[rel] VistaXP WindowBlinds

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KoL, this skin is absolutely amazing. With the release of 5259 there are just a couple things that I noticed that might help to make it more accurate. In the screenshot attached, I have combined elements of Arrow theme (Glass borders) with your theme (everything else). You'll notice Arrow's glass borders include a darker outline around the outside edge of the glass. They also include some darker shadows around the glass border which makes the window stand out more, slightly more like the actual vista builds. I am in no way criticizing your work, I love it. I just wanted to make a few suggestions for future updates. Thanks again for the hard work.


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this is a great wb skin, but I get the same error with the horizontal shell style knocking out the background images of the folders when I apply it using skinstudio.A fix coming for this ?

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I think I found a bug in your theme.

I run it on WB5 Final Enhanced ( x86)

When the start menu shows up, the top of the start button gets different than the bottom. It looks like it's cut off


Otherwise, it's OK and looks good but I can't post another shot because of the attachment limit...

Hope it's corrected in the update you just spoke about

That screenshot does not seem to be WB 5 release.

WB5 release should disable shadows on the startmenu when the skin has an enlarged start button.

What is the date of your wblind.dll?

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Hmm you are right guys, using the horizontal shelltyle there is an error. I have no idea what is causing it but I'll try to fix it. :)

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That screenshot does not seem to be WB 5 release.

WB5 release should disable shadows on the startmenu when the skin has an enlarged start button.

What is the date of your wblind.dll?

I don't know the date but version number is

Edit: I found the date: 2005/11/28 13:57:10

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hey KoL, great theme, ummm i want to know how to add the StartButtonRound.png to the start bar. i read your readme and it didnt say anything about it. and i couldnt be bothered to read the whole 43 pages to find the answer (i read from 35-onwards then gave up)

thanx in advance

Dale Majid

PS im using v3 on Windowblinds 5 Enhanced

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Awesome theme, Kol.

I only don't like the fact that the title bar goes completely opaque when you maximize it. I don't think Windows Vista VS does that or does it? So why make it 100% opaque? With the Logoff and Shutdown buttons not working, and your reason for it is that you want to make it look like Vista. Well why change the way the title bar when it maximizes. If anything, don't make it completely 100% opague, have a little transparency in it. I'll do it myself if someone show me what I need to change in SkinStudio.

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hey KoL, great theme, ummm i want to know how to add the StartButtonRound.png to the start bar. i read your readme and it didnt say anything about it. and i couldnt be bothered to read the whole 43 pages to find the answer (i read from 35-onwards then gave up)

thanx in advance

Dale Majid

PS im using v3 on Windowblinds 5 Enhanced

You need SkinStudio. Then got to the startbutton and import the new one.

Awesome theme, Kol.

I only don't like the fact that the title bar goes completely opaque when you maximize it. I don't think Windows Vista VS does that or does it? So why make it 100% opaque? With the Logoff and Shutdown buttons not working, and your reason for it is that you want to make it look like Vista. Well why change the way the title bar when it maximizes. If anything, don't make it completely 100% opague, have a little transparency in it. I'll do it myself if someone show me what I need to change in SkinStudio.

That's the way it is on Vista and I tried it transparent and I didnt like it.

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thaks for the help KoL but i remembered that i didnt uninstall the old version before i installed the new version cause im a noob.

thanks for the quick reply anyway

Dale Majid

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Awesome theme, Kol.

I only don't like the fact that the title bar goes completely opaque when you maximize it. I don't think Windows Vista VS does that or does it? So why make it 100% opaque? With the Logoff and Shutdown buttons not working, and your reason for it is that you want to make it look like Vista. Well why change the way the title bar when it maximizes. If anything, don't make it completely 100% opague, have a little transparency in it. I'll do it myself if someone show me what I need to change in SkinStudio.

As Kol said, Windows Vista makes the titlebar opaque and black. I like it :)

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but taskbar and start panel are transparent.

So why windows decoration isnt?

Maybe your running shareware or your video card doesn't support per-pixel alphablending. Go to system information in the WB config.

does this appear?


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Yeah, I have this message in System Information.

So why taskbar is transparent?

Is it possible to turn on this feature anyway ?

The taskbar and startmenu are transparent I believe because they are static images, not live, eg. drag a window below the taskbar and you'll notice the taskbar doesn't change to reflect the window. But its just my guess.

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Is it possible to turn on this feature anyway ?

OK, I'm running now WindowBlind v5 Enhanced and:

- Command Prompt isn't skinned

- I cannot change toolbar icons and animations

What's the metter?

Edited by mily
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If you have the message, it means your window borders arent going to be transparent because they are rendered in real time. The taskbar and start menu do not use per pixel alpha blending to render transparency. The windows do, and because your video card does not support this, you will not see it. This is exactly the same as when you uninstall video drivers, the taskbar and start menu will still be transparent, but the window borders will not, because the default vga driver does not support per pixel alpha blending.

Edited by Wolken007
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I really love the updates, but the glass beta2 taskbar looks odd.. like half of it is designed to be transparent and the other much less or not at all. Maybe make the beta2 substyle with the beta1 style taskbar? (the new start button is fine though)

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I undestund.

But whats wrogn with that:

I'm running now WindowBlind v5 Enhanced and:

- Command Prompt isn't skinned

- I cannot change toolbar icons and animations

What's the metter?

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I undestund.

But whats wrogn with that:

I'm running now WindowBlind v5 Enhanced and:

- Command Prompt isn't skinned

- I cannot change toolbar icons and animations

What's the metter?

Well, did you purchase the enhanced version, or did you download it? If you downloaded it, you might consider purchasing it to enjoy the full functionality.

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