24 Season 5 Discussion

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is jack really going to die and where did you get the spoiler info from and there have two seasons left what one for when he was recruit then the last season be about what?

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1. Jack's not going to die he's already signed on for another season...after that its open game and they've already talked about maybe doing it in another country without Jack

2. yes it was the nerve gas...why else would the President be informed in the preview that 40% of CTUs staff is dead...and where in the hell did the terrorists get an empty canister that looks and acts exactly like the other ones (ie: had to be rigged since they had no chip to remote detonate it)

i swear...you guys come up with some of the stupidest theories...this thread & the Lost thread bring the lol because of some of the totally off the wall theories being bounced around....

3. for next week: i'm guessing Lynn will die....because it was his fault that the guy got in...his sister is dead...so i bet he'll sacrifice himself to save the others and go out as a hero instead of a douchebag....

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Misinformation... which could be later resolved. You may be on to something though with number 3.

How are they going to clean up and get out? I didn't see the preview but it's possible that he is informed from within CTU so they still believe what is going on.

This is part of a bigger plan.

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1. Jack's not going to die he's already signed on for another season...after that its open game and they've already talked about maybe doing it in another country without Jack

2. yes it was the nerve gas...why else would the President be informed in the preview that 40% of CTUs staff is dead...and where in the hell did the terrorists get an empty canister that looks and acts exactly like the other ones (ie: had to be rigged since they had no chip to remote detonate it)

i swear...you guys come up with some of the stupidest theories...this thread & the Lost thread bring the lol because of some of the totally off the wall theories being bounced around....

3. for next week: i'm guessing Lynn will die....because it was his fault that the guy got in...his sister is dead...so i bet he'll sacrifice himself to save the others and go out as a hero instead of a douchebag....

atleast thats what rudy would do...

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i swear...you guys come up with some of the stupidest theories...this thread & the Lost thread bring the lol because of some of the totally off the wall theories being bounced around....

I find theories to be really interesting!

You need to open your mind, especially on Lost, everything is connected so anything can happen.

Pretty much the same with 24, just not as far-streched as Lost, but 24 also can have a lot of twists & turns.

Edited by JediXAngel
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I find theories to be really interesting!

You need to open your mind, especially on Lost, everything is connected so anything can happen.

Pretty much the same with 24, just not as far-streched as Lost, but 24 also can have a lot of twists & turns.

some SOME theories are interesting....but most are just retarded and so off the wall that i can't believe when other people actually start to go "OMG!!1!1! maybe that's it"

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I almost had a heart attack during edgars heart attack!! :no: I still couldn't believe this . :cry:

Damn, this season made me scream when palmer was shot and now edgar. Well, I wonder who's next. I'm guessing Kim's new boyfriend. Her boyfriends always loose body parts.

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some SOME theories are interesting....but most are just retarded and so off the wall that i can't believe when other people actually start to go "OMG!!1!1! maybe that's it"

There should have been at least some vomit and convulsions if they are sticking to the fact that they hit ctu with nerve gas. They could throw that junk with Edgar and the others on sesame street and it wouldnt even scare the little children. As far as Im concerned it looks like the sandman attacked ctu and put everyone to sleep. I have to hold out some hope as to something else to explain the crappy scene.

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OMG EDGAR!!!!!!!

R.I.P we will miss you. man he was one of my favorite chars!!!!!! Man for some reason i feel that Kins guy friend is a bad guy, i hope jack gets him.

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Wow, this was an amazing episode. There hasn't been an episode matched in quality since season 2, which, by the way, is my favorite season of 24. Haha, I loved that "E" on everyone's screens during the evacuation. By the way, is Jack/Kiefer going bald?

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Holy freakin crap that was an awesome 2 hour set! The whole shooting Mrs. Henderson in the leg thing and Edgar dying were most shocking. I cannot believe that he is gone. Worst feeling ever seeing him come into view after everything was sealed.

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HOLY CRAP!!! :o :o :o

thats was a brillaint episode.!! good job buchanan got into the top office- at least from there he will have decent computer equipment to use-

BUT- if the lower room is sealed (the room eveyone got into) wont it have limited oxygen? since it has no air conditioning? cant wait for next weeks episode!!! :devil:

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There should have been at least some vomit and convulsions if they are sticking to the fact that they hit ctu with nerve gas. They could throw that junk with Edgar and the others on sesame street and it wouldnt even scare the little children. As far as Im concerned it looks like the sandman attacked ctu and put everyone to sleep. I have to hold out some hope as to something else to explain the crappy scene.

Remember this is prime time. Got to keep it toned down a little bit.

BUT- if the lower room is sealed (the room eveyone got into) wont it have limited oxygen? since it has no air conditioning? cant wait for next weeks episode!!! :devil:

Exactly what I was thinking.

Every episode i just hate the president even more. Can he be more of a Wuss. This man can't possibly make a decision on his own.

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Chloe should win an Emmy for her performance during Edgar's death. Absolutely brilliant.

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Holy freakin crap that was an awesome 2 hour set! The whole shooting Mrs. Henderson in the leg thing and Edgar dying were most shocking. I cannot believe that he is gone. Worst feeling ever seeing him come into view after everything was sealed.

The worst (best?) part of it all was when he innoncently said, "Chloe??".

One thing I found amusing was the computer terminal Tony used to check the status of Michelle. I loved how it flashed in big red letters, "DECEASED". And, to rub it in his face, the terminal then showed random pictures of her death. What was the next step, video and audio of her screaming? :p

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