BF2 demo

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Runs fine on my low-end computer (Intel 2.4B, 9600pro, 1GB RAM).

One thing that I must say sucks is the server browser, it freezes frequently and takes a great deal of time and CPU power jus :alien: t to sort a server list of 500 by ping. :alien:

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I didn't really look into any hype about this game, so didn't have any expectations.

All i can say is that i love this game.

I'm yet to find something i don't like about it. Runs smoothly, graphics are nothing spectacular but the gameplay is brilliant.

I love how easy the radio commands are to issue, that was always my weakspot but now once you get familiar with where they are you can issue about 3 in a second.

One slight problem and one small question however;

3. Hard to distinguish enemies from friendly (maybe its just me)


And how can i remain in zoom when using sniper after firing? The help guy told me but i wasn't listening, :p


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I'm finally getting the hang of it. Those choppers are truly awesome. When you have a good driver and you sit on the gun on the front you can get a insane amount of kills. And the guided missiles eat tanks for lunch.

The server browser is really annoying though, and i get allot of servers with a 0 ping. :rolleyes:

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this runs brilliant with everything on high. loading is nice and quick too.

never played, BF1942 or V, so this is new to me. but i think it's great. vehicles are a lot of fun.

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i agree that u can get insane kills with sniper, but that was when i was down on the ground not REALLY far, now when im up on the crane , hell u can shoot at a guy from the base not too far who is proning and he wont get hit at all.... :no:


yup what I got, I was on that warehouse that the river goes past and my bullets werent denting ppl in the 2 bases below. It hits them but for crap all damage I think since I did kill someone sniping up in the town from that spot (which is further away) after i hit him like 6 times. Another time I was maybe 40m away and headed one and he died instantly

I duno, it defeats the purpose of the sniper rifle if u have to be close to get them I think

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You have to turn off any refresh rate lock you might have going. So 1999. Heh. And you also have to go into your video.con files in the Profile/Custom folder in the BF2 demo folder and change allowallrefreshrates 0 to 1. It should start then, I just didn't want to turn off my refresh rate locker, quite annoying to say the least. If that doesn't work for you there may be other things we can try.


Didn't work for me :(. There was no 'allowallrefreshrates' in my video.con file either.

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Didn't read the whole 31 pages, so if it's posted already, forgive me :)

Don't like that 12 minute limit?

Disable it :)

Add a # in front of host.registerHandler('TimeLimitReached', onTimeLimitReached, 1) in

\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes\

Works for single player as well as multiplayer ...


does that mean you can set a custom time?

(sorry, haven't played this enough to know how the time limits work)

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Didn't read the whole 31 pages, so if it's posted already, forgive me :)

Don't like that 12 minute limit?

Disable it :)

Add a # in front of host.registerHandler('TimeLimitReached', onTimeLimitReached, 1) in

\Battlefield 2 Demo\mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes\

Works for single player as well as multiplayer ...

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Is it just me or are the graphics nothing like expected? I remember seeing a video of ingame footage and it looked awesome. I'm running this with a 6800GT and it doesnt look that different from when I ran the first Battlefield with a ATI 9700

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Didn't work for me :(. There was no 'allowallrefreshrates' in my video.con file either.


Its in the videodefault.con file in the mods/bf2/settings folder

renderer.allowAllRefreshRates 1

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Is it just me or are the graphics nothing like expected? I remember seeing a video of ingame footage and it looked awesome. I'm running this with a 6800GT and it doesnt look that different from when I ran the first Battlefield with a ATI 9700


That's because everyone was convinced it was some awesome new graphics engine that would blow away Doom 3! But to be honest I think the videos we've all watched just had some post processing done on them to make them look much smoother. The game doesn't look BAD, it looks pretty good. But the low res textures kinda detract alot imo.

I don't feel like going back 30 pages, but is anyone getting shadows that are blocky?  Like a shadow cast by a vehicle and person is square?


You have to install the nvidia drivers that come with the game. If you have an ATI card, I don't know how to fix that one.

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This demo is a joke... some of the bugs I've encountered so far:

Occasional black screen when zooming with weapon (only a laser showing)

Hanging on the server screen (mouse still moves, but after 2 minutes I have to reset the computer)

Server screen hanging for 20 seconds when you scroll down, change the filter method, basically do anything

Lagging controls when offline (sometimes the forward key would lock, or the game would hang for about 2 seconds - this would be fixed by restarting the level)

Those are just a few, I can't remember all the trouble I've had with it. The gameplay is good and the graphics run well (and look very good), but there are so many stupid bugs and glitches. At the moment I can't get ANY servers to appear in the server browser.

I really like this game, but there are just too many bugs for me get it at the moment.

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That's because everyone was convinced it was some awesome new graphics engine that would blow away Doom 3! But to be honest I think the videos we've all watched just had some post processing done on them to make them look much smoother. The game doesn't look BAD, it looks pretty good. But the low res textures kinda detract alot imo.


Yea, the trees, grass and distant objects look really poor.

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Anyone know how to stay zoomed in with sniper rifle whilst firing?



Hold the left mouse button after firing? I think that's what it said in the tutorial.

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ok got the demo and unistalled the demo

why? = this is as borring as BFV

wonder why they did not name it BFV 2 ^^

ME/ stays on BF42 for some more years

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The people that complain saying this game is poor, well i will only agree with them when u fight as a lone wolf, though if people actually made SQUADS that worked together (which i had the occasion in one or two servers ) well the gameplay is amazingly fresh and genuine!

The graphics are good model wise, though vegetation from far is poor - reminds me of BF V ... anyway cant be worse than BF V , that game sucked hairy nuts from the first day it got on my comp! :angry:

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still cant get online with it because it says there is already an account under my mail account :(

enjoying singleplayer but MP sounds great as i've yet to see a chopper :(

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guys my game keeps crashing to desktop. before i load it, all i see is black screen then just goes back to desktop. how the fawk do i fix this? i'm running GeForce 3 (lol) and the drivers that came with the demo and directx x9c.

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^Graphics are poor in my opinion aswell.

Anyone know how to stay zoomed in with sniper rifle whilst firing?



Ahh, nice to see I am not the only one who was dissapointed with the graphics (I thought I might have been a bit harsh when I told a friend of mine that I thought the graphics were fairly poor compared to what I had expected).

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