24 Season 5 Discussion

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I think it's silly they didn't have

Audry talk to Buchanan and explain to him why she had to sign that statement. He would have agreed and there wouldn't be this silly dislike between them.


they were talking in front of that creepy dude and they probably didn't want him to know what's going on.

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I'd bet that rumors came from the United States that Jack was alive and it made it around the world to China.. so I'm guessing China still wants Jack. ( that's my theory. )

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I'd bet that rumors came from the United States that Jack was alive and it made it around the world to China.. so I'm guessing China still wants Jack. ( that's my theory. )

and that has what to do exactly with the nerve gas, or the russians, or any of the terrorists we've seen so far?

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It's all a diversion from the real purpose behind whatever the heck is going on.

The President wants to invade Vietnam and clean up communism...for he is Nixon's clone!

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The President wants to invade Vietnam and clean up communism...for he is Nixon's clone!

LOL, I've always seen a resemblence between those two :p.

Look at these pics:

Richard Nixon -


Charles Logan-


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Damn this show really makes me scared. Talk about the greatest show on television. I've never been this hooked on a tv show.

Anyway, now the big question is WHAT THE HECK IS *HE* PLANNING?

He's already president, what more could he want.

My pulse is still pounding.....

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is it just me.. or does that seem kinda .. lame.. like, they're just throwin' in twists now for the sake of throwing in twists. like a soap-opera for dudes.

still an awesome show though.

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is it just me.. or does that seem kinda .. lame.. like, they're just throwin' in twists now for the sake of throwing in twists. like a soap-opera for dudes.

still an awesome show though.

Well, it was either the Lost writers or the 24 writers (it applies to both though) that said they'd write themselves into a wall and then bust out with another twist.

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and that has what to do exactly with the nerve gas, or the russians, or any of the terrorists we've seen so far?

it has nothing to do with it, the primary objective is complete so Logan will have to capture Jack.. that is one feasible reason.

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I dont know how they can explain his past stupidity and indecisiveness with this going on


1) Henderson is actually controlling Logan

2) Logan has been planning for something bigger since Season 4

3) Logan was just having a bad day in season 4

That is, if they don't want to leave a huge plot hole.

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1) Henderson is actually controlling Logan

2) Logan has been planning for something bigger since Season 4

3) Logan was just having a bad day in season 4

That is, if they don't want to leave a huge plot hole.

I think you might be on to something with saying #1)Henderson is controlling Logan.

There is something bigger, I am sure of it. Perhaps the Vice President is still bad and maybe giving inside info to Logan, saying that he will have Martha killed if he doesn't cooperate. I just can't believe that Logan has been in on all of this the whole time...and like another side, he is already President of the most powerful country in the world, what else does he want to accomplish? I still say it's the VP.

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I've read the spoilers so I knew Logan already was the mastermid. The thing is, the person who revealed the information has been 100% correct, and probably was right about Logan being the mastermind, and not Henderson.

It's only a spoiler for those who don't want to know if something that was shown is correct or not.

A reason for Logan acting the way he is was explained by Cummings (about sending the Sentox to asia so American could invade it or something similar to that). It also explains why Cummings was dead, with Logan having people make it seem like he killed himself. It explains why he really seemed shocked when the terrorists found out about the plan.

If that was factored in, then Logan wanting Bauer dead is not so much a surprise anymore because Bauer is digging too deep and now Bauer knows that Logan is the mastermind. I mean, they did try kill Bauer several times, or at least stopping him. Remember when they had Chloe lure Bauer out of hiding, and how they had a tape of Bauer in the same building as Palmer? Remember how Logan had Bauer trapped in the fake camp david? If Pierce didn't listen to Bauer, he could have been there for a long time, and everything Bauer has done would not have been done.

It's nice how everything fits together when you look back.

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I've read the spoilers so I knew Logan already was the mastermid. The thing is, the person who revealed the information has been 100% correct, and probably was right about Logan being the mastermind, and not Henderson.

It's only a spoiler for those who don't want to know if something that was shown is correct or not.

A reason for Logan acting the way he is was explained by Cummings (about sending the Sentox to asia so American could invade it or something similar to that). It also explains why Cummings was dead, with Logan having people make it seem like he killed himself. It explains why he really seemed shocked when the terrorists found out about the plan.

If that was factored in, then Logan wanting Bauer dead is not so much a surprise anymore because Bauer is digging too deep and now Bauer knows that Logan is the mastermind. I mean, they did try kill Bauer several times, or at least stopping him. Remember when they had Chloe lure Bauer out of hiding, and how they had a tape of Bauer in the same building as Palmer? Remember how Logan had Bauer trapped in the fake camp david? If Pierce didn't listen to Bauer, he could have been there for a long time, and everything Bauer has done would not have been done.

It's nice how everything fits together when you look back.

True, but again...all this could be said about the Vice President, too...I am sticking with my idea on this one. Also, we have been hinted at the fact that the VP wants to make the President look bad...possibly so he won't get re-elected. I think we know too much about Logan's character to really think he would be behind this, and it is also too early in the season for the writers to reveal the FINAL word on who is behind all this. I say that the writer's are just throwing us for a loop now and will reveal it back to being the VP at the end of the season. Oh, and the 'czar' guy who everyone is talking about predicted this...well, all he did was predict one episode in advance...nothing more-and info that is obtained all the time about shows (Lost is a great example, practically the entire upcoming episode is put up in the Lost thread sometime before it plays on television). I feel safe to say he does not know the conclusion of the season. I guess we will know in the next 8 weeks or so.

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People have also said that we didn't know if it really was the VP who authorized Wayne Palmer to pass the checkpoint. It would explain why VP was surprised to meet Wayne, and why he asked the president if wayne talked to him. If it wasn't the VP who authorized it, it would have to be the president, which would explain why there was a group of people waiting to take out wayne after he entered. The VP was able to catch the president lieing about not know wayne was there.

And I believe that the writers is trying so blatantly to make it seem like the VP is evil that the VP can't possibly be evil. This is TV we're talking about, and if it was so predictable, then we wouldn't enjoy it as much.

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People have also said that we didn't know if it really was the VP who authorized Wayne Palmer to pass the checkpoint. It would explain why VP was surprised to meet Wayne, and why he asked the president if wayne talked to him. If it wasn't the VP who authorized it, it would have to be the president, which would explain why there was a group of people waiting to take out wayne after he entered. The VP was able to catch the president lieing about not know wayne was there.

And I believe that the writers is trying so blatantly to make it seem like the VP is evil that the VP can't possibly be evil. This is TV we're talking about, and if it was so predictable, then we wouldn't enjoy it as much.

I think the reason the VP acted so surprised about Palmer being there was because he thought the guys were supposed to have stopped him.

And like you said, the writers are now taking off the blame from the VP and putting it on the President. That is just too easy this early in the season...they are wanting you to think it is Logan now and take the attention off of the VP, but I think we will see it comes back to the VP.

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