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Neowin's Freeware Alternative List


Updated by Simon, 27th November 2005

Originally compiled by sanctified, thanks to Neowin members.

Items marked in bold are new additions.

3D Graphics:

3Delight Free - http://www.3delight.com/index.htm

Anim8or - http://www.anim8or.com/

Aqsis - http://www.aqsis.com/

Blender - http://www.blender3d.org/

Houdini (Free Edition) - http://www.sidefx.com/apprentice/index.html

Maya Personal Learning Ed. - http://www.alias.com/eng/products-services..._maya_ple.shtml

Now3D - http://digilander.libero.it/giulios/Eng/homepage.htm

OpenFX - http://www.openfx.org

POV-Ray - http://www.povray.org/

SOFTIMAGE|XSI EXP - http://www.softimage.com/products/exp/v3/

Terragen - http://www.planetside.co.uk/terragen/

Toxic - http://www.toxicengine.org/

Wings 3D - http://www.wings3d.com/


a-squared - http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/

AntiVir - http://www.free-av.com/

Avast - http://www.avast.com/i_idt_1018.html

AVG - http://free.grisoft.com/

BitDefender - http://www.bitdefender.com

ClamWin - http://www.clamwin.com/

Anti Spyware:

Ad-aware - http://www.lavasoft.de/software/adaware/

Bazooka - http://www.kephyr.com/spywarescanner/index.html

CWShredder - http://www.intermute.com/spysubtract/cwshr...r_download.html

Hijackthis - http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/downloads.html

Microsoft AntiSpyware - http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/s...re/default.mspx

SpyBot Search & Destroy - http://spybot.safer-networking.de/

SpywareBlaster - http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html

SpywareGuard - http://www.wilderssecurity.net/spywareguard.html

WinPatrol - http://www.winpatrol.com/

Audio Creation

Gungirl Sequencer - http://ggseq.sourceforge.net/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage

HammerHead - http://www.threechords.com/hammerhead/introduction.shtml

Jesusonic - http://www.jesusonic.com/soft.php

KRISTAL Audio Engine - http://www.kreatives.org/kristal/index.php

orDrumbox - http://ordrumbox.sourceforge.net/

Tu2 - http://www.brambos.com/news.html

Audio Players:

1by1 - http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/~pesch

Billy - http://www.sheepfriends.com/?page=billy

CoolPlayer - http://coolplayer.sourceforge.net/

DeejaySystem MK1 - http://www.deejaysystem.com/prod_mk1.asp

DeliPlayer. http://www.deliplayer.com/

Foobar 2000 - http://www.foobar2000.org/

iTunes - http://www.apple.com/itunes/

Jet Audio Basic - http://www.jetaudio.com/

Mixere - http://mixere.sourceforge.net/

Mixxx - http://mixxx.sourceforge.net/

monoRAVEik - http://www.mono211.com/monoraveik/mr1200.html

MoreAmp - http://sourceforge.net/projects/moreamp/

Musik - http://musik.berlios.de/

musikCube - http://www.musikcube.com/

QCD Player - http://www.quinnware.com/

Sonique - http://sonique.lycos.com/

Winamp - http://www.winamp.com/

XMPlay - http://www.un4seen.com/xmplay.html

Zinf - http://www.zinf.org/

Audio Tools:

Audacity - http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

AudioShell - http://www.softpointer.com/AudioShell.htm

BeSweet - http://dspguru.doom9.net/

CDex - http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/

dBpowerAMP Music Converter - http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm

