You know, I gotta say, I really dislike AIM

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Mostly because every time I sign on, some random person starts IM'ing me out of nowhere, saying that he/she saw my name on their list and decided to IM me. My reasoning is, if you don't know who the person is, don't IM them. This happen to any of you a lot?

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lol yea all the time my screen name is Y0ur(:spam:)M0m (0's are zeros) soo people prob tell people that its there screen name and then I have to deal with them.

It's annoying when your trying to have convos with your real friends.

not the worst thing in the world but def. can make u mad

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i'm not sure why that has anything to do with aim. it's not like people can't do that on other networks. random people from neowin add me and talk to me all the time (:huh:), but you can always change the settings.

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Yeah, what made AIM so great in the first place. On topic I get those all the time (Amy2Hot: wanna see my webcam) stuff like that, and you can't block them all. The only way to deal with that is to change you privacy settings like Bang Bang said, or get an ICQ number, I've had my number for 2 months now, you can still talk to AIM screenames, and the annoying IMs stop.

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