crystal wallpaper?

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I was wondering if anyone knew of any good sites with tutorials or guides on making wallpaper with the shiny crystal effect that is seen in the wallpapers that come with the cyrstal shellpack from ??

If not, if someone knows how to do this, please message me. I'm trying to create a wallpaper with that effect that is black in color to be released in a series, each with different Tux penguins as the character on the background.

Thanks in advance!

Feel free to PM me here, E-Mail me, or IM me on AIM or Yahoo if you can offer assistance. My info is on my profile and sig.

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Thank you very much. :woot:

That's pretty cool. However, what i'm trying to find is more of a step by step guide that's fairly easy to follow for how to make desktop wallpaper that has the shiny crystal effect across the entire thing like seen in the wallpapers as the above mentioned link. The creator of that site is swamped with work and has yet to have time to post any sort of tutorial, and I have looked all over the net with no luck finding even basic instructions of how to start making walls like that.

As one possiblity, would it be possible for you or anyone to take the wall i've uploaded here and remove the tux apple penguin from it but keep the wall itself looking the same? If that were possible then I could simply use this wall to make the ones that I'm looking to work with. It's the only "crystal" style wall i've found that has the right look that is black in color.

Edited by syntax010
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Thank you very much. I've looked for a dark wall with that "look" for a very loooooong time now without much success. Most "crystal" style walls that you run across are either blue or some shade of gray or silver. This will work awesomely for the walls that i'm working on making. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH :woot:

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