24 Season 5 Discussion

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for some reason, I really like the DHS lady that is at CTU now. I like antgonizing characters. Though, is it me, or does every season have at least 3 changes in the command structure at CTU?

poor bill... he keeps losing command of his office... lol :p

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for some reason, I really like the DHS lady that is at CTU now. I like antgonizing characters. Though, is it me, or does every season have at least 3 changes in the command structure at CTU?

Nope, it's not just you. That's part of the formula. You have to have some leadership issue at CTU to stop Jack from saving the day. You also have to have some other CTU employee as a mole/jerk/loser etc that interferes with Jack. If that weren't in place, it would be called 12, not 24. :)

Also, I didn't see the preview for next week. Apparently there is a suggestion that Aaron is involved. If that is the case I may conclude the writers of 24 are trying too hard.

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just watched the last episode, all I have to ask is "Hasn't anyone watched top gun, because if they had or at lease if palmers brother had he would then know, that when someone is neck and neck with you, you slam on the breaks and they will fly right by.....geeeesh!

that should not need a spoiler tag, it was right there in the previews.

yes you should because some people don't watch the previews they actaully like to be suprised when they see it for the first time. Case and point, 2 years ago .... preview for the next episode.... nena sitting on jack with a gun, the next episode...., jack sneaks up on tina, after seening the preview you know that she catches him and ties him to a chair. THATS why I don't watch the previews, you should try it, you'll get MUCH more out of the show, because everything is suprising.

Did anyone notice that it looked like Wayne was about to shoot Aaron in that previews for next week

We now know that next week Wayne is going to make it to Aaron without getting killed by the guys chasing him

Thanx for the spoiler tag you idiot.

Edited by warwagon
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just watched the last episode, all I have to ask is "Hasn't anyone watched top gun, because if they had or at lease if palmers brother had he would then know, that when someone is neck and neck with you, you slam on the breaks and they will fly right by.....geeeesh!

yes you should because some people don't watch the previews they actaully like to be suprised when they see it for the first time. Case and point, 2 years ago .... preview for the next episode.... nena sitting on jack with a gun, the next episode...., jack sneaks up on tina, after seening the preview you know that she catches him and ties him to a chair. THATS why I don't watch the previews, you should try it, you'll get MUCH more out of the show, because everything is suprising.

We now know that next week Wayne is going to make it to Aaron without getting killed by the guys chasing him

Thanx for the spoiler tag you idiot.

Thanks for backing me up. :)

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just watched the last episode, all I have to ask is "Hasn't anyone watched top gun, because if they had or at lease if palmers brother had he would then know, that when someone is neck and neck with you, you slam on the breaks and they will fly right by.....geeeesh!

yes you should because some people don't watch the previews they actaully like to be suprised when they see it for the first time. Case and point, 2 years ago .... preview for the next episode.... nena sitting on jack with a gun, the next episode...., jack sneaks up on tina, after seening the preview you know that she catches him and ties him to a chair. THATS why I don't watch the previews, you should try it, you'll get MUCH more out of the show, because everything is suprising.

We now know that next week Wayne is going to make it to Aaron without getting killed by the guys chasing him

Thanx for the spoiler tag you idiot.

How about you listen 'you idiot'...

It's a thread discussing 24 Season 5. The previews was right there, for EVERYONE to see. It is not like I had some secret info that ruined the surprise for everyone. And I will talk about the previews all I want if it is shown on NATIONAL TELEVISION. Don't start name calling and crap when I am not the only one who talked about something...what are you, 12? If you don't like it or don't want to know what everyone else saw in the trailer, then pretend this thread doesn't exist. As far as I am concerned, if it is something everyone could see, it is fair game without tags.

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I agree with tlogank.... It's a discussion about 24 on a forum... unless we section off different threads for

{SPOILER} 24 Season 5 Discussion

{NON-SPOILED BUT WITH PREVIEWS} 24 Season 5 Discussion

{NON-SPOILED} 24 Season 5 Discussion

you should expect that you're going to see some spoilers. Previews are part of the show, unless there's a rule that preview info has to be in spoiler tags, it's just another part of the show to discuss.

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IMHO, anything that happens in the actual episode should be free to talk about. Anything that's in the preview for the UPCOMING episode should be enclosed in "spoiler" tags. A lot of people (myself included) don't like to watch the preview for next week's episode as it subtracts so much from the suspense and excitement of the show. We still come to these threads to discuss the events of the current week's episode, though.

