BF2 demo

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Sorry guys :(

I'm not impressed as I get a better game out of DC.

I'm not going to join gamespot just to play a MP game. Than's just lame.

The graphics are crap, BF1942 is better IMO. This one runs slow as hell on my PC and I have almost everthing set to low and on 800x600 res.

Sys Specs:


FX5200 Ultra

512 ram

P4 2.4 Intel

Sorry but if I can't play a game decently without dumping $300 on a new card I'm not buying it.

I'm gald the Dev's get the latest and greatest hardware from Nvidia to develope their games but take into consideration MOST people can not afford the latest and greatest.

Back to BF1942 and Desert Combat.

Thank god for Demos!


what a completely stupid statement. i suggest you buy a half decent video card before complaining. Just because you can't afford a new card doesn't mean the game is crap.

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Grabbed the demo last night...pretty wicked, here are some screens...

playing on:

P4 3.06Ghz

1024mb dual channel

X800XL 256mb


detail: maxed out (high)




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still cant get online with it because it says there is already an account under my mail account :(

enjoying singleplayer but MP sounds great as i've yet to see a chopper :(


use the retrieve account function :yes:

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You have to turn off any refresh rate lock you might have going. So 1999. Heh. And you also have to go into your video.con files in the Profile/Custom folder in the BF2 demo folder and change allowallrefreshrates 0 to 1. It should start then, I just didn't want to turn off my refresh rate locker, quite annoying to say the least. If that doesn't work for you there may be other things we can try.


Thanks for the tips, seems this fix worked for a lot of people. Still giving me trouble though, and seems like much more trouble then it's worth :no:

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i'm sure the demo is really cool but i still can't get the damn thing to load, frickin black screen, i've given up now....back to hl2dm.

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Finally got around to playing this. Coming from somebody who didn't play Desert Combat at all, I thought this was pretty damn good. I was able to run it at medium settings at 800x600, which is good enough for me. The snipers didn't dominate to the extent that I thought they would, maybe they just need more time. Playing anti-tank was pretty fun - now it's actually useful, unlike in 1942.

I agree about the team recognition, though. If it weren't for the letters at the top of the player, I wouldn't be able to tell the teams apart.

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I can't get it to run with AA at all. I changed both the ingame and ATi settings to all the combinations I can think of but nothing. Any ideas?

As for game play. I love the damage assist and the pilot assist points. I came in second place only flying the Blackhawk. And the medic's defibrillator is great.

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how do you turn off refresh rate lock and where can i find the video.con files cos the 1 i found doesnt have "allowrefreshrate"

also in the game folder ders a folder named "levels" does this mean u can illegally download levels and edit the game so u can play it?

Edited by Druw
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From what I understand the demo doesn't support anything higher than 1024x768, I have seen some people on LCD's break out old CRT's to play the demo, which is horrible.


I am running mine @ 1600x1200 -- 100 Hz.

How do I know? every game that isn't my native desktop res (1600x1200) will have a black bar around the game.

I also clicked a button on my monitor that told me it was running @ 100Hz.

Some ppl probably don't listen to the little thing at the bottom, saying it will take longer to load when you change the res.. becuase it will have to optimize the geometry and shadows or something like that.

What I did was change from 800x680 (the res it starts at) to 1600x1200 (all max settings).. then I exited the game.. opened it and checked out if the settings were still @ 1600x1200.. and when I joined a game it filled the whole screen.

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quadricle, you need to turn AF on, it would look worlds better. I don't play multiplayer, but single player

is way better than the previous games. The bots are pretty damn smart. And I havn't ran across any

bugs except the shadows bug a few are chatting about.

I take back my comment about being hard to determine enemys vs friends, after playing a bit I understand now.

I turned shadows off and kicked it up to high settings and it's still all good n' smooth. I do honestly think I will

buy this game, but only for singleplayer, I have a hatrid for multiplayer games.

