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Which OS Would Run Faster?


Which would run faster and more efficiently on this laptop, Windows 98 SE (Unofficial SP2.0.1) or Windows 2000 SP4?

Intel Pentium III 500 MHz

128 MB PC100 SD-RAM

ATi Rage Mobility (8 MB)


8x DVD

1024x768x32 (75 Hz)

It currently has Windows XP SP2 on it with all visual effects disabled and it's still slow.

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Like the others have said, strip down Windows 2000 and use it.

Heck, even without stripping down the OS, Windows 2000 is a hell lot more reponsive than the 9X OSes.

I don't know about that laptop but I've seen XP Pro run just fine on a crappy 333 MHZ Celeron PC. (It has 256 MBs of RAM, though.)

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I've run XP Home on a laptop with pretty much the same specs except I had 192mb of ram and a 5 or 6gb (no kidding) hard drive. It ran flawlessly from what I remember even with all of the visual effects enabled.

I run 2000 on it now just because it's obviously going to be faster.

So anyway, definitely go with 2000.

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