EAC - http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/

Encounter 2003 - http://www.waschbusch.com/

GermaniXEncoder - http://www.germanixsoft.de/

K-MP3 - http://www.katarncorp.com/

KraMixer - http://www.kramware.com/

MP3 Book Helper - http://mp3bookhelper.sourceforge.net/

MP3 Tag - http://www.mp3tag.de/

Mp3 Tag Tools - http://massid3lib.sourceforge.net/

mp3DirectCut - http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/~pesch/

MP3Gain - http://www.geocities.com/mp3gain/

mp3Trim - http://www.logiccell.com/~mp3trim/

MusicBrainz - http://musicbrainz.org/

Rarewares - http://rarewares.hydrogenaudio.org/

SoundEngine Free - http://www.cycleof5th.com/en/index.htm

TagScanner - http://xdev.narod.ru/tagscan_e.htm

The GodFather - http://users.otenet.gr/~jtcliper/tgf/

TigoTago - http://www.tigotago.com/

CD/DVD Burning:

Burn4Free - http://www.burn4free.com/

Burnatonce - http://www.burnatonce.com/

Burrrn - http://www.burrrn.net/

CDBurnerXP - http://www.cdburnerxp.se/

CDRDAO - http://cdrdao.sourceforge.net/

CDR Tools Frontend - http://demosten.com/cdrfe/

Deepburner - http://www.deepburner.com/

DVD Decrypter: http://www.dvddecrypter.com/

Easy Burning, DropCD & Audio CD - http://www.paehl.de/cdr

ImgBurn - http://www.imgburn.com/

Compression / Decompression:

7-zip - http://www.7-zip.org/

bzip2 - http://sources.redhat.com/bzip2/index.html

ExtractNow - http://www.extractnow.com/

FilZip - http://www.filzip.com/

Info-Zip - http://www.info-zip.org/

IZArc - http://www.florida.plus.com/izarc/

QuickZip - http://www.quickzip.org/

TUGZip - http://www.tugzip.com/

UPX - http://upx.sourceforge.net/

Zip&Go - http://www.handybits.com/zipngo.htm

Zipgenius - http://www.zipgenius.it/

Defrag Software:

DIRMS & Buzzsaw - http://www.dirms.com/

OpenVMS - http://www.execsoft.com/freeware/freeware.asp

Desktop Enhancements:

AveDesk - http://www.aqua-soft.org/board/showthread.php?t=17372

CursorXP - http://www.stardock.com/products/cursorxp/download.html

Desktop Sidebar - http://www.desktopsidebar.com/

Filehand - http://www.filehand.com/

Glass2k - http://www.chime.tv/products/glass2k.shtml

Kapsules - http://kapsules.shellscape.org/

Konfabulator - http://www.konfabulator.com/info

Lost Goggles - http://www.lostgoggles.com/

MobyDock - http://www.mobydock.com/

Panorama - http://www.ivory.org/panorama.html

Rainlendar - http://www.ipi.fi/~rainy/index.php?pn=proj...ject=rainlendar

RunFast - http://www.idiogensoftware.com/runfast/index.htm

Samurize - http://www.samurize.com/

SlickRun - http://www.bayden.com/SlickRun/

Snippy - http://www.bhelpuri.net/Snippy/

TaskSwitchXP Pro - http://www.ntwind.com/taskswitchxp/

tclock2 - http://home.inreach.com/2tone/tclock2/tclock2.htm

Trip - http://trip.glenmurphy.com/

Weather Watcher - http://www.singerscreations.com/

WinRoll - http://www.palma.com.au/winroll/

Download managers:

Free Download Manager - http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/

Fresh Download - http://www.freshdevices.com/freshdown.html

LeechGet - http://www.leechget.net/en/

Retriever - http://www.halogenware.com/software/retriever.html

Star Downloader - http://www.stardownloader.com/downloads.php

Sun Download Manager - http://www.sun.com/download/sdm/index.xml

wackget - http://millweed.com/projects/wackget/

wget - http://xoomer.virgilio.it/hherold/

WellGet - http://www.wellget.com/

Encryption and data security:

Axcrypt - http://axcrypt.sourceforge.net/

Blowfish Advanced CS- http://web.bsn.ch/lasse/bfacs.htm

Eraser - http://www.heidi.ie/eraser/default.php

File Shredder - http://www.sys-shield.com/fileshredder.htm

KeePass - http://keepass.sourceforge.net/

GnuPG - http://www.gnupg.org/

PGP Freeware - http://www.pgp.com/products/freeware.html

PicoCrypt - http://picofactory.com/picocrypt.html

TrueCrypt - http://www.truecrypt.org/

WindowsCleaner - http://www.winnowsoft.com/internet-eraser.htm

File Managers:

2xExplorer - http://netez.com/2xExplorer/

A43 - http://www.shawneelink.net/~bgmiller/

ExplorerXP - http://www.explorerxp.com

freeCommander - http://www.freecommander.com/index_en.htm

Gyula's Navigator - http://www.wanari.com/

JExplorer - http://home.megapass.co.kr/~woosjung/

MeeSoft Commander - http://meesoft.logicnet.dk/

File repair and recovery:

PC Inspector File Recovery - http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/UK/welcome.htm


Jetico Personal Firewall - http://www.jetico.com/index.htm#/jpfirewall.htm

Kerio (Kerio Personal Firewall is FREE for home and personal use) - http://www.kerio.com/kpf_home.html

NetVida Safetynet - http://www.netveda.com/consumer/safetynet.htm

Outpost Firewall (version 1 is free) - http://www.agnitum.com/download/outpost1.html

SoftPerfect Personal Firewall - http://www.softperfect.com/products/firewall/

Sygate - http://smb.sygate.com/products/spf_standard.htm

Wyvern Firewall 2004 - http://www.wyvernworks.com/firewall.html

Zonealarm Basic firewall -


FTP Clients:

CoreFTP - http://www.coreftp.com/

Filezilla - http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla

miFiles - http://www.simdata.com.au/mifiles.html

SmartFTP - http://www.smartftp.com/

FTP Servers:

Cerberus - http://www.cerberusftp.com/

FileZilla - http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/

Golden FTP Server - http://www.goldenftpserver.com

GuildFTPD - http://www.totalshareware.com/asp/detail_v...pplication=8334

Quick 'n Easy FTP Server - http://www.pablovandermeer.nl/ftp_server.html

SlimFTPd - http://www.whitsoftdev.com/slimftpd

TYPSoft FTP Server - http://en.typsoft.com/

WarFTPD - http://www.jgaa.com/

HTML Editors:

1st page 2000 - http://www.evrsoft.com/download.shtml

AceHTML - http://freeware.acehtml.com/download.html

Aracnophilia - http://www.arachnoid.com/arachnophilia/

FoxEditor - http://foxeditor.sourceforge.net/

HTML-Kit - http://www.chami.com/html-kit/

NVU - http://www.nvu.com/index.html

Selida - http://www.amaryllis.8m.com/

Trellian webPAGE - http://webpage.vendercom.com/

TSW WebCoder - http://www.tsware.net/

WYSIWYG Web Builder -


Image viewers:

Ahaview - http://www.aha-soft.com/ahaview/ahaviewfree.exe

FastStone Image Viewer - http://www.faststone.org/FSViewerDetail.htm

Irfanview - http://www.irfanview.com/

Picasa - http://www.picasa.com/content/download.php

Shell Extension - http://www.firmtools.com/products/shellextension/

SlowView - http://www.slowview.at/

XNView - http://www.xnview.com/

Instant Messengers:

AMSN - http://amsn.sourceforge.net/index.php

Gaim - http://gaim.sourceforge.net/

Google Talk - http://www.google.com/talk/

IM2: http://www.im2.com

Mercury Messenger - http://www.mercury.to/

Miranda IM - http://www.miranda-im.org/

Pandion - http://www.pandion.be/

PSI - http://psi.affinix.com/

qip - http://www.qip.ru/

Skype - http://www.skype.com/

SIM - http://sim-icq.sourceforge.net/

TerraIM - http://terraim.sourceforge.net/

Trillian Basic - http://trillian.cc/downloads

Internet Explorer Front-Ends:

