BF2 demo

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I had the black screen crash to desktop with a geforce 6600gt, but thats with the Det 76.45 installed, when I'm not lazy I'll install the version that came with the demo.

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I like it.. they could of picked a better map.. but the graphics are not all that great.. there are jagged edges everywhere with AA and AF on full, all settings on full and I have a x800 pro card... it does run smooth though... can't wait til it comes out

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This is pathetic, hours later and no comment from EA at all about the CTD issue. I could have lived with the game knowing it was the SAME graphics engine even though they lied and said it was new. I could have lived with having to be forced to install DX 9.0c again just to get the damn game to install. I could have lived with turning off refresh rate lock to play the game. But not being able to START the demo to PLAY it, sorry no dice. Pun intended.

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My only complaint is, the shadows are blocky as all get out, the shadows in BF1942 were FAR smoother than what we see now.


If you are using an Nvidia card, you HAVE to update your drivers to a newer set. Isn't that special? You HAVE to update.

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Nothing related to 64bit cpu, thats something to do with the card itself. Don't know the specifics tho...


thanks :)

can anyone answer the other question?


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This is pathetic, hours later and no comment from EA at all about the CTD issue. I could have lived with the game knowing it was the SAME graphics engine even though they lied and said it was new. I could have lived with having to be forced to install DX 9.0c again just to get the damn game to install. I could have lived with turning off refresh rate lock to play the game. But not being able to START the demo to PLAY it, sorry no dice. Pun intended.


I am definitely not arguing with you here, cause I have seen it with my own 2 eyes that is the same engine, but do you have any sources saying it is just the same old engine?

I am not questioning you or your knowledge at all, I am pretty sure you know that my man, I just would like some further reading on it, because I know I was not dreaming when I read it was supposed to be a new engine. I cannot believe it. I really cannot. Such A Joke.

Okay I have played it even a little more, and again, YES, it is fun, but again it is nothing new at all.

Just really, really buggy. The main infantry (M-16 types) weapons feel, look, and sound like they are replicas shooting blanks. Totally not real feeling at all. Just real weak.

Literally it is the same old same old just some new and vehicles.

Span killing is also still a HUGE problem as well. I see they did nothing at all like I though they claimed they did to fix that issue.

This DEMO just strengthens my overall disdain for EA games.

If this is the state of the gold candidate, once again yet another Battlefiled game was rushed out the door, which is quite ironic considering it was delayed how many months?

I am trying to force it to grow on me, and I am having a really, really hard time doing it.

FYI for anyone else having issues with the shadows and who owns a Nvidia card, the drivers they supplied did fix the issue I had with the shadows.

I just realized I have already posted 3 times in this thread and I keep saying the same thing, how disappointed I am. I usually make my point once and thats it. But this is how truly disappointed I am.

Honestly, I am actually considering cancelling my pre-order.

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Well it's just Battlefield 1942 with better graphics and the sniper rifle works correctly now. Other than that it's still the same bug filled, unpolished, EA usual. I really had high hopes for this one. I guess I should have known that EA never changes.

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anybody else able to bind their movement keys (forward, back, left, and right strafe) to the number pad? It won't let me do 8, 4, 6, or 2 even with NumLock on or off! :angry: :angry: it keeps telling me there is something already using the key in "Common Controls"...but there isn't!! ARH!!

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anybody else able to bind their movement keys (forward, back, left, and right strafe) to the number pad? It won't let me do 8, 4, 6, or 2 even with NumLock on or off! :angry:  :angry:  it keeps telling me there is something already using the key in "Common Controls"...but there isn't!! ARH!!


i had to solve something similar - joysticks have two issues:

1. it no longer shows axis directions although it records them (so be sure to push the stick the way you want for the direction you want)

2. kept saying in use for one of the joystick buttons (which it clearly wasn't) so I unbound all the joystick keys/axies and started again - works but really sucks if you want to change midgame

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GeForce 4 WILL NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 or greater

ATi Radeon 8500 or greater


Hmm, it works with my FX 5200 and a 1200mhz processor. I think those are just cards that are SUPPORTED, other cards may work too.

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im just wondering the game / demo comes with nvidia 77.30 drivers yet these drivers are no where to be seen on nvidias site ? if anyone has installed these can they confirm they work ?  :huh:


I'm also wondering about this.

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I'd like to add to my other comment. You guy's should have known that it would be nothing like the way EA was pimpin' it. I see the same thing happening for Unreal 3 (graphics wise), watch.

