[Wallpaper] - "Hackers" Walls

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Well... Ryan had a silly idea of remaking the wallpapers from the movies "Hackers". His main reason for this idea, is because they seemed simple, and like some nice practice for "Illustrator". Heh... yeah right.

Anyways... I did the first one, Acid Burn's wallpaper. I used a REALLY crappy screenshot, so the final product is just as close to the screenshot as I could get. This is probably the only one *I'm* doing. Only reasons I did it is because Ryan asked me to, I like fire (hot damn, that was not the most enjoyable thing to work on), and I like Angelina Jolie. He'll probably be doing the others.

Figured someone might like them :)


(included the screenshot I used. And as a sidenote, I would like to add that I.am.still.NOT.a.techie.nerd! Making wallpapers from screenshots of "Hackers" does NOT qualify me as a nerd. :unsure: )

Edit: rounded the corners... heh... realized they were rounded in the screenshot JUST as I was posting. Ah well...

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what a coincidence..i jsut watched the first..2/3 trough the 2nd..gonna watch the 3rd after :)

gotta love the papers..also 1507 systems when ur 11?..god damn crazy.

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what a coincidence..i jsut watched the first..2/3 trough the 2nd..gonna watch the 3rd after :)

gotta love the papers..also 1507 systems when ur 11?..god damn crazy.


I... I didn't realize... there were sequals... :blink:


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What a pain in the ass this one was, aligning all those little flares! :x

This is, of course, the hero's (Crash Override) first wallpaper.

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I... I didn't realize... there were sequals...  :blink:



yea..but the 2nd is about a middle aged guy who takes something opver because the guy made a worm(doens't speicfy what the worm was created FOR) and eventually gets caught...and atually does his time.

the 3rd was about a young programmer who finds out about what the new copany that he works for does (kills people that get ahead of them in coding) while making a new mass-multimedia network --in the end the whole thing becomes open-source(what his friend was trying to do and was killed for)


also--very nice walls little missy...gonna redo my desktop in windows 98 fashioon and use them (not really..but find a nice way to use em)

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yea..but the 2nd is about a middle aged guy who takes something opver because the guy made a worm(doens't speicfy what the worm was created FOR) and eventually gets caught...and atually does his time.

the 3rd was about a young programmer who finds out about what the new copany that he works for does (kills people that get ahead of them in coding) while making a new mass-multimedia network --in the end the whole thing becomes open-source(what his friend was trying to do and was killed for)


also--very nice walls little missy...gonna redo my desktop in windows 98 fashioon and use them (not really..but find a nice way to use em)


lol, ahhh okay... Gotcha ;) I dunno if I'd consider those sequals, though... Just movies that have the same general idea.

Anyway, glad you like 'em :) They're just cute and simple, really... though I am DAMN proud of how my fire turned out :D... But as I mentioned in my first post, only the first one is mine. The rest are my fiance, Ryan's :wub: He's tryin to work 'em in Illustrator (frustrating program)... I think he's only got a couple more to do.

Lemme see a screenprint when you've got it up! :)


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Hackers 2 is a REALLY REALLY bad represention of the Kevin Mitnick story. This movie was made and released with Kevin still in jail without even a bail hearing for a few years, and yet in the film they portray him as being some evil super villian. They show him geting a trial and sentanced in the film, which never happened at the time of the creation of the film, or ever. I recomend that you watch Freedom Downtime to straighten out the whole Hackers 2 thing for you.

The third movie which was claimed as a sequel here is called AntiTrust.

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Oh yeah, and Hackers 2 makes Kevin out to be a racist and shows Kevin assualting Tsutomu Shimomura, which also never happened. The "worm" that Tsutomu Shimomura supposedly wrote in Hackers 2, by definition wasn't a worm at all and was also non-existant. During the making of Hackers 2, Tsutomu Shimomura would brief Skeet Uldrich (best known for being a psychopathic murderer in the first Scream movie) on how to act more like Kevin Mitnick, even though at that point in time Tsutomu Shimomura and Kevin Mitnick had never met.

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Lord Nikon's screen! :D I omitted the thread-like bits because they were part of an animation & simply ruined the wall (also, would've been a pain in the ass to do.)

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Antitrust was a GREAT flick.  Rachel Leigh Cook FTW


shetotally played milo tho....great ending..but the beginning of the gobal message was boring IMO


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