[Wallpaper] - "Hackers" Walls

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Good post - I thought I'd take a crack at this as well. I found the start-up screen more interesting than the wallpaper, hence what I've made. It's based on the standard mac wallpaper and looks very nice on a 12" powerbook. Enjoy


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  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome work.

Hackers was an enjoyable movie. Granted, I watched it as a kid, and as many thing you found great as a kid, you find pretty cheesy later... But it's still cool.


@devious duo: Say you're not a nerd one more time you'll become the nerdiest person on Neowin :p

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I have no idea what the movie is about... but I love to nitpick >.<

The first wallpaper is good.. but when making rounded corners, the corners on the inside cannot be the same radius because the whole shape is smaller.

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I have no idea what the movie is about... but I love to nitpick >.<

The first wallpaper is good.. but when making rounded corners, the corners on the inside cannot be the same radius because the whole shape is smaller.

"Hackers" Walls


It's how Holywood imagined hackers. All of them are cool teenagers, they drive rollerblades and hack into dangerous networks all the time! Sometimes even while they're driving rollerblades! d00d! w00t! k3wl!

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Neither film has any official affiliation with the original 1995 film "Hackers." Still, they're both pretty good movies of their own merit! :D


Guys "Hacker 2 : Operation Takedown" is not it's title, it's the informal title. Before release when it was pirated and put on the internet they called it Hackers 2 but it actually has no connection at all to the original Hackers movie, asides from it being about hacking.

Also Sneakers, Antitrust, Conspiracy Theory, WarGames or any other movie ever made, has nothing to do with the movie called Hackers!

Back on topic, the Walls look pretty good.

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AcidBurn wall above is great! Using it at work now!

Would love to see CrashOverride's wall when he fires up his new laptop, and you get those bombs show down the left hand side - think its when they are in the phone booth's. Great wall!

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thats some great work! just watched hackers, thats me back to when i was a n00bie on computer hardware!, i miss my old 486DX.

Haha I still have my 486DX2 in the garage. The case takes so much space that I was planning to throw it out completely, only keep the processor.

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Awesome work.

Hackers was an enjoyable movie. Granted, I watched it as a kid, and as many thing you found great as a kid, you find pretty cheesy later... But it's still cool.


@devious duo: Say you're not a nerd one more time you'll become the nerdiest person on Neowin :p

I don't remember saying I wasn't a nerd.


I'm not a nerd ;)

No really, I am. And proud of it. We're here, we're queer, right? Or something like that.

I have no idea what the movie is about... but I love to nitpick >.<

The first wallpaper is good.. but when making rounded corners, the corners on the inside cannot be the same radius because the whole shape is smaller.

I'm not sure you noticed, but I made this wallpaper about 3 1/2 years ago. For some reason, the thread was resurrected again, recently. This is when I had just gotten Photoshop for the first time, and was learning my way around it. I'm a graphic designer, now. My skills have improved, since then, tenfold. Having said that, looking back at these, I like the effect it gives with the same radius on the corners inside as outside; it gives the corners a flared, jointed look. I was also basing the design on a poor quality screenshot from the movie, so maybe I purposely did those corners that way; I can't remember anymore.

AcidBurn wall above is great! Using it at work now!

Would love to see CrashOverride's wall when he fires up his new laptop, and you get those bombs show down the left hand side - think its when they are in the phone booth's. Great wall!

If you can get a screenshot of the scene you're referring to, I may be able to replicate the wallpaper with little effort. Eventually :-P


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I thought this was a really popular new thread but its 3 years old :p

Still tho some awesome wallpapers in here from the movie!

I'm not even sure why it's this popular, three years later. Had honestly forgotten about those wallpapers up until this thread was resurrected. Thanks, though!

I might give that one from Crash's laptop in Grand Central Station a whirl, sometime this coming week.

Stay tuned :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


I recently made a more accurate version of this - see attached. I'm also uploading a screen-grab of the source I took it from. I reckon I'm not too far off, though the originals background is more distorted.




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  • 8 months later...

I know these are rather old now, but I like these walls, simple and effective. Any chance of getting them made in widescreen if you still have the PSD's? :D

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and to think... with our modern computers around we are still trying so hard to replicate something that they did with technology that was available in 1995

it would be sweeet if the studio kept copies of whatever they used to generate those screens...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all.

I've had a crack at the Crash Override wallpaper. There's probably a good few inaccuracies in it, but it's not too far off - see attached. I'll post a widescreen version of the Acid Burn one again (the illustrator files are on my mac at home).

message ends.


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and to think... with our modern computers around we are still trying so hard to replicate something that they did with technology that was available in 1995

some great work on replicating from screen caps from the movie. hope we can get a full set up in various resolution's eventually

it would be sweet if the studio kept copies of whatever they used to generate those screens...

that would be great if they did, but we would have to pay for them in the forum of a special limited edt 1080P blueRay disk version of hackers. lol mmmm Jolie's jubblies in 1080p every teen boys dream come true.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm genuinely stunned every time this thread is resurrected. I hardly remember making these wallpapers and I certainly wouldn't expect them, now, to be very popular.

Anyways, there were a few requests for widescreen. No, I don't still have the PDF, but it was easy enough to remake in a few minutes. I also made a couple of different simple styles this time, if you guys want to give them a try.

I've only updated Acid Burn's at this point, that being my favorite. I'm not sure how popular the others are, so you guys just let me know if you want the same thing (widescreenimized, texturized, etc) done to the others, as well. This one took me all of 10 minutes for all three versions, so it's no biggie if you want the others done as well.

I never did get around to Crash Override's fancier one, but someone else did and it turned out well. Anyways, here you guys go:

The original version 1920x1200

Textured background only 1920x1200

Textured overlay 1920x1200

Thanks for the support and kind comments, guys.


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she almost had nothing at all in that movie, not much of a dream.

mmmm Jolie's jubblies in 1080p every teen boys dream come true.
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