24 Season 5 Discussion

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Logan is going to kill himself, but I think he's up to no good, still.

Edited by TheGriffin
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that landing is pretty likely? right? i like how the plane just stopped...yeah right. nice computer animation though.

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Ahh missed half the episode. One of my friends said if there was an episode to miss that this was it..

I hope the presedent doesn't go on a rampage I really want to see him and Jack meet

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Wasn't that exiting of an ep except the last little bit and then only because I thought Logan was gonna kill himself which he didn't. Kinda gave me a really weird feeling though when he was about to shoot himself.

Miles is a dumbass. That ****** really ****es me off. I hope he dies. He had something in his hand when on the phone and I thought somehow he had gotten the recording but I guess he just used it to wipe the drive of the recording device.

My first thought was wow. All that work and now they have to go back to interogating Henderson. They lost everything. Heller didn't have to try to kill himself. Audrey didn't have to get hurt. Jack didn't have to hijack the plane. It was all worthless. And as far as I know no one even played the recording to hear it so it could still be a fake for all Chloe, Karen, and Bill know.

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And as far as I know no one even played the recording to hear it so it could still be a fake for all Chloe, Karen, and Bill know.

that's what i was thinking too

for all we know, that recording was a fake and Miles really didn't do anything at all

it's possible that the real recording is out there somewhere

...also, it seems like a precaution that Henderson would take. he seems to have a contingency for everything and making a duplicate of that recording would be sensible

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With Heller alive... maybe he can say something, since he did hear the recording... I doubt that though. Sounds like he'll just be in ICU for the rest of the season =|

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Did miles take the recording or didn't he?

He waved his magic red LED device over it, that I assume is some sort of magnetic thing that probably erased it.

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Xerus: (bah, I can't figure out the black font thing)

Well if he did erase it, surely Chloe would have noticed, as the data she was working on kind of disappeared, or got scrambled? Now Henderson is going to get loose, and he has the only copy. Don't tell me this is going to go over to the next season.. ><


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With Heller alive... maybe he can say something, since he did hear the recording... I doubt that though. Sounds like he'll just be in ICU for the rest of the season =|

Yeah, I honestly was going to kill Jack for not playing that recording over again to check if it's the real one. I mean I am sure the guy at the plane gave Jack the same looking voice recorder instead of the real one. Also anyone think Heller might be in this? I mean maybe he didn't attempt suicide for just the reason we think he did. There must be something behind all of it, would be a good twist if Heller is behind it ALL.

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Miles will be own by Jacks special punch! and a table/chair may get hurt in the process :rofl:

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Yeah, I honestly was going to kill Jack for not playing that recording over again to check if it's the real one. I mean I am sure the guy at the plane gave Jack the same looking voice recorder instead of the real one. Also anyone think Heller might be in this? I mean maybe he didn't attempt suicide for just the reason we think he did. There must be something behind all of it, would be a good twist if Heller is behind it ALL.

Naw, there's no way Heller's behind it all, especially after the way he confronted the President. We know the Bluetooth Group is behind it all anyways.

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Wasn't that exiting of an ep except the last little bit and then only because I thought Logan was gonna kill himself which he didn't. Kinda gave me a really weird feeling though when he was about to shoot himself.

Miles is a dumbass. That ****** really ****es me off. I hope he dies. He had something in his hand when on the phone and I thought somehow he had gotten the recording but I guess he just used it to wipe the drive of the recording device.

My first thought was wow. All that work and now they have to go back to interogating Henderson. They lost everything. Heller didn't have to try to kill himself. Audrey didn't have to get hurt. Jack didn't have to hijack the plane. It was all worthless. And as far as I know no one even played the recording to hear it so it could still be a fake for all Chloe, Karen, and Bill know.

For the first 40 minutes this was like the best episode of 24 this season so far... I mean, the recording thing getting solved, Logan going the cowards way... jack and audrey, heller alive... and the soundtrack was supberb.

Now that ass licker bitch is going to ruin it all? But yeah, maybe henderson has one recording under the sleeve. I don't think jack would give chloe a false recording on purpose. Neither I believe chloe is DUMB. Perhaps this is better, maybe miles tells logan that the problems been taken care of, but then they have secured the recording without them knowning. So they get busted before logan tries to suicide!

Now we have the Bierko problem (agaaaaaaain). I just want them to bust the president now, it's taking too many episodes for one crappy recording.

Maybe the bluetooth guys are the "never to be caught" guys of this season. Just like max in season 2, and that girl that attacked palmer and kidnapped tony and got away... Unless logan is interrogated the bauer way... and the bluetooth get busted!!

Can't wait for next week's

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A question.

I know that magnets can erase a hard disk content because hard disks stores data in some kind of magnetic thing, lol.

Does the same happens with flash memories? For sure it's a DIGITAL RECORDER, right? God sakes, they're in like 2010! And there is no way a digital record will have a hard disk for voice recording!! I could be wrong though and maybe flash memories would be erased too...

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A question.

I know that magnets can erase a hard disk content because hard disks stores data in some kind of magnetic thing, lol.

Does the same happens with flash memories? For sure it's a DIGITAL RECORDER, right? God sakes, they're in like 2010! And there is no way a digital record will have a hard disk for voice recording!! I could be wrong though and maybe flash memories would be erased too...

I don't see any reason why a magnetic device like Miles had would glow red either. Perhaps the recorder had an infrared remote type thing and that set it off to erase. Who knows? Guess we'll have to wait to find out.

Stills of the recorder and whatever Miles had:




Edited by kjordan2001
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I don't see any reason why a magnetic device like Miles had would glow red either. Perhaps the device had an infrared remote type thing and that set it off to erase. Who knows? Guess we'll have to wait to find out.

We dont have any clue what that device was, but he was holding it when talking to the president by the phone. Anyway, we'll find out the first 5 minutes. If he does something to Chloe I will fly to the future-US-of-the-24-paralell-universe and kill him myself.

PS: Googled a bit on the matter, and apparently flash cards use "quantum tunneling effect" to storage data. Very high temperatures may make electrons moving faster and have an effect on the data. But magnets? Apparently not.

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