[Definitive] Sony PS3 Thread

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AW, is that the spider-man font? Damn, that font has GOT to die


HAHAHA you're RIGHT, that totally is! How hilarious! Spent so much on Cell they couldn't afford a unique typeface hehheh. Who knows, may not be the final design anyway. :ninja:

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I personally like the XBOX 360 design more... and the PS3 controller doesn't LOOK as good as the XBOX controller, but we won't know which is better until they're in our hands. I suppose the design point is the same. I didn't really find the GameCube design pleasing, but when I saw it in person, how small it was and how simple it was, I really liked it.

My beef is I don't see Sony and Nintendo being able to compete with MS on the services front. Live already has over 1.5 million subscribers and is the best online experience for consoles evern concieved. Xenon will make it easier than ever to develop games for the system, and XBOX 360 has integration with all of Microsoft's newest Windows Media technologies out of the box. An extra TFlop of performance won't mean a thing to me if Sony can't deliver an equal overall experience that MS can on the XBOX 360. I already know it will have awesome games, the current exclusive franchises MS has are already great, and I'm sure there will be plenty of excellent new games. I guess my question is, what will Sony come up with to make people like me purchase their system? I don't have 2 TVs and I can't afford 7 controllers and the ability to have three more people play on one console is not enticing enough to make me buy this system anyway.

I want PS3 to be great, I don't care what system is superior, I just want an awesome system. If all three consoles are equally enticing, I will buy all three, no doubt. But right now, even with an extra TFlop of performance, the 360 still looks better to me overall. Has anyone heard ANYTHING at all about what kind of integration the other two sistems will have with other appliances or what extra features they have beyond gaming? I know the hardcore gamers are going to say "if you want to do more than games then buy a Media Center PC or a DVR or whatever and leave the consoles to the games". But I don't think I'm in the minority anymore in saying that when I'm shelling out $300+ for a system I expect it to do more than just play games. I don't own a DVD player, I use my XBOX. When I get XBOX 360, I won't own a DVR, I'll use the XBOX 360. That's what I expect, will Sony and Nintendo deliver? I hope so...

[EDIT] Actually, if all three consoles are equally enticing, I would go with the XBOX 360 by default because of its integration with Windows technologies and Live. Also because I can't miss Halo 3 or the next Fable or any of Bioware's upcoming titles and a few I'm probably forgetting. I'll probably also end up having to buy Nintendo's system because I couldn't live with myself not owning the next Mario, Zelda and Metroid games. [/EDIT]

Edited by CrimsonBlur
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I am not a big console gamer, but I have never seen a more cooler or slicker console than the PS3.

I might just buy it coz it looks damn good!

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i like the ps3 design, but maybe not the controller


Get that image out of your sig. That is way too big.

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Looking at the controller, I can see that it's aimed squarely at securing the Japanese female market, well-known for their rough, habitual masturbation at all hours of the day.

Which also explains why it supports seven at once. :shifty:

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Looking at the controller, I can see that it's aimed squarely at securing the Japanese female market, well-known for their rough, habitual masturbation at all hours of the day.

Which also explains why it supports seven at once.  :shifty:


Right... :blink:

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I'd like to use this to kill every Sony fanboy who cracked jokes about how the Xbox 1's controller wasn't small enough even for Shaq when the Xbox was preparing to come out. :shifty:

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Here's the reality check for myself:

- XBOX 360 Console: Very Ugly / PS3 Console: Hmm. Yummy :) One of the best designs

- XBOX 360 Controller: Just OK / PS3 Controller: Ugly

Although without using both controllers, cant say which one is more ergonomic...

And with 1080p and those specs; as i expected Sony won the specRace :)

Cool I/O options (richer than XBOX360) and a powerful combination of Cell & Nvidia solution this monster will rock baby:)

Edited by yodat
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Woah. Up until now I'd been wondering whether Sony were going to pull a nifty looking console out of their hats to compete with the XBox 360. To be honest, this design makes me want an Xbox.

The controller looks dangerous. I'm quite disappointed there's no possibility to use PS2 controllers in the system, like the PS2 could use PSOne controllers.

karl.tacheron mentioned the font on the actual system, and I have to agree. This is a particularly ugly font to use for a next generation console. It's like it's trying to be futuristic and high tech.

I much prefer the PS2's finish because it doesn't get greasy if you touch it. The PS3 however is very similar in finish to the PSP, which seems to get finger prints on just by looking at it.

I really, really hope that Sony change the design by the release date.

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has anybody seen this yet:



Thanks for the heads up :)

This machine is amazing :)


One important note from that article for PC Side:

"NVIDIA also mentioned that the RSX offers performance stronger than two GeForce 6800 Ultra SLI GPUs and is based on their next-generation GF70 architecture."

If G70 is really that powerful, the next gen for PC graphics gonna shine...

The rumours about ATI says that they don't have this much horse power...

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I lost a banana a month ago... I'd never expect that Sony stole it and would try to pawn it off as a controller :no:

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I lost a banana a month ago... I'd never expect that Sony stole it and would try to pawn it off as a controller :no:


Sorry, but that one sad trolling attempt.. :no:

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Here's the reality check for myself:

- XBOX 360 Console: Very Ugly / PS3 Console: Hmm. Yummy :) One of the best designs

- XBOX 360 Controller: Just OK / PS3 Controller: Ugly

Although without using both controllers, cant say which one is more ergonomic...

And with 1080p and those specs; as i expected Sony won the specRace :)

Cool I/O options (richer than XBOX360) and a powerful combination of Cell & Nvidia solution this monster will rock baby:)


more like ps3 console design ripped off from a BOSE DVD player thats included in a home theater system

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OH MY GOD, the Final Fantasy VII tech demo looked bloody awesome, i REALLY hope they cash in on it and do a remake for the PS3, if they do im getting one just for FF7

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OH MY GOD, the Final Fantasy VII tech demo looked bloody awesome, i REALLY hope they cash in on it and do a remake for the PS3, if they do im getting one just for FF7


I know To be able to Play The Remake of FF7 In Those Graphics Would be Heaven!!!!! :D

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how is that suppose to kill Sony? Xbox has it's glory and once people are ready to move onto something better (more importantly afford to throw away around another $300) then they can pick up a PS3, that's actually an EXTREMLY smart move on Sony's part

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