1500 Sheep Jump off Cliff, 450 Die

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You woulda had to get down there real quick and shave them and then cut 'em up and preserve them. No reason to let 450 sheep go to waste.

Can you image that though?

"hey Hal. I dare you to go jump off that cliff."

"no Mike, I double dare you."

"Hal, I i friggen triple dog dare you to."

"alright, fine."

"woooohoohoohooo!!! So much fun!"

*all of the sheep run to see what's so fun and plummit to their death, except for the ones in the back who were basically jumping on a big pile of sweaters.*

Like wtf would cause them to do that? It's sad, but so funny at the same time.

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the sheppard should have made one of the sheep as the 'stopper'

noob mistake


:laugh: :rofl: im crying

A picture of the aftermath of this would be the single greatest "OWNED" image of all time.

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In the end, 450 dead animals lay on top of one another in a billowy white pile, the Aksam newspaper said. Those who jumped later were saved as the pile got higher and the fall more cushioned...


reminds me fo the story where jesus told evil spirits to get out of a man, and the evil spirits pleaded jesus to let them possess a group of pigs as they all fell into the water

Edited by WinXPro
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Maybe one fell down and the rest all went on a rescue attempt? I dunno.. Surely they must have been spooked or brainwashed (if thats even possible) into doing it.

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no wonder they went over the cliff.  :rofl:



Ok, um what exactly is the ACTUAL intention of that sign? lol It really looks like nothing else than a picture of someone committing bestiality :laugh: :rofl:

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Ok, um what exactly is the ACTUAL intention of that sign? lol It really looks like nothing else than a picture of someone committing bestiality :laugh: :rofl:


There's a good chance it's a photoshop job.

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no wonder they went over the cliff.  :rofl:



reminds me of the old saying how the push back better if you do it on the edge of a cliff. ;)

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Thinking from the most realistic point of view.. I think some kind of predator (Or predators) drove them to the cliff.. If thats the case then this isn't an uncommon occurance.. For example, some lions work together to drive wildebeests to a cliff for easier catch.. But 1500 sheep? That's kinda insane.. :o

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Comparing these sheeps with lemmings it's a bit tricky.

If you're comparing with the Lemmings from that videogame, then you're right.

Comparing with Lemmings (mammals) is wrong. They don't throw themselves from cliffs.

Here's the story. Makes me sick. :no:



Counting bodies like sheep

To the rhythm of the war drums :&:

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