Prominence Pro

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Well, thanks Damien for sending this back to me after I lost my HDD...

Prominence Pro v1

Silver, black, shiny, bold and useable.


- No shellstyle (fancy making one?)

- One style, Silver compact.

* Use ClearType to make your screen look that much smoother. The default font works perfectly with it enabled.

I do not have time for requests, I'm still trying to fix XPM Classic and work two jobs (yes, two jobs. Erk). Bug notification would be appreciated!

Don't forget, this was nearly finished months ago, so please refrain from 'this looks like blah blah blah' as this was probably made before it ;?)


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You rock Ross. Excellent work with this. :yes: Keep it up.

I remember getting the beta of this at w9d, great theme! cool.gif

Heh, same.

Edited by GT
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Very nice creation, b0se. (Y)

I especially like the Start Menu. Good job. :)

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Thanks for the feedback!

I prefer the smaller captions; bit more sleek in my opinion...

The guy who said the round captions ruin it: You use Opera, so your opinion doesn't count ;?D Just kidding. Can't please everyone!

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