AM Browser - http://www.ambrowser.com/

AOL Browser - http://beta.aol.com/projects/aolbrowser/

Avantbrowser - http://www.avantbrowser.com/

Maxthon - http://www.maxthon.com/

SlimBrowser - http://www.flashpeak.com/sbrowser/sbrowser.htm

IRC Clients:

BersIRC - http://www.bersirc.com/

BitchX - http://bitchx.org/download.php

HydraIRC - http://www.hydrairc.com/

NodeIRC - http://node.sourceforge.net/

TinyIRC - http://www.tinyirc.net/

XChat - http://www.silverex.org/news/

Mail programs:

Foxmail - http://fox.foxmail.com.cn/english/

i.Scribe - http://www.memecode.com/

Mahogany Mail - http://mahogany.sourceforge.net/

Pegasus Mail - http://www.pmail.com/

PopTray - http://www.poptray.org/

Thunderbird - http://www.mozilla.org/projects/thunderbird/

Anti-spam programs:

K9 - http://www.keir.net/k9.html

MailWasher- http://www.mailwasher.net/

POPFile - http://popfile.sourceforge.net/

SpamBayes - http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/

SpamPal - http://www.spampal.org/

Network Tools:

CMDTime NTP Utility - http://www.softshape.com/download/

Ethereal Protocol Analyzer - http://www.ethereal.com/

Gencontrol - http://www.gensortium.com/products/gencontrol.html

hamachi - http://www.hamachi.cc/

NetMeter - http://readerror.gmxhome.de/

NetProfiles - http://netprofiles.danielmilner.com/

NMap - http://www.insecure.org/nmap/

Ntop - http://www.ntop.org

PingPlotter - http://www.pingplotter.com

PuTTY - http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty

RAS Graph & Stats - http://forum.flashfxp.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2400

RealVNC - http://www.realvnc.com/

TightVNC - http://www.tightvnc.org/

Ultr@VNC - http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net/

WinSCP - http://www.winscp.com/

Office Suite:

602PC Suite free edition - http://www.software602.com/products/pcs/download.html

AbiWord - http://www.abiword.com/

OpenOffice.org - http://www.openoffice.org/

qjot - http://www.xtort.net/xtort/qjot.php

TreeDBNotes - http://www.softviewer.com/treedbnotes/free_index.htm

Partition Managers:

Partition Resizer - http://zeleps.com/

Ranish Partition Manager - http://www.ranish.com/part/

SwissKnife - http://www.compuapps.com/Download/swissknife/swissknife.htm

TestDisk - http://www.cgsecurity.org/index.html?testdisk.html

PDF Utilities:

CutePDF - http://www.cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/writer.asp

Foxit PDF Reader - http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php

Free PDF - http://www.webxd.com/zipguy/frpdfdl.htm

Ghostscript/GSView - http://www.ghostscript.com/

PDF 995 - http://www.pdf995.com/

PDFCreator - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/

PrimoPDF - http://www.primopdf.com/

Photo manipulation and image design:

