24 Season 5 Discussion

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I would hope that Tony does live.. afterall he's been in every season that Jack has been in.. as they say.. " We Ride together. we Die together. CTU 4 LIFE " LOL

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Here's hoping Tony is still alive. If not, damn you writers. Tony deserved something better, at least the silent clock.

If anyone deserved the silent clock, Tony did.

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If anyone deserved the silent clock, Tony did.

Agree, they did make Edgar's death more dramatic. They kind of made you not care about Tony as much this season, but he seemed ready to go-since Michelle and everything. Still, F-ing robocop ticks me off.

You can tell in this past episode that Jack's anger is just growing and growing. He NEVER cries...I cannot believe he did this time. But that pretty much clinched the entire cast from the first season (minus the Bauer's)...everyone else is either gone or dead (mostly dead). Whew, what a show!

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Yeah haha, he was annoying in season 1, I was so suspicious of him back in the day ;)

I'm really sad that he's gone now, he was all I had left from season 1 :cry: .. other than Jack and Kim lol, but Kim's a bitch.

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lost people will get this question:

am i insane or was that Desmond at the end of the preview for next week? lolol.gif

i guess we know where he ran off to now....


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lost people will get this question:

am i insane or was that Desmond at the end of the preview for next week? lolol.gif

i guess we know where he ran off to now....


yea I thought that was him too!! :laugh:

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I can't believe a show is making me this sad. I am really starting to miss the characters from past seasons, palmer, mason, michelle and now even tony. I hope they can find some good characters soon, because this is becoming worrisome.

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Anybody know what places they are planning to hit next? I tried using my tivo to watch frame by frame for a url or some clue on both the google earth showing and the green boxes at the end that buccannon was looking at but didn't notice anything.

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Well they mentioned a couple of clues.

The next attack will release all of the canisters.

They used Google Earth to pin down the right location.

Lots of people are going to be hit by this.

Of course, they aren't expecting martial law to be put into place. So who knows....

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Well they mentioned a couple of clues.

The next attack will release all of the canisters.

They used Google Earth to pin down the right location.

Lots of people are going to be hit by this.

Of course, they aren't expecting martial law to be put into place. So who knows....

Thats not really any clues for the location. I was looking at those maps for like a landmark or gps cordination or like a url on googlemaps. The place in the map at the end of the didn't look very desnsly populated. Didn't look like tall buildings and actually looked industrial. had a water tower and that was about the tallest thing there.

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woww what an episode couldnt believe we had 2 deaths on there

tony and lynn...although lynn I expected and hoped for :p

and I thought it was google earth they were using there...wonder where is next :|

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Yeah, I think that's only happened 2 times in 24 before this episode. I know one was in season 4 when Jack had to make the decision whether or not to use the doctor to revive that chinese guy from their embassy, resulting in Audrey's husbands death. Can't remember the other one though.

There was no silent clock in season 4.

anyone else notice that the bad chick was using Google Earth?

Haha, yeah. The interface is a dead giveaway.

Here's hoping Tony is still alive. If not, damn you writers. Tony deserved something better, at least the silent clock.

They can't silent clock 2 episodes in a row, it takes away from the special feeling. Plus, Tony's death was too action packed for a silent clock.

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any sign of the preview out there yet?...for UK'ers to watch :p...lol

This is one of the weeks where the Global and Fox previews are really different.

The Global preview showed Tony's arm sticking out from under a body bag, Fox didn't

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