[Definitive] Sony PS3 Thread

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true... i aint gonna buy it if its over 300-350 quid on launch... (my personal opinion... well its not worth it... regardless of features... at the end of the day its just a games console... not a pc)


yeah with ?500 you could get a pretty good PC. pricing it that much is just asking for people not to care.

which is why they won't.

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same goes for the xbox may i add... as i do intend to get all 3 consoles... if they take the pi** and overprice them.... then i will be really P!$$?D... and probs wont buy em until prices drop... i was devvoed when xbox price dropped like a month or two after launch:oo hope a repeat doesnt happen with either of the conloses

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yeah i hope the ps3 doesn't have the same problems the first ps2s had. DRE and all with certain types of discs.

in fact, i hope they don't bring back DRE!

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Poor Sony, the PS3 is probably gonna tank unless Blu-Ray becomes widely accepted. Expect seeing the PS3 priced at $399 (if not $449 early on, then dropping to $399) and staying at that price point for at least a year or so, leaving many consumers out of their price range. They may say that PS2 did well also because the system supported the then new DVD. But there weren't multiple video disc formats, were there? Look at the situation now. Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are headed for a harsh collision and it isn't looking good for Sony. They might actually be taking losses on the PS3 (as they were with the PSP)..

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i wouldn't say it's a harsh collision. at the moment sony is in a better position, because they'll be getting millions of ps3 units out there, with blu-ray built in. this will allow gamers to play games and watch hi-def movies without having to buy anything else. sony will also release blu-ray players.

hd-dvd on the other hand will only have the actual players. this means they will be a lot slower at getting their format into the market, and having it being recognised as the hi-def format of the future.

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Poor Sony, the PS3 is probably gonna tank unless Blu-Ray becomes widely accepted. Expect seeing the PS3 priced at $399 (if not $449 early on, then dropping to $399) and staying at that price point for at least a year or so, leaving many consumers out of their price range. They may say that PS2 did well also because the system supported the then new DVD. But there weren't multiple video disc formats, were there? Look at the situation now. Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are headed for a harsh collision and it isn't looking good for Sony. They might actually be taking losses on the PS3 (as they were with the PSP)..


Sony is in alot better position then HD-DVD because not only do they own the blu-ray technology, they also own the rights to the distribution of alot of movies this time around unlike the Betamax era. It would be a shame if the Blu-Ray dies the way of the Betamax because spec wise it is a better product and has alot more future potential. Edited by jmole
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don't know if it's made my neowinians, but: http://www.ps3forums.com


I made one about all the next gen consoles http://forums.teamnextgen.com/ its really new. We are working on getting the site up but we got the forums up :)

Does anyone know when places like IGN and Gamespot will be able to demo the PS3? I am waiting for a preview to see how they like the controller :)

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Off-topic people onneowin must like Revolution and PS3 more than Xbox 360 because more people post in the definitive Ps3 and revloution threads

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Off-topic people onneowin must like Revolution and PS3 more than Xbox 360 because more people post in the definitive Ps3 and revloution threads


I think that's because we know a lot of stuff about the xbox 360, so there isn't a whole lot to talk about. We don't know much about the PS3 and even less about the Revolution so people like to speculate.

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I think that's because we know a lot of stuff about the xbox 360, so there isn't a whole lot to talk about.  We don't know much about the PS3 and even less about the Revolution so people like to speculate.


precisely my friend hit the nail on the head... :woot:

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I think that's because we know a lot of stuff about the xbox 360, so there isn't a whole lot to talk about.  We don't know much about the PS3 and even less about the Revolution so people like to speculate.


well put. that's exactly it imo.

just wait till september. ps3 news will flood in, and then this thread will become virtually dead as well.

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well Sony playstation founder KEn kutragi of whatever hes called already has sounded of the 360 a few times already... saying its going after the PS2 rather than the PS3 and that M$ are playing catchup... seriously i think he is too far big headed and needs to sort his act out..... but i think ur right... october time seems a nice time for sony to sound off the xbox again. lol..... they havent got anything better todo ave they...

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Yea, I am thinking Octoberish for PS3 news to start coming with movies and a lot of screenshots.  Just to snub off the xBox 360 release.


no it'll be september. trust me.

that's when TGS is, so that's when they'll show off a working ps3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i will say sep. they will most likely less in specs because every time something new about the PS3 sony drops something off their consoles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ps3 isnt going to be 399 or 499. sony already announced that the ps3 will not be afordable by the average home user and if you want one you are going to have to work alot of extra hours. and also stated taht ps3 will come out 2007 only if the 360 fails. and it wont but heres to see what happens.

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Updated the main post with some link to games and a link to a PS3 FAQ. :)

man this doesnt look too good NVIDIA CEO Confirms Pricey PS3?

A section of the interview seems to confirm the PlayStation 3's rumored hefty price tag:

But [GeForce] 7800 [GTX] has now firmly exceeded the perceived $499 price barrier...

I'm not even too sure there is a perceived barrier at $499. We need to price it at a level the enthusiasts will buy it at, that's the way that we think about pricing. We think about the pricing of this in the same way that Sony thinks about PlayStation 3's - its not about how much is costs, its about what is the price it needs to sell at, and we need to figure out how to make money underneath that.

What in the world is Sony thinking?:

In late June, Sony's Ken Kutaragi strongly suggested that the system will carry a high price tag when he said, "Our goal for PlayStation 3 is for consumers to think to themselves, 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."

I hope it isnt took expensive :cry:

Edited by American Ninja
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In late June, Sony's Ken Kutaragi strongly suggested that the system will carry a high price tag when he said, "Our goal for PlayStation 3 is for consumers to think to themselves, 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else."

That's moronic IMO. If the price tag gets too high I think people will just think 'why the hell don't I just buy a pc' or will just buy a 360 instead. Kids won't be able to afford it, parents will never buy it for their kids. Sales will be very poor surely?

I really hope Sony know what they're doing with this one...

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