ArtRage - http://www.ambientdesign.com/artrage.html

Artweaver - http://www.artweaver.de/index.php?en_version

ColorPic - http://www.iconico.com/colorpic/

Deep Paint - http://www.download.com/Deep-Paint/3000-21...tml?tag=lst-2-7

Delineate - http://delineate.sourceforge.net/

iIco - http://www.mintrasystems.com/world/product...duct.php?p=iico

Inkscape - http://www.inkscape.org/

JPEGCrops - http://ekot.dk/programmer/JPEGCrops/

Paint .NET - http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/

Pixia - http://www.ab.wakwak.com/~knight/

Pixie - http://www.nattyware.com/pixie.html

PhotoFiltre - http://www.photofiltre.com/

Sodipodi - http://www.sodipodi.com/

The Gimp - http://www.gimp.org/

Tuxpaint - http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/tuxpaint

Wax - http://www.debugmode.com/wax/

Wink - http://www.debugmode.com/wink/

WinMorph - http://www.debugmode.com/winmorph/


ActivePerl - http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl

BlueJ - http://www.bluej.org/download/download.html

Crimson Editor - http://www.crimsoneditor.com/

Code::Blocks - http://www.codeblocks.org/

Context - http://www.context.cx/

Dev C++ - http://www.bloodshed.net/

Dev Pascal - http://www.bloodshed.net/

Digital Mars C++ - http://www.digitalmars.com/download/freecompiler.html

Eclipse - http://www.eclipse.org/

ExamDiff - http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_examdiff

Freepascal - http://www.freepascal.org/

JCreator LE - http://www.jcreator.com/download.htm

jEdit - http://www.jedit.org/

Metapad - http://www.liquidninja.com/metapad/

Notepad++ - http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm

Notepad2 - http://www.flos-freeware.ch/

Open Watcom - http://www.openwatcom.org/

Pelles C - http://www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc/index.htm

PHP Hypertext Parser - http://www.php.net/

Programmer's Notepad - http://www.pnotepad.org/

PSPad - http://www.pspad.com/

Python - http://www.python.org/

Ruby - http://www.dm4lab.to/~usa/ruby/index_en.html

SharpDevelop - http://www.icsharpcode.net/opensource/sd/

WebMatrix - http://www.asp.net/webmatrix/

WinMerge - http://winmerge.org/

Pop-up Blockers:

Google Toolbar - http://www.google.com/

NoAds - http://www.southbaypc.com/NoAds/

PopUp Stopper - http://www.panicware.com/product_psfree.html

Privoxy - http://www.privoxy.org/

Proxomitron - http://www.proxomitron.info/

RSS Readers:

Ablion - http://www.fileheaven.com/Abilon/download/14059.htm

BlogExpress - http://www.usablelabs.com/productBlogExpress.html

Feedreader - http://www.feedreader.com/

FireANT - http://www.antisnottv.net/

GreatNews - http://www.curiostudio.com/

RssBandit - http://www.rssbandit.org/

RSSOwl - http://www.rssowl.org/

RssReader - http://www.rssreader.com/

RSS Xpress - http://rssxpress.free.fr/en/?page=&idNews=

SharpReader - http://www.sharpreader.net/

System Information and monitoring:

AIDA32 - http://www.sofotex.com/AIDA32-download_L9326.html

ATITool - http://www.techpowerup.com/atitool/

ATI Tray Tools - http://www.guru3d.com/article/atitraytools/189/

CPU-Z - http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php

Everest - http://www.lavalys.com/products/overview.p...ang=en&pageid=1

Gkrellm - http://bill.nalens.com/

K1 - http://clanpkm.free.fr/K1/?lng=en

Motherboard monitor - http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=311

SpeedFan - http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php

Sysmetrix - http://www.xymantix.com

WCPUID - http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002374/src/download.html

WhatsRunning - http://www.whatsrunning.net/whatsrunning/main.aspx

Video codecs:

DivX Codec - http://www.divx.com/divx/?src=toptab_divx_from_/index.php

FFDSHOW - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdshow

XviD - http://www.xvid.org/

Video players :

AC3Filter - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ac3filter

BsPlayer - http://www.bsplayer.org/

Crystal Player - http://www.crystalplayer.com/index.php?page=downloads

Cygwin MPlayer - http://armory.nicewarrior.org/projects/cygmp/

DivX Player - http://www.divx.com/

MaximusDVD - http://www.maximusdvd.com/

Media Player Classic - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82303

VideoLan - http://www.videolan.org/

Video tools:

