How do you move a 32" Tube TV

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Nope this isn't a math question. Well it might turn into one.

I have a problem and it is a large one. I have a nice 2 year old Sony 32" Tube TV, the KV32FV310. I like the TV but I am moving. The TV weighs 172lbs, the dimensions are 35.38 in. (W) x 23 in. (D) x 26.88 in. (H).

Right now it is stored on the 2nd floor in a house. There lies the first problem, stairs. Then it will go to an apartment across town which is located on the 3rd (top) floor. There are is no elavator.

I do not have the original box, so unfortunately that is out of the question.

What should I do to move this beast, other then hire professional movers, to the new home. I am willing to buy supplies as long as it doesn't exceed $100. Also in my circle of friends were all either fat or too skinny to lift the TVs and obviously not smart enough to come up with an idea to move it.

(btw even the reviews mention its a heavy beast:

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it would only take 2 people to move that, regardless of how skinny, because im as skinny as a stick, yet i helped my dad move a tv which was definetely heavier than that :s

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It's not that heavy that two people can't lift it surely! I have moved a 32" inch TV with one other person before relatively easily.

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strength in numbers. just get a bunch of your friends to help out, i'm sure you'll manage. my dad, my brother, and me moved a 32" sony tv up a set of stairs in our split level home into the living room. it wasn't even hard.

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It's not really the weight of the thing.. it is the shape that makes it cumbersome to lift.

Like for my 80lbs 22" monitor I carried the other day.. just took me a few secs to get the right finger hold on it for a secure lift.

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Just be careful when lifting, the weight in a tube tv is not evenly distributed the all the weight is in the front (the screen) and it can often supprise people when they lift.

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What some of you may not relize is that 32" Tv's are fairly easy to move except a sony.

Sony is the heaviest & best CRT based TV the glass in the picture tube is 3 to 4 times thicker than on other crt tvs.

You may think I am BSing you or wonder where I got this info.My dad has worked on TV's for nearly 40 years and he says nothing beats sony for crt TV beacause they are built better & use a complety different picture tube & flyback than any other crt based tv ever made.

He has worked on the first sony's to be sold in america.

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Had a problem with a massive tv before.

I got some of the grip stuff you can buy from hardware stores for the garage, for holding wood and stuff, lines the top of some finished pine floorboards (not varnished), stuck the sticky junk on the top, tv on top of that, and slowly with two people, slid it down the stairs.

The stairs had carpet, so I dunno if this will help you or not.

About getting it back up... if your friends are really that measly and whimpy, take it one step at a time. Up one, tv down with you or the stronger one, supporting the over hanging edge.

I think this makes sence.

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Well oddly enough I carried a 35 incher Citizen Flat Screen. One problem though a huge massive hump for a back. I'd recommend put a towel on the screen lay it flat against your chest and slowly pick up. Bend at knees keep straight and have a few spotters if you can't pick it up.

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do you own the TV and stand like the picture in the link? if so,does the TV sit on the stand or is it permanently attached?if not,you could carry each at a time.

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