24 Season 5 Discussion

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Can't wait to see the next eps. Have to wait til tomorrow morning to watch it as have to download it.!

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He is also Sam in the LOTR movies

And perhaps his 2nd/3rd most famous role, as Rudy Ruettiger in the movie Rudy. One of those great underdog takes on the world and win stories.

It is a very good movie.

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Well I'm a UKer so I'm catching up with the US soon. Watched the prequel the other day and it looked good but just fresh from watching 7AM-8AM and I have to say its one of the faster paced openings for the series. I'm looking forward to watching the episodes upto 11AM tomorrow and then when its released 11AM-12AM. I am absolutley addicted to 24, moreso than Lost. Hope this is as good as previous seasons. :D

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I knew I recognised him from somewhere! :) Thanks a lot for pointing that out.

I must admit that I thought the "hobbits" were gonna be one hit wonders so to speak, but LOTR has given them some very juicy roles :)

And I knew I recognised the "yellow tie" guy - Turns out to be Mark Sheppard. I watched Firefly recently and that's where I saw him before :)

Now at least my gf won't think I'm completely mad, I told her he's been in something we have seen recently :)

btw Dave MB, nice choice of tracks ;) (muse are my favourite band :D)

Look foward to seeing the next episode, if its as good as the first 5 episodes we're in for a treat :)

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I knew I recognised him from somewhere! :) Thanks a lot for pointing that out.

I must admit that I thought the "hobbits" were gonna be one hit wonders so to speak, but LOTR has given them some very juicy roles :)

And I knew I recognised the "yellow tie" guy - Turns out to be Mark Sheppard. I watched Firefly recently and that's where I saw him before :)

Now at least my gf won't think I'm completely mad, I told her he's been in something we have seen recently :)

btw Dave MB, nice choice of tracks ;) (muse are my favourite band :D)

Look foward to seeing the next episode, if its as good as the first 5 episodes we're in for a treat :)

That was Badger from FIREFLY! YEAH U KNOW IT TOO!!! haha sweet.

Funny how the guys from LOTR came to the two best TV shows right now, 24 and Lost.

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Can't wait to see the next eps. Have to wait til tomorrow morning to watch it as have to download it.!

Yeah. I know that feeling. I usually had to do that for Alias because I was busy on the night it was on. I couldn't wait. And then sometimes the torrent wasn't out before I had to go to school or I didn't get a chance to start it before school so I had to wait until I got home to start it and then it had to take its time downloading. Man. :no:


btw Dave MB, nice choice of tracks ;) (muse are my favourite band :D)

Look foward to seeing the next episode, if its as good as the first 5 episodes we're in for a treat :)

Haha. I love Muse. They are an awesome band. I want to see Muse live so bad. And the DMB isn't half bad either.

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Believe me, they are well worth it :) Best live band I've seen by a mile and one of the only bands that I think are worth the money you pay for the albums.

I'm hoping to see them at Reading/Leeds this year (unconfirmed rumour) :)

Anyways, back to waiting for episode 6 (which means getting on with my uni coursework :( )

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Wow I'm surprised too.. It's all about Oil lmao. Well unless another enemy and reason pops up (which usually happens). But it is funny how the "terrorism" behind this season was just a ploy.

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This president is an absoulte prick!!! I can't believe he's letting Cummings strong-arm him like that. Spineless twit!!!

There is some wild stuff going down here lol.

HAHA Cummings got PWNED!!! Way to go Jack!!!!

Of course, what's next?

Edited by bigbluepride35
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What a great episode. I mean damn I wonder what is gonna happen

did anyone notice that in next week preview it looked like someone was sneaking up behind Jack in one of the shots? I bet this kid is Derek too.

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I figured something like this was going to happen....it is like season two with that crazy guy letting the nuke get into the country :p It never goes as planned

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is it just me...or did the person coming from behind the bed at the end of the preview look like Terry (sp?) Bauer? The haircut / way she put up her hands looked sooooo much like Terry

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testing first

Here were my thoughts at first

Nina or Sherry

However, after reading another forum, it was suggested it might be, huge disclaimer, don't read this

Kim Bauer

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yeah I thought it might be Kim just because it would be a nice twist :p but I also thought it might be that crazy Mandy girl who shows up once a season :p

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I too can't believe Logan let Cummings stiff him into going along with him. That is rediculous. Luckily that one chief of security guy finally believed Jack. But I still think Mike could have done something when the guys came to get Jack. I mean Mike is pretty high up there. Idk.

And I had no clue who that person might be. But I did hear that Kim might be coming back sometime this season but I doubt that is hear. And Kim is a blonde so... (the hair was brunette wasn't it?)

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