[rel] VistaXP WindowBlinds

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Glad to see you're replacing the titlebar buttons with a darker varient, the current ones are very hard to see when two windows controls overlap.

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If you plan to upgrade the Start button please keep the classic in option... I hate that round thing :cry:

Othervise it's all good ;)

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VistaXP v3 Preview


Here's a preview of the next version. I'm still workning with it, what you see on the screenshot is what I have done. The substyles will be renamed. Im not going to make changes to the old version substyles (v2) they will be renamed BETA 1 (Balck Normal BETA 1, Glass Compact BETA 1). The new version is the one that you see on the screenshot, BETA 2 (Glass BETA 2, Black BETA 2 etc.)

Things I have changed:

- New Start Button

- New Taskbar

- New Start Menu

- New Titlebar Buttons

- New Titlebar and Borders.

Things I'll change:

- New Silver color

- New Titlebar Buttons for Black and Silver

- New Start Button for Black and Silver

- New Taskbar for Black and Silver

- New Start Menu for Black and Silver

It will take a little but I'll released before December 16 :p


Niceyo :)

Just wondering did you get that startbutton idea from em3? Because I saw a startbutton just like that posted by him in the LE4 thread...

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Woah, nice V3 :D hehe

But I can't seem to find WB5??



You need to BUY Object Desktop at stardock in order to get it.

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Woah, nice V3 :D hehe

But I can't seem to find WB5??



Well, you need to buy ObjectDesktop in order to use the latest beta build. But if you don't like to mess with beta software, then you'll have to wait till it's officially released...possibly by the end of the year (?).

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cm_mc ---> What will it serve? almost anything but DesktopX objects could be beneath the taskbar...

KoL ---> Will you release a Beta version, even if only the new glass is included (Not black and silver)?

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kol the new beta of wb suppport constant alpha blending on taskbar so now your taskbar will be really transparent and not copying the background image right?


I dont know, I still see just the background behind the taskbar :huh:

@thom225: No, you'll need to wait :D

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From what I read, you won't include the user pic in the start menu. Couldn't you make 2 versions of the start menu?

I really wait for this since I've seen your first screenshot...

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kol the new beta of wb suppport constant alpha blending on taskbar so now your taskbar will be really transparent and not copying the background image right?


Why does that matter? :huh:

I don't think you will be viewing your windows under the taksbar, so why would you care.

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I tried the reflection map but it doesnt look good because the titlebar and borders have shadows.


Kol, just as an FYI, the new WB4.96 beta, now supports clipping reflection maps if your windows have shadows. v3 is looking good, btw. :D

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I'm running your style on WB 5 Beta 2, but I just installed Norton AntiVirus 2006 and there is a problem with it. I let you look at that.


The big black bar is supposed to be a progress bar...

But in most other programs it works ans looks damn good...

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Another time I can't edit, so I make another post.

How to change start menu in a WB skin like you explained to do with the msstyle?

And where to take the right pictures, because if I remember in WB the pictures are alone...

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@ thom225: That problem happens with some programs, I think its WB 5 becuase with WB 4.6 they work fine. I never explained how to edit the start menu but What part of the start menu you want to change??

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Wow kol, very nice....i didn't know u managed to do the new shutdown and logoff buttons :p..well done on that

i don't use this skin but i simply love it (my wide screen looks really bad with the normal taskbar :()

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