That said, I think Audrey is innocent. They've already done a "Jack's girl goes bad" thing with Nina, so they shouldn't do that same thing again.

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IMHO, anything that happens in the actual episode should be free to talk about. Anything that's in the preview for the UPCOMING episode should be enclosed in "spoiler" tags. A lot of people (myself included) don't like to watch the preview for next week's episode as it subtracts so much from the suspense and excitement of the show. We still come to these threads to discuss the events of the current week's episode, though.

Agreed, I think there should be a rule upon this since some people (well most) do not watch the previews, as I do not either. Just like any other discussion board, anything happening next week (that includes the previews) should be using a spoiler tag. It's just common sense people, at least respect teh others who haven't, and it's not hard either. Just take an extra second.

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I am going to vote no spoiler tags for preview stuff. Seeing as how most of the discussion in this thread usually goes towards the previews. You guys say "Oh I don't watch the preview but I want to discuss what happened in the ep." But it seems that most of the stuff talked about is stuff from the preview. And even if not the preview is aired on tv. It is not just a special internet thing that some people go look at. Everyone has the oportunity to see it and if they don't want to see it that is fine but then stay out of this thread if you don't want to accidently see stuff. Not meaning to be harsh just trying to voice my opinion. ;)

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Damn, I started season 1 a week ago and I am already at season 5 caught up with the TV episodes :p.

This show is addictive, gotta love mondays. Prison Break and 24!

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Damn, I started season 1 a week ago and I am already at season 5 caught up with the TV episodes :p.

This show is addictive, gotta love mondays. Prison Break and 24!

I just started watching 24 a couple of months ago. I watched all of the first 4 seasons on DVD. I caught up with season 5 because someone recorded it and I borrowed it. I think I like it better when I can watch 4 episodes in a row. I guess I have a short attention span but I almost lose interest having to wait so long. You may experience the same thing having burned through all those episodes so fast. Oh well, 24 hours and 30 min to go.

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How about you listen 'you idiot'...

It's a thread discussing 24 Season 5. The previews was right there, for EVERYONE to see. It is not like I had some secret info that ruined the surprise for everyone. And I will talk about the previews all I want if it is shown on NATIONAL TELEVISION. Don't start name calling and crap when I am not the only one who talked about something...what are you, 12? If you don't like it or don't want to know what everyone else saw in the trailer, then pretend this thread doesn't exist. As far as I am concerned, if it is something everyone could see, it is fair game without tags.

I like the word idiot I think it has a nice ring to it.

anyway, Yes I know the previews are on National Television, blah blah blah blah. I say use a a spoiler tag, then someone who wants to know about the preview can still read the info and those who don't watch the preview to keep the show exciting, they can still read the thread without having the info spoiled for them. Infact the whole poing of the spoiler tag is to statisfy both parties, those who want to know and those who don't.

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Oooh cool, 38 minutes until I can see the new episode :D.

Fortunately after I got Digital Cable I got some weird channel from the very east coast that airs FOX shows before our time zone. Simply can't wait!

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WOW, That was an intense episode! Gotta its weird now watching episode every week since I watched all the others one after another :p.


  • Audrey is innocent
  • Foreign girl with skematics lied about Audrey being invovled
  • Erin worries about Wayne and goes to look for him, but after finding Wayne they're chased by unknown men and coming under fire, wayne is unconcious after rocket attack, erin escapes with wayne in a car
  • Jack stops the gas from going into LA but goes into a car and the area explodes, possibly meaning is he's dead


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WOW, That was an intense episode! Gotta its weird now watching episode every week since I watched all the others one after another :p.


  • Audrey is innocent
Foreign girl with skematics lied about Audrey being invovled
Erin worries about Wayne and goes to look for him, but after finding Wayne they're chased by unknown men and coming under fire, wayne is unconcious after rocket attack, erin escapes with wayne in a car
Jack stops the gas from going into LA but goes into a car and the area explodes, possibly meaning is he's dead


does it air earlier in canada? i'm on the east coast in the US and it's only half way through.

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does it air earlier in canada? i'm on the east coast in the US and it's only half way through.

Nope, if I watch my local channels which air 24 9:00 PM EST, but I got digital cable a couple of months ago and I got this TV station that air 24 before Prison Break, so I get to see 24 2 hours before initial airtime in my region.

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