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RGSPro:do you have a picture selected?also you need to use the welcome screen,goto start/control panel/user accounts/change the way users log on or off/make sure use welcome screen is turned on.if done this and my display picture is being seen,if i have welcome screen off then no pic is seen.

RGSPro:do you have a picture selected?also you need to use the welcome screen,goto start/control panel/user accounts/change the way users log on or off/make sure use welcome screen is turned on.if done this and my display picture is being seen,if i have welcome screen off then no pic is seen.

You are using the Default style too though, where as he is using Royale. So it could be a Royale bug.

On another note... Trillian 3 skin in the works already and partially done :)

Use royale shellstyle:


Ah...that works nicely if you're a royale fan. Great idea. (Y)

Here's Dazzla's shellstyle that he created for Luna Element:

I'll go ahead apologize in advance if anyone's panties get in a wad because of me re-posting this...sorry. :rolleyes:

Well em3 I have to say that this is very clean upgrade to Luna style and I'm personally using it.

It would be great if you could make a silver style, but if you do that please use blue highlights on menus and start menu items. On existing silver one the grey doesn't do it quite right.


Here are answers to some of your questions...

There is nothing wrong with the shellstyle, the color totaly match. I wanted it to match the scrollbar, not the captionbar. Though if Dazzla want to release a new vesion of his shellstyle I'm not going to stop him. ;)

I have never promised a Winamp Skin. :no:

A WB port is being made I think, by SkinStudio. Haven't heard from him in a while though. :huh:

There shouldn't be a user image at the top of the startmenu in Royal Style. I removed it.

The new Normal style top of the startmenu is better imo. If a few people don't agree I'm not going to bother about it. :p

And about the Java Control Panel. I don't use java at all my self so i'm not bothered by this problem. How often do you really use it anyway. :rolleyes:

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