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PHP works locally but not on the remote server


I'm currently learning PHP through a book (Beginning PHP4) and I've gotten to the point where I'm using PHP with with HTML forms to show simple things in the browser after submitting the form...

The examples have all been working fine locally on my machine with Apache2, but when uploaded to a server I'm testing them on (a server which hosts a site I work on with a few other people) it doesnt work correctly.

I know the code is right because it works perfectly on my PC, and I know the server supports PHP4 because the first few examples I uploaded worked fine too - it's just the form ones I'm having trouble with.

I have this in a file called text.html

Who is your favourite author?

And then this in a file called text.php

Your favourite author is:
echo $Author;

Like I said it works fine on my PC, but when uploaded to the actual server, the text.php page just brings up "Your favourite author is:" when submitted from text.html.... no variable is showing up, no matter what is typed in the form.

It's probably the way PHP is set up on the server with the config file, right? If this is so - how would I go about finding the config file and which part would need to be changed? From what I've learned so far I'm guessing it may be the register_globals expression.... I remember having to enable that on my local machine before trying the examples.

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Use it like this:

Your favourite author is:
echo $_GET['Author'];

You may want to read this

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Use it like this:

Your favourite author is:
echo $_GET['Author'];

You may want to read this


That's exactly how I used it, and it didnt work.

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Also, on my PC i'm using the latest version from php.net - but I'm not sure what the version is on the server I'm testing things on. Either way it makes no difference since right now even on my PC I cant get it to work with register_globals turned off. Even with this:

echo $_GET['Author'];

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No clue there.

On the server, upload a file that just contains

<? php_info() ?>

I believe that's the func. It'll tell you more than you ever wanted to know.

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Yeah that's in the very first parts of the book, I've already done that and had a skim through but it doesnt help me with this issue apart from to see that register_globals is turned off.

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I've gone through so many forums and they all say to do the same thing, even the forum for the book I'm reading says it too - but it does not work for me. I dont get it - I have the latest version of Apache2 and PHP, I've got the code exactly right and it just will not work.


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I'm an idiot.

I'm sorry you guys lol - It was all working fine, I was just loading the html/php outside of the Apache server - so the PHP wasnt even being parsed! It works great now.

Can't believe I forgot about that!

Thanks for all your help

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