DScaler - http://deinterlace.sourceforge.net/

FlasKMPEG - http://www.flaskmpeg.net

GSpot - http://www.headbands.com/gspot/

TMPGEnc - http://www.tmpgenc.net/e_main.html

VCDEasy - http://www.aplusfreeware.com/categories/Au...eo/VCDEasy.html

VirtualDub - http://www.virtualdub.org/

VirtualDubMod - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=65889

Zwei-Stein Video Editor - http://www.thugsatbay.com/software/index.html

Web browsers:

Firefox - http://www.getfirefox.com

K-Meleon - http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/

Mozilla - http://www.mozilla.org/

Netscape - http://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/default.jsp

Opera - http://www.opera.com

Web servers:

Abyss - http://abyss.sourceforge.net/

Apache - http://httpd.apache.org/

Apache2Triad - http://apache2triad.net/

HTTP File Server - http://www.rejetto.com/sw/

Sambar - http://www.sambar.com/

Savant - http://savant.sourceforge.net/

SimpleServer:WWW - http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/sswww.htm

Smart Cache - http://scache.sourceforge.net/

TinyWeb - http://www.ritlabs.com/tinyweb/index.html

Xitami - http://www.xitami.com/

Webcam Software:

booruWebCam - http://www.booru.net/

Dorgem - http://dorgem.sourceforge.net/

grabMotion - http://www.grabmotion.com/

Pryme - http://www.hilo.dk/pryme/

Checksum Utilities:

fsum - http://www.slavasoft.com/fsum/

HashCalc - http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/

hksfv - http://www.big-o-software.com/products/hksfv/

ICEECC - http://www.ice-graphics.com/ICEECC/IndexE.html

md5sum - http://www.etree.org/md5com.html

md5summer - http://www.md5summer.org/

MooSFV - http://www.ubercow.com/moosfv/

QuickPar - http://www.quickpar.org.uk/

QuickSFV - http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Mouse/4668/

General Utilities And Other Applications:

AdShield - http://www.lossepladsen.dk/all4you/TheLostWorld/AdShield.php

AnalogX - http://www.analogx.com/

AppRocket - http://www.candylabs.com/approcket/

AutoIt - http://www.hiddensoft.com/autoit3/

BISS - http://www.bluetack.co.uk/index.php

Celestia - http://www.shatters.net/celestia

CCleaner - http://www.ccleaner.com

ClipX - http://bluemars.org/clipx/

Contact - http://www.isaacboy.com/contact.htm

Cygwin - http://www.cygwin.com

Dir2HTML - http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/dir2html/

Dirkey - http://www.protonfx.com/dirkey/

EasyCleaner - http://personal.inet.fi/business/toniarts/ecleane.htm

EditPad Lite - http://www.editpadpro.com/editpadlite.html

EssentialPIM - http://www.essentialpim.com/

Excessive-software - http://www.excessive-software.eu.tt/

File Transfer Expert - http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/download...re_fte_105.html

Folder Size Extension - http://foldersize.sourceforge.net/

Hamsin Clipboard - http://www.iisr-cnc.com/hamsin/

HTTrack - http://www.httrack.com/

Inno Setup - http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php

KeyNote - http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html

Language Identifier - http://www.languageidentifier.com/

Link Checker - http://www.relsoftware.com/rlc/

Memtest-86 - http://www.memtest86.com

Money Manager - http://www.thezeal.com/software/manager/default.asp

Multi Install - http://multiinstall.sourceforge.net/

MWSnap - http://www.mirekw.com/winfreeware/mwsnap.html

NetTime - http://nettime.sourceforge.net

Nullsoft Installer - http://www.nullsoft.com/free/nsis

Open Subfolder - http://www.bubblepop.com/opensubfolder/index.html

Peerguardian - http://www.methlabs.org/

Process Explorer (aka ProcessXP) -


png2ico - http://winterdrache.de/freeware/png2ico

RegSeeker - http://www.hoverdesk.net/freeware.htm

Restoration - http://www3.telus.net/mikebike/RESTORATION.html

Startup Control Panel - http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml

