MSN Toolbar 2.0.2 with tabs Released

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i figured out why it flickers: its making multiple instances of IE and showing/hiding them depending on what tab you have active. Want proof? open at least 2 tabs re-arange your toolbars in a mess then click the other tab. the second tab will have your old toolbar layouts. If it was true tabbed browsing you would have all your websites opened in one instance and this sorta thing would be impossible (as it is impossible to recreate this error in say firefox.) thats why IE flickers :yes:


Oh MY GOD! I would have never expected Microsoft to stoop so low just to compete with other browsers which implement tabs the right way.

It's a joke, really is.

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I wouldn't conclude that this is tab browsing from MS, it's definitely not what IE7 would be, this is after all an add-on to it, it's not closely tied down to IE, IE's implementation would be closely tied down.

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Tried it earlier. It's simple and great. Just what IE6/7 needs (with some modifications but don't moan, IT'S A START!!!) (Y)

divertom15, I thought it flickered to just change the text of the open window? I doubt it keeps a "cached" copy of your taskbar :wacko:?!?

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The most annoying thing (to me at least) about it is that whenever you switch tabs, IE resizes itself as a maximized window, without actually being maximized. I hate that. I like new windows to open up small so that I can easily switch between them.

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:punk: Yess!!! Thankyou MS!

I take  :angry:  it all back. What a worthless load of ****.

Maybe Microsoft should contact the people from Avant Browser or Maxthlon to learn how to do tabs.  :ninja:  The MSN implementation is (N). Why the  :angry:  does my IE flicker and stuggle when I click between tabs?



This software is very buggy.

I uninstalled it a few minutes after using it.

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The most annoying thing (to me at least) about it is that whenever you switch tabs, IE resizes itself as a maximized window, without actually being maximized.? I hate that.? I like new windows to open up small so that I can easily switch between them.


Are you taking about changing between tabs and IE maximizes itself?

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Are you taking about changing between tabs and IE maximizes itself?


Yes. But it doesn't maximize itself in the normal sense. It resizes itself to take up the entire screen.

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If I'm not mistaken one of the guys for XPSP2 said that they were going to do the tabbed browsing thing for IE, but found out that it couldn't be done too well. Even though it's buggy (mostly because it's beta), I think the MSN guys have done an OK job. If you can't wait for the real thing (IE 7) then this is what you get.

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I think this is pretty redundant.

W2k can choose from Maxthon and other IE shells, Opera and Firefox to get the tabs.

XP will have the same options plus IE7, which should have better tabs implementation.

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Someone has already done that ;)


Ok so where can we get the version that will let us hide the MSN Search Toolbar, but still keep the tabs?

Also, I went into the options -> general

and changed the search service to:

however, when I type a search query into MSN Search Toolbar's search box and hit the "Search Web" button, it just goes to the google search page. I would like it to work just like the Google toolbar, type in your search query in the box, hit search, then the next page it should load is the google search results page. This wouldn't matter though if I could just hide / disable the toolbar, but still keep the tabs.

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Ok so where can we get the version that will let us hide the MSN Search Toolbar, but still keep the tabs?

Also, I went into the options -> general

and changed the search service to:

however, when I type a search query into MSN Search Toolbar's search box and hit the "Search Web" button, it just goes to the google search page. I would like it to work just like the Google toolbar, type in your search query in the box, hit search, then the next page it should load is the google search results page.  This wouldn't matter though if I could just hide / disable the toolbar, but still keep the tabs.


Read al the posts i have said how to change the search engine to a quite correct way to do what do you wanna get.

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Anyone open up Task Manager while running IE w/ tabs? This is some GREAT tabbed browsing!?:no::



What's the big deal? Is that going to 'cause my PC to crash? Is it going to 'cause other apps. to not run correctly? I have an AMD San Diego core 3700+, 2GB of RAM and a 400GB HDD, will my PC start to get slower?

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Read al the posts i have said how to change the search engine to a quite correct way to do what do you wanna get.


I saw your post. You said to put this in:$w

Is that supposed to work differently when I put that into the MSN Search Toolbar? When I type that into my browser, it opens a search result page for "$w".

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What's the big deal?  Is that going to 'cause my PC to crash?  Is it going to 'cause other apps. to not run correctly?  I have an AMD San Diego core 3700+, 2GB of RAM and a 400GB HDD, will my PC start to get slower?


No it wont cause ur pc to crash or other apps to run incorrectly. I was just pointing out that it is not true tabbed browsing

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I was just pointing out that it is not true tabbed browsing


We all knew that. Give them some credit for releasing the toolbar with tabs temporarily while they work on IE7.

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For me on that way searchs anything writed on toolbar, don't know why for you don't


Ok, I have it working now. Thanks!

I've uninstalled Google Toolbar since MSN Search Toolbar works just like the Goole Toolbar now + gives me tabs. :D

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Ok, using what Aokromes gave us:$w

works with just plain searches. When you try to search with quotation marks and plus signs and commas though, it doesn't work right. For example, when I try searching for:

"Red Tide"

this is what the search results page says I searched for:

%22 Red+Tide%22

If I search for:



Red + Tide

respectively, the search results page shows that I searched for these:



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