On a side note, see my Audio card in the sig? there are tons of people complaining all over

about how the revolution is no good for gaming, I'm here to tell you not to listen to those creeps.

I switched to the revolution from a Fortissimo III and in the games I've played I get at the bare minimum

a 20% increase in fps not a 20% decrease.

By the way I don't run it in gaming mode, I leave it on SRS music mode all the time. Make sure

you select "software" as the audio source in your games. enabling EAX doesn't have a noticable effect

on performance either. But I'm sure that as long as the world turns, sheep in it will always think

there are no other options besides *cough*creative*cough*. :rolleyes:

I may try out multiplayer but usually get pretty upset at the way folk act on there so I don't know.

Game on.

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Yay it works on my computer! Though its at 800x600 and low settings it still looks pretty decent, and it runs really smoothly.


P4 3.0GHz

1gig DDR400 Ram

Fx5200 128MB Ram

It keeps telling me that I have to upgrade my video drivers...even though I installed the ones that came with the demo....but it still runs the game, so I guess it can be ignored

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The shadow bug is fixed by upgrading to the included nVidia drivers. It's pretty obvious that you're going to have some sort of visual bug in the game when installing on a system with nVidia graphics, because it tells you in 3+ different places (while installing the game, in the readme, and in the game) that you'll have problems if you don't upgrade your drivers to the ones bundled with the demo.

BTW, anyone know if it's possible to pipe just voice chat through a secondary sound card? I can pipe my microphone just fine, but I can't find anywhere to tell it to use my second sound card for voice output. This is one aspect that the Xbox, an "ancient" gaming console, is usually superior in :(.

I noticed that a lot of servers have disabled the 12min time limit and increased the max players to 64; that stuff is so easy to do, since BF2 uses simple Python scripts for lots of things (even the TK grieving system that most servers apparently don't have enabled).

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I dont know if this has been answered yet, but I'm running the demo and I have a serious random lag/lockup thing going on with my controls. Every few seconds, it will just lock my controls (so the character keeps shooting/running/etc in the same direction even when i let off the keys) and then return to normal. It pretty much renders the game unplayable. Is there a solution for this? I tried changing graphics drivers, no luck.

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WTF!!! It wont let me play online. All it does is say creating account for like 10 min. WTF is going on can someone help me please :angry:

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WTF!!! It wont let me play online. All it does is say creating account for like 10 min. WTF is going on can someone help me please :angry:


firewall maybe? ports 16567 needs to be open.....not sure if udp or tcp tho....

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This sucks every time I go to play it loads to 60% then boots me back to windows and i get this error. memory.dll:sanity check:block size 528446588(503.97MB) doesn't seem sane. I dont know what that means.

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Hmm.  Wonder what they have happening here then.  It tried to mess with 7 Symantec corp antivirus 10 tasks.. I hope they can explain.


Just snagged a public hosted site copy and comparing to the one from that suspicious mirror:

The trusted one:

C:\Downloads>md5 Battlefield_2_Demo.exe

E8560C69FA33F0759F2B92A147DBBB5B Battlefield_2_Demo.exe

The suspicious one:

C:\Downloads>md5 battlefield2demo.exe

28B29549010D0980D1CD1D0AD86F8DBE battlefield2demo.exe

I may grab a copy from multiple sites to continue comparing.. Beware folks.

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Anyone know of a good torrent or mirror?

Every server I goto is busy and the filerush and mininova torrents both dont connect (checked firewall already) :(

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WTF!!! It wont let me play online. All it does is say creating account for like 10 min. WTF is going on can someone help me please :angry:


Any Ideas its not the firewall or router tried it with both and nothing.

this game sux so far

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No resolution higher than 1024x768 is supported in the game (as of now)


Say what? I'm running BF2 as smooth as a baby's bottom at 1600x1200 every option on high.

Is "high" the highest mode you can select for the graphical options? I read somewhere that there would be an 'insane' mode too? Can someone with a 3.5+Ghz, 2Gb+ ram, and a 6800Ultra confirm this?

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