[rel] VistaXP WindowBlinds

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O,noooo,this is saaaad,it's not possible... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Kol,do something,VistaXP is the best WB Skin ever .... people,let's do something ... i don't know what .. :cry: :cry:

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Hey KoL...did they say why exactly they wanted you to remove it? Was it because you used the name Vista in it? If you made all the graphics yourself like I'm pretty sure you did then it's bull that they did this. I'm glad I finally got WindowBlinds 5 working and downloaded it yesterday before this happened.

Got a question about it though. How do I fix this in the picture below? It does this with every menu I open:

That Arrow theme is pure crap and it's bull if they don't tell the person who made it to remove it. IMO all they did was rip KoLs works and changed some colors and other little things.

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Hey KoL...did they say why exactly they wanted you to remove it? Was it because you used the name Vista in it? If you made all the graphics yourself like I'm pretty sure you did then it's bull that they did this. I'm glad I finally got WindowBlinds 5 working and downloaded it yesterday before this happened.

Got a question about it though. How do I fix this in the picture below? It does this with every menu I open:

That Arrow theme is pure crap and it's bull if they don't tell the person who made it to remove it. IMO all they did was rip KoLs works and changed some colors and other little things.

Arrow is not pure crap. They guy that did it is an awesome skinner, and if you search this thread, you will find that KoL has nothing but respect for him. He did not rip KoL's images. The two are very different skins if you examine them closely.

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Kol, i dont belive you took it down becuase you got an email from MS

all that work that you did

it woudlnt of been so bad that you just stopped updating it and just left it, its was fine then, people who hadnt found it yet would be able to find the amazing skin that a load of us use today, but u just totally got rid of it from the sites, i mean come on

i got windowblinds for this skin

i would carry it on under a differnt name, thye probably didnt like all the attention it got

i wouldnt give up on it completely

and if ur gonna make some differnt skins, i hope there as good as this one

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Arrow is not pure crap. They guy that did it is an awesome skinner, and if you search this thread, you will find that KoL has nothing but respect for him. He did not rip KoL's images. The two are very different skins if you examine them closely.

While its not a rip, I must say that KoL's skin puts Arrow to shame, regardless of how good the skinner is.
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Arrow is not pure crap. They guy that did it is an awesome skinner, and if you search this thread, you will find that KoL has nothing but respect for him. He did not rip KoL's images. The two are very different skins if you examine them closely.

I speak my opinion if you don't like it that's yours. I think it's crap and you don't. I'll say whatever I feel like saying. If you don't like it tough.

And what I really meant was IMO it was BASED off of KoLs work. Yes I saw the differences, but again, IMO there's not many.

Kol, i dont belive you took it down becuase you got an email from MS

all that work that you did

Say you were KoL and you were e-mailed by Microsoft and asked nicely to remove it. You didn't so they send another threatening legal action. What would you do? KoL took it down. If he had kept it up he would've been threatened the second time most likely.

I'd be taking it as a compliment that they think it's matches Vista soo much it actually makes them nervous. Pretty funny that the people they pay to design the look of Windows are nowhere near as good as people that do it for fun.

Edited by halloween_david
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I think it goes without saying that much of your work has been inspirational and much loved by many people over the years and that includes both original and unoriginal pieces. My advice and the best thing you can do now Kol is to make something better than Vista or any default Windows skin.

You've got the skills to convince the end-users to switch to your work, and that's a fascinating quality to have. I've really enjoyed most of your visual styles and wallpapers from the very beginning and think you have a marvellous artistic style.

Keep up the great work and don't let your enthusiasm be dampened by what's happened.

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Arrow is not pure crap. They guy that did it is an awesome skinner, and if you search this thread, you will find that KoL has nothing but respect for him. He did not rip KoL's images. The two are very different skins if you examine them closely.

yep Mike Bryant is one of the best skinners out there, he even help me with this skin. :yes:

EDIT: I got a letter in the mail today about VistaXP form the people that represent Miscrosoft in intellectual property matter.

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yep Mike Bryant is one of the best skinners out there, he even help me with this skin. :yes:

EDIT: I got a letter in the mail today about VistaXP form the people that represent Miscrosoft in intellectual property matter.

does that mean they want to use it ??

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go make a better skin kol :laugh:

go make one those idiots at microsoft would be jelouse of, show them how to make a proper skin, and how to make it work well too, make it as beutiful as this one

we belive in you!!!!!! :yes:

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does that mean they want to use it ??

no the letter is saying the same thing that they said on the e-mail.

go make a better skin kol :laugh:

go make one those idiots at microsoft would be jelouse of, show them how to make a proper skin, and how to make it work well too, make it as beutiful as this one

we belive in you!!!!!! :yes:

I'm going to create a new skin. It will be black and grey like vista, with blue start buttons, caption buttons and controls etc. and more glow effects ;)

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Well KoL, I hate that you have to start over after this skin is such a huge success ... kinda makes me dissappointed in MSFT. Oh well, hope your new skin will beat the pants off of this release :p

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oo black is nice, but will it have some type of glass effect like vista glass, or shoudl i say the you know what theme :laugh:

would you think of doing a cricle start menu button again

and glowy stuff, sounds really cool, its the little things that make skins cool, like at the bottom of the start menu when u press it, cant wait to see anything from you now kol

and i know im being a bit wanting, lol, but when do u think ul have some concept for this new skin?

oh, and thanks for all your hard work

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Anyone know how I can change the transparency method of the taskbar? I know it's currently "real." That causes flickering and a slowering of system tray revealing, for me. I had neither problem in 3.0. I've located the config file & nosed around it in TextPad. Any direction as to what value to change would be immensely appreciated! :D

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I'm going to create a new skin. It will be black and grey like vista, with blue start buttons, caption buttons and controls etc. and more glow effects ;)

Don't forget about alpha blending ;)
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kol is it possible you could pm the microsoft email address so I can add it to every bestiality site on the net? I also forgot to add on my previous post thanks for all your work you put into this. It's a shame that Microsoft doesn't put in mind the countless hours put into it as they send there automated cease and decist emails...

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Dang M$... a theme that was promoting the new Vista skin in such an amazing way, and yet they send they legal bull**** to take it down...

Props to you Kol, and I hope you make another kick ass theme soon!

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