First picture of Nintendo Revolution!

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Christ Almighty, did all the console designers this time around just get beaten with an ugly stick?

Xbox360 - Meh, it's not bad, but I don't see the point of a concave design. Still, the other aspects of its design are decent.

PS3 - I was in a chat room when the first pics got released. Everyone let out a simultaneous, "WTF?" and proceeded to pray that at least the controller would be good. When we saw the controller, again, everyone let out a yelp of despair and started praying for a redesign. If the X360 design is supposed to represent inhaling, then the PS3 seems to represent exhaling. In short, the X360 design sucks, and the PS3 design blows.

Revolution - OK, look, I'm all for minimalistic, and the Revolution accomplishes this. However, it has no style. It's just a shiny black box. It looks more like an external hard drive than anything. A console is supposed to look like a console, not a shiny brick. Maybe I'll like it more when more pics are displayed, but c'mon.

EDIT: OK, I saw more pictures, and I'm liking the Revolution design more. I do have to admit that I'm thrilled to see a slot loader on it (the PS3 has one too, which is sweet). Here's how I'm gonna have to break down the ratings for console design:

Revolution > Xbox360 > PS3

Still need to see the Revolution's controller, though.

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