24 Season 5 Discussion

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Sweet season so far. I finally got caught up. And yeah what is up with there always being a mole in CTU? Don't they check people? Even though he said he thought he was working for the President (can you say BS). And I don't know if Cummings is gonna get caught in the next ep or not cuz in the preview it looked like Mike told the President and he didn't believe Jack so they sent people after Jack for conspiracy or something. I wouldn't count Walt out just yet. I can't wait for next week. This show makes Mondays somewhat bearable.

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Especially since even though the president is supposed to realize about Cummings, he still has people after Jack. That made me wonder if this President is as retarded as he was made out to be last season :laugh:

Great episode though, this is turning out to be better then Season 1 in my opinion. Chloe is funny as hell.

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Theres no way that the hitman cracked one of Bauer's ribs. Only a round house kick from Chuck Norris could ever dream of doing any bodily harm to Jack.

:rofl: rofl @ chuck norris and his random facts

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1.If you wake up in the morning, it?s because Jack Bauer spared your life.

2.Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. Jack Bauer gets played by no man.

3.If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he?d shoot Nina twice.

4.Jack Bauer killed 93 people in just 4 days time. Wait, that is a real fact.

5.Jack Bauer got Hellen Keller to talk.

6.Jack Bauer was never addicted to heroin. Heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer.

7.Jack Bauer?s favorite color is severe terror alert red. His second favorite color is violet, but just because it sounds like violent.

8. 1.6 billion Chinese are angry with Jack Bauer. Sounds like a fair fight.

9.If Jack says ?I just want to talk to him/her? and that him/her is you? well amigo, you?re ****ed.

10.Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.

11.Jack Bauer doesn?t miss. If he didn?t hit you it?s because he was shooting at another terrorist twelve miles away.

12.If you get 7 stars on your wanted level on Grand Theft Auto, Jack Bauer comes after you. You don?t want to get 7 stars.

13.When you open a can of whoop-ass, Jack Bauer jumps out.

14.Jack Bauer does not sleep. The only rest he needs is what he gets when he?s knocked out or temporarily killed.

15.If you are still conscious, it is because Jack Bauer doesn?t want to carry you.

16.Jack Bauer has no problem following orders, unless you tell him to do something he doesn?t want to.

17.Jack Bauer?s gun is actually a water pistol, but the water shoots out in the form of bullets. Why? Because the gun is being held by Jack ****ing Bauer.

18.Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because Jack Bauer does not feel like carrying you.

19.As a child, Jack Bauer?s first words were ?There?s no time!?

20.While being ?put under? in the hospital, Jack Bauer can count backwards from 100 every time. This annoys the doctors.

21.Jack Bauer can watch all 4 seasons of 24 in 24 hours.

22.Jack Bauer literally died for his country, and lived to tell about it.

23.Jack Bauer?s family threw him a surprise birthday party when he was a child. Once.

24.Killing Jack Bauer doesn?t make him dead. It just makes him angry.

25.Everytime Jack Bauer yells ?NOW!? at the end of a sentence, a terrorist dies.

26.If Jack?s starring at someone and his eye twitches, assume that person has less than 15 minutes to live.

27.When life gave Jack Bauer lemons, he used them to kill terrorists. Jack Bauer ****ing hates lemonade.

28.Guns dont kill people, Jack Bauer kills people.

29.David Spade always says ?yes? to Jack Bauer when he wants to redeem his credit card miles.

30.Don?t ask what Jack Bauer would do for a Klondike bar?


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"i'm not CTU... i'll go get walt cummings myself!"

- you better run for your life walt! :p

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That was a sweet episode, good buildup. I gotta give props to the writers on this one.

Let me remind people that if you're going to post something about next week's episode use the spoiler tag. A lot of people, including myself, intentionally do not watch next week's preview.

So once again, please use the spoiler tag.

Man I hope Cummings gets to him fast. This may be the fastest season in which a mole dies.

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does anyone feel that sean astin's character is extremely annoying... everything is says is very monotone and emotionless, and makes no sense.. he just says some big words that sound similar and have the same tone all in one sentence.. like this:

jack: but what are they doing with nerve gas?

miguel: *one tone* jack..the cerebral modulators of the gas with the nervousness... well they need to function as a team of nervous gassers...got that jack!

jack: *evil stare* people are going to die if i dont do (insert objective)

miguel: well that is just something we will need to transpond to the field ops in the field of people with ops.

he drives me ****ing nuts... i mean people are about to die.. their are bombs and nerve gas.. and this dude sounds like he's about to fall asleep.

