[Definitive] Sony PS3 Thread

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It also gives Sony the chance to see how the Xbox360 runs compared to the PS3. They can make improvements in parts that the Xbox360 lacks support in. Sony can even add new effects on the PS3 that the Xbox360 doesn't have. From what I can see Sony is smart to release it a year later.

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OH MY GOD, the Final Fantasy VII tech demo looked bloody awesome, i REALLY hope they cash in on it and do a remake for the PS3, if they do im getting one just for FF7


UPDATE: There will not be a Final Fantasy VII remake for PS3. Repeat, there will not be a remake. But, there will be a new Final Fantasy game. We'll have info on that as it happens.


The tech demo got me excited for a remake too, but the upside is that there's a new game coming :D

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PS3 controller looks good for double-poking little kids in the eye when they wanna play dragonball Z and youre busy with GT5... word cotton

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From what I can see Sony is smart to release it a year later.


Nobody said that when the Xbox and GC were released after the PS2. Everybody still says that to this day Sony won out because they released first... :huh: Contradiction runs rampant.

Anyway, judging on looks, the PS3 is a big let down. It looks like a sleeker version of the Panasonic 3DO. This thing just screams of Sony's masterplan to release a PS3 slim version in a couple of years. And the controller is hidious. Look how far you have to stretch your thumbs out to use the analog sticks...and why is Sony still making the D-pad the primary control?

Oh well, if this is the confirmed and official PS3, bleh. I like the x2 HDMI outputs and it has a ton of connection possibilities and media options, but it just is not appealing to me.

Edited by soloredd
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OH MY GOD, the Final Fantasy VII tech demo looked bloody awesome, i REALLY hope they cash in on it and do a remake for the PS3, if they do im getting one just for FF7


I need to see this tech demo. Where is it?

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I don't have a PS or Xbox so I don't have a favourite either way, but IMO the Xbox 360 impressed me more on first impressions than the PS3. I Don't like the PS3 controller much, but until you hold these things it's hard to tell...

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Look how far you have to stretch your thumbs out to use the analog sticks...and why is Sony still making the D-pad the primary control?

Streach? Have you even looked at the size of these things... they aren't big... the PS3 stand at around 13inches and the controller next to it is small... that controller is like EXTREMLY small... there's no streaching required

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GT5 is slated to finally have car damage in it. Should be interesting to see considering the ps3 should easily handle the calculations needs to accurately show damage on the models.


Yeah! Finally damage feature on GT5. I hope it comes true :yes:

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i think im sold on being a playstation fan...

The RSX GPU offers dual screen output, with each output offering a resolution of up to 1080p resolution (1920 x 1080). WITH 2x HDMI .. this will probably be my next consoul... just for the GREAT resolution

but i have to wait to see what MS really unveals

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Indeed, its a lot more powerful than the "leaked" specs made it out to be, im just about to watch the Microsoft Press Conference, already seen the PS3 one and to be honest the console is better than expected, but nothing really stood out to me. Vision GT looks just like GT4, the F1 game didnt look all that impressive, there was only 2 games that stood out in my mind (apart from the FF7 tech demo) and that was Killzone and that offroad racing game i forget the name of.

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"NVIDIA also mentioned that the RSX offers performance stronger than two GeForce 6800 Ultra SLI GPUs and is based on their next-generation GF70 architecture."

If G70 is really that powerful, the next gen for PC graphics gonna shine...

The rumours about ATI says that they don't have this much horse power...


lmao, nice one. Everything we've heard so far points the Xbox 360 to have a better GPU. Like I said if RSX is anything like G70, it will be available for PC this year. ATI's eDRAM thing could come late next year.

Indeed, its a lot more powerful than the "leaked" specs made it out to be.


More powerful ? Leaked specs had a 4GHz processor... and PS3 was supposed to have 3-4 times more power than the Xbox 360.

Sony underwhelmed me with the technical aspect of the console and impressed with the games.

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Is it just me, or does the controller look like a boomerang? Did they really need to make those handles so long? It looks like 2 penises growing out of the side of it :p

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Kinda little off topic but i wanted to write about it...

I personally believe that Nvidia G70 will be slightly less powerful than RSX for many reasons but on the other hand at least it'll provide a performance just like/near SLI 6800U's (purely assumption of mine).

Since in latest AMD64 bit Patch Read Me file has a reference bug fix entry for ATI's SM3 hardware, it indicates there are some people running R520 right now. And behind the closed doors i hear the whispers of "good but not great" words... (again i should state that this is a rumour until some legit benchmarks)

lmao, nice one. Everything we've heard so far points the Xbox 360 to have a better GPU. Like I said if RSX is anything like G70, it will be available for PC this year. ATI's eDRAM thing could come late next year.

More powerful ? Leaked specs had a 4GHz processor... and PS3 was supposed to have 3-4 times more power than the Xbox 360.

Sony underwhelmed me with the technical aspect of the console and impressed with the games.


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lmao, nice one. Everything we've heard so far points the Xbox 360 to have a better GPU. Like I said if RSX is anything like G70, it will be available for PC this year. ATI's eDRAM thing could come late next year.


The GPUs are both more or less equal in perfomance, it's the CPU where the PS3 is a fair amount ahead.

The R500 uses 24 pipes @ 500 MHz with a unified shader architecture and embedded ram while the RSX uses 24 pipes @ 550 MHz and the usual seperate pixel and vertex shaders.

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my first impressions was, who ate all the pies? :yes:

Lets hope it plays better than it looks, the xbox looks sexy but that doesn't tell what it will play like.

I would have liked them to have kept the general shape of the dualshock just made it less chunky but not longer.

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Ok, now I'm confused. I thought I saw a discussion here that since the PS3 will now only use 1 Cell process that it will do under a teraflop, but now I'm reading the official specs saying it has 2.18 teraflops of performance. Confused :blink:

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wow this sony fanboy is jumping on the 360 bandwagon... U-G-L-Y


I've read through alot of this thread and all people are mostly talking about is how the consoles look.

Does it matter? I dont cre, it's going to sit on a shelf.


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3 points-

1-Xbox360 looks way better (in my opinion) and no im not a fanboy becos i have a ps1 and ps2. never played an Xbox

2-Are these specs better than Xbox? cos im a n00b

3-Will ps3 hve a better online system (like the 1 on xbox360?

P.s. Damn i hope mgs4 comes out 4 xbox360 cos im prob gna get 1 of em

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Ok, now I'm confused. I thought I saw a discussion here that since the PS3 will now only use 1 Cell process that it will do under a teraflop, but now I'm reading the official specs saying it has 2.18 teraflops of performance. Confused  :blink:


Those are FULL SYSTEM specs:-

XBOX 360 SYSTEM ~1 Teraflop

PS3 SYSTEM ~2.18 TeraFlops

Remember the GPUs are in those figures.

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