the consumers/fans its about your bottom line and the desire to get every possible ratings point to jack up your rates.


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I can't do anything i used to do anymore :cry:?

i am seriously considering to do a drive by. Does anyone know where the MPAA's main building is??


TV is your life? Ooooook...thats enough to tell me that your "drive-by" would be no more than an angry "DIE MPAA" email.

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I am soooo f-ucking tired of MPAA! they are destroying my life!

I can't do anything i used to do anymore :cry: 

i am seriously considering to do a drive by. Does anyone know where the MPAA's main building is??


Call me up, I'll be more than happy to join you.

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I have to agree that the mpaa are bulls***ing. surely TV shows ensure that they cover their costs by making contracts with tv stations. The whole thing that by downloading them you are taking their precious money is just plain wrong. It's different with films because if you dl a film then you wont go and see it and therefore money is taken from the industry. But if i dont go and watch the adverts in between an episode of something on TV they dont make any less money.

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I guess this makes sense for premium channels, but for tv shows on channels like NBC and CTV, its pointless. I can just as easily go and record a show and show it to all my friends on tape or my PVR. Idiots I tells ya.

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Call me up, I'll be more than happy to join you.


let's do it iraqi style :devil: instead of a drive-by, how about a drive-in?
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Well, it sounds like a majority of us here on basically on the same side here. Is there some way that we can actually form a real alliance and get something done? I thought about sending a letter to my congressman, but honestly, I don't think it will do any good. It seems as if the US gov't only sides w/ the group w/ the most money and most political power. I get the feeling that the citizens of this country don't mean anything any more. Oh and if those groups like the **AA have so much money, then why should they friggin care how much they lose? It's because they are so GREEDY!

I'm basically referring to people of the US here to form a group. Although, an international one at some point would probably work too.

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Have any trackersite gone into court with the MPAA, and lost? Or have they just shut down the site and the MPAA have settled with that?


None to date. Dont even know if some have been actually sued. They "say" so and then the sites go down.

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They havent taken down that site which you are not meant to name, if you go to their irc channel they are very much alive still, i think they took the site down themselves.


Now if it's the EFNet IRC channel, it's now by invite only....

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Yet another reason to have my pcHDTV card in my MythTV box. No need to download. Just capture, strip the commercials, and reencode to a smaller format. Keeps me clean from the MPAA and lets me exercise my Fair Use rights.


brilliant :yes: :yes:

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I don't care if it's illegal and immoral, I'm not waiting 12 months for the new family guy series to be shown in britain.

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I have to agree that the mpaa are bulls***ing. surely TV shows ensure that they cover their costs by making contracts with tv stations. The whole thing that by downloading them you are taking their precious money is just plain wrong. It's different with films because if you dl a film then you wont go and see it and therefore money is taken from the industry. But if i dont go and watch the adverts in between an episode of something on TV they dont make any less money.


While I disagree with their actions, your assertions are incorrect. The commercials are paid for by the network which receives its payment based on ratings.

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