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Allergies... horrible ones. Enough to make my eyes and entire face swollen so bad i can't even think straight.

But other than that, i'm a healthy baby as my mommy calls me :D

BigDaddy5... good luck tomorrow! (Y)

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I used to have horribly dry hands and arms, no matter what they would be dry, but then I got some creams that I had to put on many times a day, and they were very thick.. but I gradually stopped putting them on and now all is well!

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hmm well non that i can think of besides that when i sit in the back of a car, i get very bad headaches. i think thats it though...

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Well you said disease and not disabilities so...I get kidney stones once a year (hell if I know what disease that is), I have Gilbert's Syndrome (Liver disorder), I had gallbladder disease but they took that out and the removal caused severe IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

If I get sick I can't take just any pills, it has to be cirtain ones like Cipro or Penicillin I can take but all the others effect my liver and turn me yellow (!) part of my liver disorder). So when those few pills stop working, I'm good as dead if I catch something that needs antibiotics.

I got prostatitis (not bacterial, hard wired in) which produces an absolutely atrocious burning pain sometimes after orgasm. Bah, it just goes on and on...it's a wonder I'm even alive. I just constantly live in agony. And that doesn't even count the disabilities.

What's so special about all this? I don't see any doctors, not lately anyway. I'll pop some Imodium AD when I get up in the morning but thats about all, Doctors don't want to give out pain medicine anymore (I blame the addicts) so I just live with the pain or try to find some by "other means".

Like right now, my old cracked spine injury and migrane are acting up and I got nothing for it (forget tylenol, that doesn't come close to helping), it's 3:00am what can I do?. Please, don't feel sorry for me and if you can, try to donate some money to the shelters for abused animals.

And that's your brain on pain, any questions?

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Moderate case of Crohn's disease, arthritis (thanks to the Crohns), and a few others that need not be discussed at this point, as my test results have yet to come back. I'm highly susceptable to colon cancer too, as I have had many many polyps removed.

What honestly sucks is when I was 12, I got meningitis, and came close to death, and that has been the deciding factor in my downhill battle with my health.

Anyway, the medications I take require weekly blood tests, and when one goes abnormal or I start having problems, bam, more tests.

I swear, I see more specialists than years I've lived. Tomorrow, neurologist. After that, gastroenterologist. (N)

But I don't let it get me down. :) Live every day, one at a time.

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Its strange that i should see this thread today for the following reason:

I dont have any issues appart from:

I find out the results of my HIV/AIDS test next Thursday. Hoping for the best, but as i slept unprotected with a girl in Thailand, i am not to sure what to expect.

I had the test today so i will find out the HIV/AIDS results next Thursday. The Hepititis results will take a few more weeks to come back though.

It would be wrong for me to say all Thai girls are infected as they are not all the same and i am sure most take care of themselves, but they have a high AIDS and Hepatitis problem out there, so i am more high risk than other people who slept with someone in England etc.

Yes, I know im an IDIOT for doing it in the first place!

Edited by Rich
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glaucoma in one eye, asthma, allergies every season but winter (ha!)...

just got over a small bout of bronchial pneumonia last week. Biaxin sucks!

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Ah, let me think. I wake up in weird places. I react to sunlight, I breathe underwater and I tend to go ballistic over anybody who speaks badly of free-market economics. I have an allergy to fast-food that makes it just fly through me. I compulsively acquire knowledge. The doctors detained me but I escaped. They haven't caught me yet in Raasey. In real life I'm perfectly fine.

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eczyma as well, but it's on the back of my neck... odd place really...


I always thought that on the back of the nexk was the right place (if there is such a thing :) ) to have eczyma. I know a couple of people who have it there (to varying degrees).

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I have diabetes, If that counts as a disease...

Had it about 8 years now, cant remember exactly....

Its really annoying with injections upto 3 times daily and having to constantly watch diet and what you're doing....I think its starting to affect things such as my eyes (is common in diabetes but this could just be using computer too much:P)  because i havent been bothered to look after my self properly so i really need some motivation or im going to be bad....Hoping for a cure in the future!

Ps. Its not that type that you get when you're fat and things, slighty different...was perfectly healthy before and still am apart from that...my mum has it as well so maybe it could be in jeans....

Cant get down about it though when you look at other people, lucky in the world but unlike in life i suppose...


I also have diabetes, type 1, had it for 14 years, on up to 5 injections a day :p

James Prince

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