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And yeah what is up with there always being a mole in CTU? Don't they check people?

Even though he said he thought he was working for the President (can you say BS).

I don't think Spensor is really a bad kid, he probably really has NO bad records before this job. I think he is telling the truth, that he is working for Cumming, not knowing what's really going on. He thinks he is doing the country a service by helping Cummings.

And Logan is A MORON/IDIOT/RETARDED president. I hope he DIES!!!

Anyone know where can I find video of next week preview?

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Well, the assassin waits till he is out of the room before putting together his pistol.

However both the assassin and Spencer look nervous when his bag is being checked by security. Also, if Spencer believed he was working for internal affairs, why would he just accept that the Whitehouse needs files on Jack Bauer? Either he's an idiot or he knows more than he is letting on.

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Probably an idiot.

Cuz he doesn't even realize how skilled Chloe is, she can hack computers he just like left the computer for her to hack easily.

However, Smarter than President Logan!!

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:rofl: rofl @ chuck norris and his random facts

LMAO I thought the same thing.

"i'm not CTU... i'll go get walt cummings myself!"

- you better run for your life walt! :p

Like I said earlier in this thread I hope Jack personally gets to kick Cummings' ass. Of course, I doubt it will happen by the sixth episode because that would be too easy lol. And I think Spenser was just an idiot. He even gave the assassin instructions about how to hack whatever he needed so I don't think he thought he was anything more than that.

Well, actually I just remembered he was tracking Jack with CTU's cameras so I'm now so sure now lol.

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It isn't going to be easy for Jack to go after Cummings. He basically has to get past the toughest security in the world: the secret service.

Not only that, he basically will have to get within a room or so of the President himself, since Cummings is basically with him almost all the time.

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So, did we ever figure out Novick's position?

Also, let me get this straight:

Bill Buchanan - current head of CTU

Lynn - works for Division (just like Chappelle)

Audrey Raines - DOD liason

So, how do you rank those people in terms of seniority (i.e., who can give who orders)?

Edited by viserov
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So, did we ever figure out Novick's position?

Also, let me get this straight:

Bill Buchanan - current head of CTU

Lynn - works for Division (just like Chappelle)

Audrey Raines - DOD liason

So, how do you rank those people in terms of seniority (i.e., who can give who orders)?

Well Lynn seems to be ordering everyone else around so I'd says he's at the top. He's given both Buchanan and Raines orders. Don't know who's higher between Raines and Buchanan though.

And yeah I'm still confused about Novick too. Someone earlier had said he was the chief of staff but that didn't seem right to me because Cummings was at the president's side more often and last night they confirmed my suspicions. So anyone know what Novick's title is?

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So, did we ever figure out Novick's position?

Also, let me get this straight:

Bill Buchanan - current head of CTU

Lynn - works for Division (just like Chappelle)

Audrey Raines - DOD liason

Ohh come on.. we all know Jack gives the orders.. even if it comes from the president himself. everyone follows jacks orders.. :D :shiftyninja:

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Well Lynn seems to be ordering everyone else around so I'd says he's at the top. He's given both Buchanan and Raines orders. Don't know who's higher between Raines and Buchanan though.

And yeah I'm still confused about Novick too. Someone earlier had said he was the chief of staff but that didn't seem right to me because Cummings was at the president's side more often and last night they confirmed my suspicions. So anyone know what Novick's title is?

Well, it makes sense that Lynn > Buchanan, because I realized the head of CTU always reports to "Division" (Division of what, exactly?). But Audrey's rank vs. Buchanan is still fuzzy for me.

cummings seems more an advisor or something related to security

I remember someone saying in this week's episode that Cummings was Logan's chief of staff. Novick's title still confuses me.

Ohh come on.. we all know Jack gives the orders.. even if it comes from the president himself. everyone follows jacks orders.. :D :shiftyninja:

LOL, so true. I'm sure it's something like Jack > God > Logan > Cummings > etc.

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