Stickies - http://finiteloop.org/~btaylor/software/stickies/

StrokeIt - http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/

Syncback - http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/freeware-hub.html

Sysinternals - http://www.sysinternals.com/

Toolbox - http://www.sil.org/computing/toolbox/

TreeSize - http://www.jam-software.com/freeware/index.shtml

TuneXP - http://www.driverheaven.net/dforce/showdoc.php?doc=txp_about

Turbo Pad - http://turbopad.sourceforge.net/

Unlocker - http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/

URLSnooper - http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mous...oper/index.html

Vim - http://vim.sourceforge.net

WeathAlert - http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/stu/msowul/?page=weathermain

WordWeb - http://wordweb.info/free/

XP AntiSpy - http://www.xpantispy.org/

YourDir - http://www.primeoption.com.au/FreewareYourDir.htm

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  Synthetic Girl said:

Just a note, the URL for GAIM under instant messengers is incorrect. You are missing the "A" in "gaim".

someone already said that..

  soothsayer said:

The link for gaim is spelled incorrectly.

http://gim.sourceforge.net/ should be http://gaim.sourceforge.net/

This list is amazing, I'm finding a bunch of cool programs that I never knew existed.


  • 0

Flash Movie Player http://www.eolsoft.com/freeware/flash_movie_player/

* Flash Movie Player is absolutely free - no nag screens, no ads, no spyware, no time limit.

* Allows to rewind swf movies, animations and Flash games to any position in playing or paused mode.

* Opens exe projector files from version 4 to version 7 and works with them same way as with ordinary SWF files (allows rewinding, etc.)

* Flash Movie Player can extract flash movies from exe projector files and save them in SWF format.

* Supports Playlists. Playlist entry editor, sorting functions.

* Has full screen mode with auto-hiding navigation bar.

* All other Macromedia Flash Player standard features (zoom, quality select, repeat, scale mode select).

* Snapshots creationNew! : allows to create snapshot of any animation's frame and save the image in Jpeg or Bmp format.

* Hotkeys for all frequent operations.

* Has Drag-n-drop support.

* The executable has small size and low system requirements.

* Multilingual interface. (18 Languages supported at the moment).

* Allows to explore cached SWF files. (Add swf files from IE, Firefox and Opera cache to playlist).

  • 0


ClipMagic http://www.clipmagic.com/index.html

Now freeware.

ClipMagic is a powerful Clipboard Extender and Information Manager for storing Images and Text, either automatically or manually in a categorised format, with details of the URL if the text is from an Internet site.

To save something simply copy it to the Windows Clipboard by pressing CTRL-C or right click on the mouse and select Copy. ClipMagic then automatically stores it and if you have set up Rules & Filters the clip will be moved into a particular category.

Clips can easily be retrieved either by copying from ClipMagic and pasting into your application or by using HotKeys or using the new PastePicker.

  • 0


Aud-X http://www.aud-x.com/

Aud-X is the name of a completely new surround sound encoder and decoder created by group of audio enthusiasts and professionals joined with love to the Cinema. For a long time people converted DVDs to Divx/Xvid with mp3 stereo sound. We have all felt that part of the orginal masterpiece was gone forever (the surround sound). The main Aud-X project task was to bring to people an easy technology for encoding Divx/Xvid movies with 5.1 sound the same way they used to do it with the simple mp3 stereo encoders. Since Aud-X 5.1 sounds great at 128 kbps and is compatible with AVI ? you can reencode DVDs the same way you are used to, but with full surround sound.

  • 0
  CoolCatBad said:


ClipMagic http://www.clipmagic.com/index.html

Now freeware.

ClipMagic is a powerful Clipboard Extender and Information Manager for storing Images and Text, either automatically or manually in a categorised format, with details of the URL if the text is from an Internet site.