I too am having a problem identifying my team from the other. I loved Team Fortress because of the team colors. That's life though, one disappointment after another. you should do like me and find a new hobby besides games, I took up guitar playing recently.

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im just wondering the game / demo comes with nvidia 77.30 drivers yet these drivers are no where to be seen on nvidias site ? if anyone has installed these can they confirm they work ?  :huh:


I'm also wondering about this.


They work fine and dandy here. No problems at all.

I was using Beta drivers from guru3D that were just a slightly lower version , 76 somethings I believe, so I think using these are not really a risk at all, as I see no real difference in these compared to the drivers I was just using except better performance for the demo itself.

The most important thing is they do help some issues with the game as well, mainly the shadows, so I really do suggest trying them if you are trying the game. FYI, I originally did not install them originally either. They are in a folder in the install directory called Nvidia Driver or something like that.

I just think it is super shady how a company has to release drivers just for their demo to work, that is why I originally chose not to install them, but hey, what do I know.

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Glad my game works perfect at x4 AA + High Details :D

I just haven't downgraded my Drivers to 5.1 as recommended yet, i have seen the Blackscreen thing twice now.

And stop comparing it to BF1942, this game is above and beyond that by miles! I haven't seen any real bugs.

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Honestly, I am actually considering cancelling my pre-order.


I fell like that too.

Maybe the only reason ill keep the pre-prder is because i have all BF series, so ill get it only for the collection.

As someone stated above, maybe with time we will get used with it...and for sure we will have some fun, but there is nothing new in the game.

I fell like its the same old engine, at least it looks like....i have the impression that in the vids they released the characters had better physics.

Oh another thing....i found the game a bit complicated.

Maybe just need to get used to it.

Have a nice day ppl.

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And people who seems like they can't whine enough, give EA a chance till the Retail release.

There's even a "Warning" at start-up saying the Demo products is not complete yada yada >

Did you care to read THAT?

People who start to break down the game already at Demo stage should be tied up like dogs in a moist basement in upper mongolia during the summer.

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Gameplay is pretty nice, played it for about an hour....

Lot of problems tho:

4. got disconnected from multiplayer a bunch of times with "something is wrong with your connection"

Will wait till an update comes out to try it again...


I think it is is meant to do that, i heard it kicks you from the server after 30min's as part of the demo, meaning it is meant to do that. And i think it is true too.

I love it though, commander mode is very cool and will play a vital role and clan matches. Planes are good fun and choppers i haven't quite got the hang of just yet.

I also at first had the shadow bug (big rectangle), but the 77.30's that came with the game fixed it and got a very minor performance increase in other gaems with them :) Way for EA to "leak" the driver they weren't even on Guru3d at the time :)

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And people who seems like they can't whine enough, give EA a chance till the Retail release.

There's even a "Warning" at start-up saying the Demo products is not complete yada yada >

Did you care to read THAT?

People who start to break down the game already at Demo stage should be tied up like dogs in a moist basement in upper mongolia during the summer.


Except the demo is the gold code. This is the final code for the game, the only thing EA can do after this is release patches. The final retail game looks and will play exactly like this.

Now that being said, I FINALLY played for awhile just now. It took about 18 relaunches of the game for it to save my video settings. GG EA. But once it did, graphically it is OK, I wasn't expecting UE3 style graphics (dunno why some of you were) and I mean, after all I did say for MONTHS that it was the same damn engine as BF1942/Vietnam and now after playing for 2 hours, I know it is ha!

Gameplay wise, its very polished though. TK'ing is still an issue (god, can they ever learn?!) and the artillery is insane now at spawn points. Sigh. Vehicles handle just like I thought they would, and while the HUD's for the different vehicles and planes etc are nice, the weapons feels way underpowered. Hand to hand weapons feel ok, though they need a bit more kick imo.

Sound wise, its pretty good. No stuttering like I had in previous BF games. Guns sound fairly good. The ambient stuff is great though, except the damn radio chatter. Dear god help me. (Turning that off real quick trust me.)

Overall, its pretty good now that I've played it. But it is the same engine, with practically the same bugs/issues. Its just a polished version of BF1942/Vietnam and if you go into the game thinking its going to be the next big thing, you will be disappointed. If you go in thinking it will be a polished well done game, you will enjoy it.

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Except the demo is the gold code. This is the final code for the game, the only thing EA can do..................................................that I've played it. But it is the same engine, with practically the same bugs/issues. Its just a polished version of BF1942/Vietnam and if you go into the game thinking its going to be the next big thing, you will be disappointed. If you go in thinking it will be a polished well done game, you will enjoy it.


you complain alot aye?

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