[rel] VistaXP WindowBlinds

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Segoe ui ... I hate it ..

I had similar problems, unloaded Wb, applied luna vs, then deleted the font.

wots Luna vs, its not in my Windowblinds 5 list, and whats the point of unloading WB when i have to apply that luna one anyway

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wots Luna vs, its not in my Windowblinds 5 list, and whats the point of unloading WB when i have to apply that luna one anyway

Just boot Windows in safe mode and then delete Segoe UI font.

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Hey beerman,

Question out-of-curiosity, when you successfully applied StefanKa's black horizontal shellstyle.dll (you state that you no longer get the parser pop-up errors anymore), good deal here as Franco can then look_explore closely into why his horizontal shellstyle.dll's -both green & blue colours produce errors when using Category view for Control Panel...

Do you also now get the proper Vista styled 'Please Wait, Log-On, & Log-Off GUI .bmps too? Because the same Blue & Green (VistaXP v3\Extra) shellstyles also caused these GUI .bmps to revert back to default WinXP...

the log off\shutdown box is still broken, reverted back to winxp standard.

To fix that i had to use 5 min in skinstudio. I opened the skin, and:






Then did the same with the log off window, and then just saved it. No need to reapply skin.

Dont know if this is the right way, second time ive ever used skinstudio, but it worked.

Edited by beerman
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Ok,and kol,master,please fix the "turn off,Log Off" buttons in the start panel of glass beta 2,or I will cut my veins :cry: :cry: :D :D

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theres always something.. after shutdown box seemed ok. I did the same on the log off box, that seemed to work but got a colour error.


Dont know what happened to change that colour to purple. so had to revert back to just shutdown menu in black.

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If its not a bug, how can I change this with Skinstudio 4.6? In Skinstudio I cant see any transparency of the Titlebar ?

You cant, to make change to WindowBlinds 5 skin you need the latest SkinStudio

Ok,and kol,master,please fix the "turn off,Log Off" buttons in the start panel of glass beta 2,or I will cut my veins :cry: :cry: :D :D

I cant, read the readme

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I'm using this skin since the first release. Superb work KoL (Y)

I have a question though... I don't like the light greyish color of the window space (ya know where you write etc.). I change it through display properties and it works fine. But it doesn't apply when I restart my PC. Is there a way to fix this???

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After seeing this skin, I switched over to Windowblinds. Really nice work, KoL.

Really hope you can make a transparent and thin taskbar in addition to the current thick and translucent black-coloured one.

That would be awesome. ^^

Once again, nice work and thanks!

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You cant, to make change to WindowBlinds 5 skin you need the latest SkinStudio

I cant, read the readme

Please make transparent maximized Titlebars as a part of your last update for BETA2! It looks phantastic, much better than the black ones. The name of the WB is VistaXP "GLASS" beta2 ...!

What is your opinion? Please, please and pleeaaseeeeee.....................................................

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I'm using this skin since the first release. Superb work KoL (Y)

I have a question though... I don't like the light greyish color of the window space (ya know where you write etc.). I change it through display properties and it works fine. But it doesn't apply when I restart my PC. Is there a way to fix this???

You'll have t change it everytime you restart of change it with SkinStudio.

Please make transparent maximized Titlebars as a part of your last update for BETA2! It looks phantastic, much better than the black ones. The name of the WB is VistaXP "GLASS" beta2 ...!

What is your opinion? Please, please and pleeaaseeeeee.....................................................

I tried the first time I created the glass version and it didnt look good. That's why I mde it black.

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Maybe ... it would be cool :p :p ... but that's tha way the bar is in beta 1 ... black ... :( :(

Kol know's what he is doing ....

so,when will the next version of VistaXP be out ... ??

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Someone have the link to Kol's "Longhorn 4074" but for WB,becouse i only found the StyleXP version of it ...

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You'll have t change it everytime you restart of change it with SkinStudio.

I tried the first time I created the glass version and it didnt look good. That's why I mde it black.

... no more need to change this!

All I had to do is to change "Glass Normal 2WindowMaximize" and "Glass Normal 2WindowFrameTop" in VistaXP -Folder. Modding FrameTop-Pic a little bit, because the Caption-Buttons dont match exactly with the transparent picture when its maximized.

Now everything is fine.... thanks! Now waiting for your BETA2 UPDATE.........................................................

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I think KoL should get some kind of % from WB5 sales, cos tbh, this theme is probably the main reason people are buying it :D Good work ;)

Hahaha, I agree. I purchased my subscription to object desktop just so that I could use KoL's skins.

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Thanks for the screens beerman. after seeing those i went back into skinstudio and finally figured it out. skin is now complete! :) and thanks to kol for an outstanding skin. :yes:

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I seem to have a problem (bug?) with the "Glass Normal 2" substyle...

After applying the horizontal shellstyles from the Extras folder, the start button now

looks like this:


I was only able to remedy that by uninstalling/reinstalling the skin, but then of course the shellstyle reverted to its default appearance.

Suggestions, anyone???

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Good news! Thats the only one I use. I love VistaXP Beta2 !

One question, is it possible to have transparent Titlebar by a maximized Windows too? When I maximize the window the Titlebar goes Black! I dont like that very much!

In the internet by a self-maximized Popup its remains transparent, is this a bug or not ?

If its not a bug, how can I change this with Skinstudio 4.6? In Skinstudio I cant see any transparency of the Titlebar ?

I tried the first time I created the glass version and it didnt look good. That's why I mde it black.

Maybe you could do something similar to what JJ.Ying did for his Dreamland theme. Or you could make a lighter silver captionbar from the existing silver subtheme because a lighter silver would go better with the toolbar.

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Im getting a parser error when importing shellstyles with skinstudio in your glass beta 2 theme kol. It happends when I press control panel and then it switches to classic view. I then try to press category view and get the parser error. Is this a problem with skinstudio, windowblinhds 5 or your theme do you know?

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Im getting a parser error when importing shellstyles with skinstudio in your glass beta 2 theme kol. It happends when I press control panel and then it switches to classic view. I then try to press category view and get the parser error. Is this a problem with skinstudio, windowblinhds 5 or your theme do you know?

same error here and the taskbar error reported by ArtVandalay .. I get that too

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im having a problem with all of the glass versions. the tasbar works fine and so does the shell styles. the only thing not working is the window frames. there supposed to be transparent but they are just black. they are like this in the preview window also? Any ideas?


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