What Browser Do You Use Now?

What Browser Do You Use Now?  

1,759 members have voted

  1. 1. What Browser Do You Use Now?

    • Netscape 8.02
    • Internet Explorer 6
    • Opera 8.01
    • Firefox 1.06+
    • Internet Explorer 7

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Firefox 1.0.6 is my browser of choice. I've used Opera but I didn't care a whole lot for it. I have Internet Explorer 7 beta 1 as my secondary browser.

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It would be interesting to see if this poll has changed at all with Opera's 10th Birthday come and gone. Maybe the reason many people weren't using Opera was because of the adverts that come with the free version.

I tried Opera for less that 5 minutes when they released their new version a couple of months ago. Didn't like it, and so moved back to Firefox.

Oh, and I voted for Firefox...although I think my version is a bit more up to date than the options would have me believe.

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firefox most and ie for updates :alien: also tried opera yesterday, its nice and they have some cool skins for it too but i think 2 browsers is enough so i keep it by IE and FF

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It would be interesting to see if this poll has changed at all with Opera's 10th Birthday come and gone. Maybe the reason many people weren't using Opera was because of the adverts that come with the free version.


Indeed the poll did change. Excluding poor old Netscape, Opera was behind IE6 and Firefox - until these last few days.

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well I always been hardcore fan of firefox

then I tweaked opera a lot but now some forum images dont load and also

white space taken from blocked ads dont collapse anymore like AdBlock does

so I switch back to firefox

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I rarely use IE anymore, but obviously it was the first browser i ever used lol So i basically went from IE -> FireFox and i am now converting to an Opera user, but i am still getting used to it.

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opera (using mac)

ive tried both safari, camino, omiweb, firefox, shiira etc

but i always goes back to opera after a while.

some have a cool feature, some has a better adblock (although u can block in opera too) but operas customization and how it handle tabs are superior.

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I use konqueror to browse the web, apt-get for updates.

Konqueror 3.5, coming in September passes acid 2 rendering test. I know it's just one test, but it's a good barometer of where things are heading in khtml development.

Too bad you guys are still chained down to the Windows machine.

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ie6 in windows and ie6 in linux


What? :laugh: Is that an honest mistake? :rofl:

OK... maybe you use something like Wine to run IE6 in Linux. But why would you want to do that?

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What?  :laugh: Is that an honest mistake?  :rofl:

OK... maybe you use something like Wine to run IE6 in Linux. But why would you want to do that?


Because any malware he might get using IE won't do anything in Linux? :laugh:

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