24 Season 5 Discussion

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I never paid much attention to Jacks bag, unfortunately I dont get FOXHD in this area so I doubt I could ever tell what kind it was if I looked. I always kinda figured he would carry some sort of Maxpedition bag. It would be cool to see a list of Jacks equipment from over the years on the show.

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audrey needs to call her dad and have homeland removed from ctu!

About the whole p/vp thing..I still doubt that the president can be behind all of this. As someone else mentioned he went off on cummings earlier, why would he have done that if he was in on it too? My guess is that henderson gave P some sort of offer/deal and he took it, becuase logan NEVER thinks things through. If someone gives him some advice he takes it no matter what, then someone gives him other advice and he will take that and do it right away. I.E. the sentox in the mall situation and marshall law. Also, if the P was in on it, couldn't he have made it easier on the terrorists to deploy the sentox? They had to kill the guards and cops and steal their car....

The original plan was for the terrorist to take the sentox to central asia whch would lead to an american military presence there. That plan backfired. It could be very well that the president wasn't aware of the intricate details of the overall plan.

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Can't wait to see what this whole day has been about, it is probably one of the most mysterious days of all. Since we don't get to see the side of the bad guys for once.

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So if the P is behind it, why did Logan go off on Cummings early in the season when Logan found out about the plot?

Two possibilities.

1) He may have just been putting on a show to keep his cover.

2) Both of them had secret plans, and he really was shocked to find out Cummings had an agenda of his own.

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3:13AM Wednesday morning and i finally just finished watching it. I stayed out of this thread just because of the spoilers and OMG!!! That was soo sweet! i can't believe all that has been going on.

Nice one brandon ;) LOL

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anybody noticed the phone call made by handerson?

when he get out of his company and wanted to kill jack?

it's a woman right?

who is she?? :crazy:

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anybody noticed the phone call made by handerson?

when he get out of his company and wanted to kill jack?

it's a woman right?

who is she?? :crazy:

huh? What? When?

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anybody noticed the phone call made by handerson?

when he get out of his company and wanted to kill jack?

it's a woman right?

who is she?? :crazy:

somebody said it was his wife after that episode aired, but after the episode the week after with his wife getting shot in the leg because she didn't know anything i don't think it was her. maybe his assistant at work?

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You know, this season Mike Novic hasn't been so 'normal' to me, I don't like how we haven't seen him for quiet a while.

Anyways, It would be pretty annoying of they bring someone from the older seasons as the crook.

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I think this whole plot with the president being involved has something to do with last season, now im not saying the president tried to frame jack for paulmers death, but maybe this still has something to do with china, why else would the president want jack dead

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My gut reaction was that the President was trying to cover up the failed attempt to detonate the gas overseas. This seems like a plausible theory, however it seems too easy. Each episode throws up new twists and we still got 8 more to go, so based on that there seems to be a much larger plot involved.

What I do believe is that the President is somehow trying to cement his Presidency. Oh and that little weener from Homeland Security who thinks he can run CTU - as much as I wish he was a bad guy, i think he's just a ******, but not an actual bad guy!

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i just dont understand the president's agenda for doing this at this point. i guess henderson is a little bit of a mystery still. i knew it wasnt going to be the VP though, because were pointing the camera at him a little too much.

by the way, i just found a contest to win the ps2 game if anyone hasnt played it yet. they have some cool ctu stuff too.


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audrey needs to call her dad and have homeland removed from ctu!

since when does the Secretary of Defense have more power than the Vice President? :blink:

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Well things are getting interesting.

Looks like the Sec. of Defense is going to confront the president in person

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OMFG, 7 Episodes to go! Now if they're so close to getting the man behind all of this, whatelse is there to show in the rest of the couple of episodes?

Lets start the guessing game ^^

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