[Definitive] Sony PS3 Thread

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Im getting an PS3 now, i used to think it was dumb and over priced until i saw Tekken 6, Killzone 3 and MGS 4 vids.

Simply Amazing.

The only bummer is no centralized online system like Xbox Live

actually im glad that they don't have a centralized online system.

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actually im glad that they don't have a centralized online system.

it means more work for the developer. Xbox Live makes everything easy. I myself dont want a diff. name per game. And i want my stats to be tracked online (Like Nintendo Wifi and Xbox 360 Gamer card)

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The advantage is that there won't be a monthly fee.

Thats an invalid argument. Nintendo Wifi has a unified online system and guess what? Its absolutely free.

Just because its unified doesnt mean there will be a monthly fee (like Xbox Live). There can be a good system too for free.

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Thats an invalid argument. Nintendo Wifi has a unified online system and guess what? Its absolutely free.

Just because its unified doesnt mean there will be a monthly fee (like Xbox Live). There can be a good system too for free.

Not as many people many on Nintendo Wifi. Less cost to operate. No need for monthly payments. Playstation has 5 times Nintendo's user base.

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Not as many people many on Nintendo Wifi. Less cost to operate. No need for monthly payments. Playstation has 5 times Nintendo's user base.

still, not all the people who buy games go online. Something like 20% do.

45% of mario kart DS users went online.

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still, not all the people who buy games go online. Something like 20% do.

45% of mario kart DS users went online.

In March 2005, 5 million units DSes were sold. Let's say it doubles the number by the end of this holiday season. That's 10 million DSes worldwide. 5 million play online by your facts. Now by your statistics, if 20% of all people who have a PS2 (I'm assuming PS3 will sell the same, or better than the PS2) 20% would be 20 million people. Four times more. Also, let's say the Revolution sells 20 million next gen like this gen. That's 15 million people on Nintendo Wifi. Sony still has a 5 million people more than Nintendo.

But you do have a good point, I mean, if 5 million people are playing on Nintendo Wifi for free and 20% of the people who own XBOX & XBOX 360 (I'm guessing 25million). 5 million people are playing on the LIVE service. How can Nintendo to afford this to give this for free when MS can't.

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I made this video after 2-3 weeks of quality checking and text to audio synching with the help of my friend One here at B3D. The sole reason of this joint project was to help Metalgear series fans to enjoy the most from Kojima and teams efforts. Sorry One, posted it before you. You deserve equal credit no doubt!

This video is the 9min PS3 development kit exhibition from Kojima-san and staff(Takabe-san and Shinkawa-san) at TGS 2005. Where they openly demonstrated and proved that the breathtaking MGS4 trailer was indeed realtime off the unfinished PS3 Dev Kit. In this fansub video you'll see the Kojima team enjoying the demo, pausing, zooming, rotating etc while playing with it. Enjoy.


Source :D Enjoy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i cant wait until they have the final specs/launch date and lineup for this system..i'll most likely get this game system for either launch or post launch..but sony global launch may hurt or have short supply next year but is a great advantage against the xbox360 :)

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All I am hoping for when the PS3 is concerned is for the controller to be retouched before launch. Maybe it'll be like this? :p

That makes no sense...the boomerang design returns to you,m not a frisbee.

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That makes no sense...the boomerang design returns to you,m not a frisbee.

Yeah I just though that :wacko:

But frisbees do return to you if you throw them at a certain angle

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Lol. To be honest, I used to suck at throwing frisbees and they would almost always come back to me. And no, I didn't throw them straight up...at least not intentionally... :shiftyninja:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just stopped at GameStop today to reserve the PS3 but they weren’t taking orders. They said the system won’t even come out till 2007 maybe the end of 2006 in Japan, I was pretty sure that the system was going to come out in March but I read that they were going to delay it for till May or June of this year. That isn’t the only thing they told me, they also said that it will not cost $500 they mentioned the starting price for a blu-ray player is at $1000 dollars and that just a player, Which is something engadget has mentioned, “Watch for the HDV-5000 in April for around $500, which is quite a few pesos less than the Blu-Ray players we've seen. Will price be a major factor in this format war or have the final shots already been fired?” they said it would be suicide for Sony to come out with a $500 system they would have to up the price of game up to 80-100 dollars. They said expect it to sell for at least $800 dollars. I’m not sure but is this the reason why MS did not include the hd-dvd… to cut cost? I’m not really a fan boy, I have a PS2, X-box and gamecube, and I have the 360 and plan on getting both the revolution and the PS3 when they come out. What do you guys think? Please don’t make this a flame-war or something. has anyone tried to pre-order it?

sorry here is the link http://www.engadget.com/2006/01/07/rca-has...o-the-hdv-5000/

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The release of Sony's highly anticipated PlayStation 3 may not occur in the U.S. until the holiday season of 2006, analysts say. Furthermore, in what could be potentially damaging to the gaming console's overall sales, the number of titles available may be far less than competitor Xbox 360.

A working version of the console was notably absent at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, and Sony CEO Howard Stringer left any mention of the PS3 out of his keynote address. A non-working model was displayed behind glass, and only non-playable demos of games were shown at Sony's booth.

The lack of any public comments from Sony regarding the console has led some gaming industry analysts to speculate that the company may miss its spring 2006 target it announced at E3 2005.

Such a miss could become the big story of this year's E3 conference, to be held May 9-12 in Los Angeles.

Expectations as to when the PS3 will launch varies from source to source. According to MarketWatch, William Drewry of Credit Suisse First Boston said a decision to delay had not been made and would be dependent on the ramping up of production of the Cell microprocessor jointly developed between Sony, IBM and Toshiba. He speculated a one to two month delay on the console's launch.

Another analyst, Evan Wilson of Pacific Crest Securities, said a Japan launch would occur during the summer, followed by a U.S. launch in November and European launch in March of next year.

Wilson went even further to say he expected a "weaker" game lineup for the 2006 holiday season.

If such a launch schedule were to be used, Microsoft could have far more Xbox 360s on the market by Christmas, while the PS3 would just begin shipping to retail outlets. Gamers who couldn't find a PS3 may opt for the far more available Microsoft console, analysts speculate.

Microsoft has said it is on track to sell 4.5 to 5 million consoles in its first six months of launch.

A delay of the PS3 could have effects on Sony's business elsewhere. Supporters of Blu-ray, the Sony created next-generation DVD format, are quick to point out a flood of the new PlayStation in consumers' hands would give the format an advantage over HD DVD.

These same analysts also say that Sony faces a problem of cost; if it prices the console too high, gamers could scoff and opt for competing consoles at a much lower price. Some project the PS3 could run over $400 for just a basic version, a full $100 more than the core Xbox 360.

Source: BetaNews

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Don't listen to them. I went in once before Xbox 360 was out and asked them about it (before the launch date or price was announced by Microsoft). They told me that MS told them it was gonna be $600 at least, and games would be $70-$80 a piece. As we all know, things turned out a bit differently on that one.

I believe that GameStop and EB will just blatantly lie to you to try and make you spend your money there and then on an already available system.

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Speculation Speculation. No offense but these posts are getting annoying. I wouldn't be surprise if Sony is keeping there mouth shut and have everything laid out how they want. I'm sure they are laughing at the haters who keep trashing on it. Although, I'm speculating too, but I'm just stating my opinion.

Although I do wish they would stop the suspense and announce the damn thing :p

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