To save something simply copy it to the Windows Clipboard by pressing CTRL-C or right click on the mouse and select Copy. ClipMagic then automatically stores it and if you have set up Rules & Filters the clip will be moved into a particular category.

Clips can easily be retrieved either by copying from ClipMagic and pasting into your application or by using HotKeys or using the new PastePicker.

Um.... take a look at page 10 mate. Please don't take offence, just letting you know :)

  • 0

HDClone http://www.miray.de/download/sat.hdclone.html

Copies smaller onto larger drives for migrating or backing up complete installations as well as for data rescuing. The download package contains a program to easily a bootable floppy disk or CD/DVD under Windows with only few clicks. A floppy image, ISO image, and manual as PDF are also enclosed.

  • 0

Network Tools

Free Disks Monitoring http://www.tools4ever.com/products/free/fr...oring-software/

Monitor the disk space usage of the disks of all your Microsoft Windows Servers in your network. The provided information can also be printed for documentation purposes. This means you can prevent problems before they occur. This program is designed with "easy to use" as key aspect. The interface is straightforward and using the "Add Disks Wizard", it is easy to find the disks in your network.

  • 0



summary from publisher's site:

PowerPro lets you take control of how you use Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. Run commands and configure your system any way you want.

PowerPro gives you a compact and powerful launch bar, menu, and tray icon facility. But this is just the start. With a little experimenting with its configuration, you'll find that you can use PowerPro to change the way you work with your system. The source of its power is the way PowerPro integrates three capabilities:

Running commands: <xhowlaunch.htm> Tool bars, tray icons, hot keys, mouse actions, menus, timer, scheduler.

Controlling other program's windows: <xconfig.htm> Close, minimize, maximize, roll-up to caption, tray minimize, position.

Providing utility functions: <xutils.htm> Send keystrokes to programs, run commands when windows first open, virtual desktops, clipboard extender, keyboard macros, shutdown, show all folder files in a menu, sounds, wallpaper, and screensaver activation and randomization.

  • 0


IcoFX http://icofx.xhost.ro/

* Support for Vista icon with PNG compression

* Create icons for Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista

* Support for transparency (alpha channel)

* More than 40 effects + custom filter

* Resolutions up to 256x256

* Data types: 2, 16, 256, True Color, True Color + Alpha

* Extract icons from 32 bit exe and dll

* Import and export images

* Transparent, Brighten/Darken, Blur/Sharpen tools

  • 0

KO Approach http://www.koapproach.com/

KO Approach helps you access your files quicker. All you have to do is click on any folder in Windows Explorer and leave the mouse button pressed for a while. A menu will appear shortly displaying the contents of the folder that you have just clicked.

Navigate to an item buried deeply in your folder structure and double-click it. VOILA!!!

With KO Approach you can also preview pictures instantly. The supplied plugin can display thumbnails of most common graphics formats, right from KO Approach menus


  • 0

AcroPAD http://www.acropad.com/index.htm

Dreamscape AcroPAD is a simple Notepad-like program with PDF conversion capability and a useful button toolbar (like WordPad or Microsoft WinWord). The program is completely freeware and doesn't write any nag on the generated PDF file - use and redistribute it freely!

  • 0

CCCP http://www.cccp-project.net/

The CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) is a filter pack specifically built for playing anime. It has been assembled by some of the most knowledgeable people in the anime world, and one of the primary design goals is to play as much as possible with as little as possible. The CCCP attempts to be as unintrusive on your system as possible.

I hope this is added because this is a very good codec pack that can play a wide range of video formats.

  • 0

Autohotkey http://www.autohotkey.com/

AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:

* Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a mouse or keyboard macro by hand or use the macro recorder.

* Create hotkeys for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.

* Expand abbreviations as you type them. For example, typing "btw" can automatically produce "by the way".

* Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See GUI for details.

* Remap keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.

* Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the WinLIRC client script.

* Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with new capabilities.

* Convert any script into an EXE file that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.

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