24 Season 5 Discussion

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Something that's starting to get lame is how CTU always seems manage to stop the biggest disaster no matter how badly they've been hit. Honestly I thought it would be different this time and that the terrorists would succeed to get the nerve gas into the water supply. But no, magically this new girl popped up with the knowledge that the water pressure would drop in order to spread the gas and what you know? It worked! CTU saved the day with 30 seconds left to spare. :rolleyes:

did you even pay attention to the episode? :blink:

1. there was no water....since when does water explode like that...it was natural gas (which i'm sure they said about a million times)

2. is it so hard to believe that someone at CTU might know Chemistry

3. and it didn't work...they were late....hence the reason Jack had to blow it up before it got out into people's homes....

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did you even pay attention to the episode? :blink:

1. there was no water....since when does water explode like that...it was natural gas (which i'm sure they said about a million times)

2. is it so hard to believe that someone at CTU might know Chemistry

3. and it didn't work...they were late....hence the reason Jack had to blow it up before it got out into people's homes....

1. Yeah I missed that part but it doesn't change my point whatsoever.

2. In the stetting it was placed in: Definitely! A new girl comes by, in service for like what 10 seconds? And saves the day. Without her CTU would certainly have missed the deadline.

3. Jack had to blew the building up to incinerate the nerve gas together with the natural gas it was mixed with. But they still saved the day with only 2/3 extra innocent lives lost.

With CTU recovering from a crippling blow and reorganisation (up to 40% loss of staff) it just wasn't realistic anymore.

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There are lots of things that aren't realistic. Do you think that there are really PCs out there that do everything the CTU ones can do so quickly? 24 is a television show that's meant as a piece of entertainment, if you start nitpicking like that then it's no longer entertaining.

The explosions at the end of this latest episode were really impressive and put a lot of movies to shame. And to think that they can come up with 2 new episodes every fortnight (they film 2 episodes simultaneously) is just mind boggling :)

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There are lots of things that aren't realistic. Do you think that there are really PCs out there that do everything the CTU ones can do so quickly? 24 is a television show that's meant as a piece of entertainment, if you start nitpicking like that then it's no longer entertaining.

Looking at the details of how their computer system works is nitpicking IMO, not how a crucial part of the season ends.

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That's my point, I'm not on here complaining about it. It was an example. And how they managed to find/stop this latest threat isn't any more "unrealistic" than any other ways that they discover threats in the past season(s).

That's how the show is, nobody forces you to watch it. By all means discuss it, but please don't crap up the thread for others that like it.

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That's my point, I'm not on here complaining about it. It was an example. And how they managed to find/stop this latest threat isn't any more "unrealistic" than any other ways that they discover threats in the past season(s).

That's how the show is, nobody forces you to watch it. By all means discuss it, but please don't crap up the thread for others that like it.

Yup that's fine, I have a different opinion.

And thanks for explaining that I'm not being forced to watch 24. I really didn't had a clue that watching TV is on voluntary basis. It's also good to know that when having a complaint about an otherwise great series and tries to discuss it, it automatically means someone is crapping up the thread. I'll keep that in mind. (Y)

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Has anyone else noticed that Jack is always carrying around that satchel bag now?


I've just got one similar for my laptop :)

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Observe these images.:






Looks to me like the webmaster simply saving time. It's mostly inconclusive I admit but it doesn't mean they don't also exist for the others, just we can't find them.

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Has anyone else noticed that Jack is always carrying around that satchel bag now?


I've just got one similar for my laptop :)

Yeah I noticed that, I always wondered what the hell was in it. I remember he put lots of ammo in the beginning of the day in it.

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Yeah I noticed that, I always wondered what the hell was in it. I remember he put lots of ammo in the beginning of the day in it.

Maybe it's a new hightech James Bond-like bag where if you pull a cord twice it turns into a mobile CTU Center including a hologram version of Chloe! :cool:

Or yeah it might just hold his ammo and PDA. :sleep:

That new girl is kinda freaky btw. The way she reacted when Bill padded her on the shoulder for doing a good job wasn't exactly normal. :/

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Well the guy said on his post to "Try not to spread this around to much. Seriously. I'm not really into spoiling something this big."

So I don't think I can post it it here to everyone... I guess I could ask him if it's ok but I highly doubt it would be. I recommend finding someone you know that is a member there.

I'm sorry, but I've probably said too much already. I don't want to stop the spoilers from coming.

Edited by zachman123
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Haha. That pic is awesome. I like Neowin on his screen. Hey Jack! What's up?

And yea I noticed that bad. I think it is just amo, maybe a med kit, other supplies. Who knows.

This was a really good ep. I think Jack pulled the guy into the car to try and save him so he could get info. After all, he didn't run back in there just to use the guy for shelter when the explosion happened. And I think if Jack had had more time he would have hotwired the car and gotten the hell out of there. But he didn't lol.

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Well the guy said on his post to "Try not to spread this around to much. Seriously. I'm not really into spoiling something this big."

So I don't think I can post it it here to everyone... I guess I could ask him if it's ok but I highly doubt it would be. I recommend finding someone you know that is a member there.

I'm sorry, but I've probably said too much already. I don't want to stop the spoilers from coming.

Don't take this seriously but what you just did was just stupid and selfish.

If you can't say anything about it then why the hell would tell us there is a big "SPOILER!" and we can't even join the forums so we're more god damn curious and puzzled, I hate it because it ****ing distracts me when doing school work :unsure:.

Sorry, just had to rant.

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Don't take this seriously but what you just did was just stupid and selfish.

If you can't say anything about it then why the hell would tell us there is a big "SPOILER!" and we can't even join the forums so we're more god damn curious and puzzled, I hate it because it ****ing distracts me when doing school work :unsure:.

Sorry, just had to rant.

why would you want to know a HUGE spoiler, you guys must not be as die hard fans as you make yourselfs out to be, because a die hard fan would not want the show to be spoiled

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Err but when you know its out there you start to think, atleast thats what happens with me.

If I don't know its there then I don't want to know about it. Oh well we're 5 days away from the next episode i'll keep hanging in there.

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whats the point of a spoiler board with closed membership? i mean, i understand if it's a filesharing board or something, but there's no point not to allow new users to register on that 24 spoiler site.

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They've had problems with too many new users not reading the rules and asking things like "oMGz-!_ WHEERE are teh spoilZ!>???l" all the time, so that's why. They plan on allowing new members again once things settle down.

If you really want it, I can PM it to you or whatever, I just don't want to spoil it for everyone.

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If you really want it, I can PM it to you or whatever, I just don't want to spoil it for everyone.

i don't want to ruin the rest of the season.

is it a one episode spoiler? or does it explain the whole thing of what's going to happen, who's behind it, etc..?

(i thought i read somewhere though that they're filming the final episodes now and don't know where they're taking it yet, there are a few possibilities.)

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