Xbox XtremeXP

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Originally posted by zhongzhai

ehh sp00nman, do u still see me in MSN?? i tried msging u a few times then i saw u typing msg in the status bar, then i did not see anything. did u saw all my messages?! :ermm:

Something has been going weird with my MSN. Try iming me on ICQ or AIM. :)

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Originally posted by SirPsychoSexy

No offence but if you actually downloaded the theme you could see there is a blue version. :rolleyes: :x

No, I didnt download this yet. I was just looking at the screenshot, and by the looks of it there is no blue on that theme.

And "offense" is spelled o-f-f-e-n-s-e. Not with a c.

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Incredible work! This isn't really my "style" of theme but I love it anyway!

How about a white w/green version next? Like all those xbox demo cd's I see everywhere.

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hey man, i just want to say, awesome theme :) im using it now and loving it ;)

Although i found 2 bugs that i want to report to you so you can improve on your style..

Bug#1 :

as you can see in that picture, the color on the left (blue) looks very bad (sorry, couldn't find the word :p ) , well you know what i mean...


as you can see in that picture, well you can't see much, but try going there in your control panel and rolling over those "links" i highlighted in my screenshot, you will see that they go invisible while being mouseovered..

i know they are both small bugs, but there is no harm in perfecting a theme in my opinion, i hope this helps you,

Blackwar :cool:

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Well, like i promised, I've finally uploaded a WindowBlinds version of this theme. I've had it running on my desktop for some time now smoothing out little bugs...hopefully i've got them all :D

You can download the WB version here:

Xbox XtremeXP { WindowsBlinds version ]

As this is my first WB skin, there are probebly a few improvements that still need to be done so all comments and suggestions are welcome. ;)

And yes, I am working on an updated msstyle version of this theme...trying to implimented some suggested ideas and work on some of the bugs that people have found......

.....thanx Blackwar for yours must be the shellstyle or someting :p

Anyway, have fun and keep those suggestions comming :)


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Originally posted by andy_rose

yo yo, just checking up on this great theme. how's the update coming along aquajack?

Well, i've replaced the caption bar min/max/close buttons....totally remade them from scratch ....they look really cool now

Actually, I've remade the whole caption bar again .....still trying to get just perfect ...its taking me forever.

I've redone some other gel elements in the theme aswell. Oh and a blue "shellstyle" i wont forget this time :cheeky:

I'm hoping to have it all done by next week ...( I hope) ....but then again I am a perfectionist, so don't hold your breathe :D

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this theme for version2, now is the time.... :p

Anyway, thanx andy-rose for your support and comments ...that goes for everyone else who has been bombarding my inbox with comments....cheers!!


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Originally posted by velocity3k

What do i do with the DLL, i can't replace it in Windows.

hey, velocity3k ....if your still having trouble with the patch. You can MSN me on:

MSN: [this is not my real email address:D ]

or AIM: AquaJack99

good luck,


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