MSN Toolbar 2.0.2 with tabs Released

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I must say, the way they implemented the tabs was kinda like a hack sort of thing, you can so tell they're just making a new instance of IE in someway and not showing it in the taskbar and process list, and then keeping a list of the handles to these instances and everytime you clikc on the tabs it justs opens that window up and refreshes the task bar.

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nice implament, the whole screen flickers when switching tab's. This is just a test version untill they iron out all the kinks for IE7 give them a break

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The tabbed browsing feature DEFINITELY needs some work. I'm not sure why they released this as a final build--frankly, it SUCKS. Every time you click on a new tab the IE window flashes and resizes itself. The desktop search is great, but for now I'll be leaving the MSN Toolbar in IE disabled.

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microsoft has just done a fix up job

no matter what you do tabbed browsing will work like the way it is working right now because microsoft has applied a patch to IE6 instead of updating the whole software.

Mozilla Firefox/Opera/any other browser don't show this problem because tabbed browsing is built into the software itself and not added by patching it.

for it to work properly microsoft had to release a new version of IE or a mojor update to it and they are already making IE7. so instead of going through all the trouble just for tabbs, they released it like this just for the heck of it

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Gread find!

I am a avid user of MSN desktop search.

Weird thought the automatic updater hasnt prompted me to update yet.


well I tried that too and even forced it to search for an update of which it said non existed (i checked version numbers and mine was out of date). Manually dloaded the new version and tried to install it and it said "your current version cannot be updated, please uninstall it first" (or something of that nature.). so yeah you may need to uninstall an old version and dont expect to be automatically upgraded. It means I had to redownload a few new ifilters but there was a new WMA one so all is good. Ohh and I had to rebuild my search index too...that took 1min max but (mydocs + emails)
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well I tried that too and even forced it to search for an update of which it said non existed (i checked version numbers and mine was out of date). Manually dloaded the new version and tried to install it and it said "your current version cannot be updated, please uninstall it first" (or something of that nature.). so yeah you may need to uninstall an old version and dont expect to be automatically upgraded. It means I had to redownload a few new ifilters but there was a new WMA one so all is good. Ohh and I had to rebuild my search index too...that took 1min max but (mydocs + emails)


strange . the new version installed without a prob over the old 2.00 .....

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This isn't a final version. It is buggy because it is not a final version. When the official page becomes updated with the final version, you will know. MSN will be advertising the tabs when the final version is released. As it stands, the page makes no mention of it. Wait until the final version is released before ragging on the implementation.

By the way, did I mention that this is not the final version?

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omg they just copied firefox soo hard. not like microsoft can come up with their own ideas no they gotta steal ideas from the single best browser out there firefox (it has 62,421,000+ downloads now :p)


Move along fanboy, shoo! :trout:

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Good to see tabs are finally available. All they need to do is iron out some bugs and it should keep many IE users busy until IE 7.0.

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tabs are like sooo 2004. :p

i love how thats all the highlight. "lots of useful features" yet tabs gets all the mention. :/

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the tabs kinda suck but thats not why I downloaded this anyway. Desktop search is the part I like :D


is it hard to trust? notice anything shady? i just dont see msn having anything to do with my desktop. :s

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I think it's fine. They've already said it's hard to add tabs to IE without doing something ala maxthon; IE 7 will have native tabs that will probably differ from this. But i'll take this for now.

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Looks like I was wrong as the MSN site has it all advertised now. I guess it is a final build, which is surprising considering just how buggy it is.

Did anyone else have the toolbar resize their IE window to where it won't cover the top portion of the screen? I had it happen to me and restarted my system to no avail.

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the tabs don't work for me, when i click open new tab in foreground or background i get a "Can not find Server" page with a msntabb://38b5b58dfc7b4c4199aaa5d39ecf680...and the url

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:punk: Yess!!! Thankyou MS!

I take :angry: it all back. What a worthless load of ****.

Maybe Microsoft should contact the people from Avant Browser or Maxthlon to learn how to do tabs. :ninja: The MSN implementation is (N). Why the :angry: does my IE flicker and stuggle when I click between tabs?

Edited by psychoticpickle
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Is this how the Microgarden Tabs implement tabs too?

If so, maybe there is no better way to implement tabs through an add-on as mentioned earlier in the thread.

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i figured out why it flickers: its making multiple instances of IE and showing/hiding them depending on what tab you have active. Want proof? open at least 2 tabs re-arange your toolbars in a mess then click the other tab. the second tab will have your old toolbar layouts. If it was true tabbed browsing you would have all your websites opened in one instance and this sorta thing would be impossible (as it is impossible to recreate this error in say firefox.) thats why IE flickers :yes:

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