Worst pain you ever had

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Worst single pain would have to be a kidney stone a couple years ago.

Worst overall experience would easily be the time meds for my crohn's disease caused pancreatitis and dehydration. Honestly thought I wouldn't make it through at the time; I was in the hospital for 4 days, couldn't even drink water.

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Racing someone on my bike when I was 13 and I leaned forwards and went off a speedbump (in a parking lot in front of wal-mart), flipped and dragged my shoulder across the ground onto the left side of the road and got my leg rolled on by a wheel of a car.

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Well, that's a toss up:

Physical: Kidney Stone. Xmas Eve 1995

Mental: Divorce 1998

Personally, I'll take the stone again compared to... but hey, that's just me.

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Dislocated shoulder... got taken out at football (soccer), landed on my hand, took the shoulder out of the front of the socket... nothing comes close to the pain :pinch:

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When i was going out to go swimming my dad came to the door and gave me the rubbish bag and emptyed an ashtray, then the glass ashtray feel on my small toe nearly cut it right off (1 stitch) :cry:

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Lets See........Grade 8: Sanded My Middle finnger with a belt sander, sliced my finger open to the bone with a pair of scissors. Nothing major, not broken bones...

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was riding a pushbike at about 10-15 mph and the gearchain come off i jerked forward and went flying 4 feet landed on concrete and broke my left wrist in 2 places i had to get it rebroken aswell lots of painkillers helped

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Femur fracture. Extraordinarily painful injury. Unfortunately, it requires a Hare splint, which multiplies the pain 10-fold when applied. I pray every day that I never get one of those again. I cringe thinking about it.

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I had 24 bottle rockets in my pocket when they went off.  Got 2nd degree burns on my thigh and leg.  Its been almost two weeks and it still hurts like hell.  I got a Morphene shot at the emergency room and a prescription for Percocet, neither help.


Thats a hell of a first post. lol. OUCH!

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Mentally: heart being broken (around 1 month ago, nothing is the same anymore)

Physically: falling of a tree when i was 8 years old. I forgot how high it was but i remember hitting 8 branches on the way down, 3 inches over and i would'ved landed on a barb wire fence, i was rushed to the hospital and had 2 ribs broken, my left arm broken and fractured my left leg.

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i broke every blood vessel in my left foot once. imagine how if feels to touch a bruise, then imagine walking on it. i actually wasn't allowed to walk or even try to put a shoe on for over a week, because if i got the smallest cut my foot would never stop bleeding. it was so nasty. the entire thing was purple.

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I once cut 3/4 threw my thumb while working at a previous job, cutting produce. But 2 stiches threw a fingernail HURTS! Also I was racing my bmx bike on the road with no brakes. I was up to around 20+ mph and my friend cuts me off. Needless to say I kissed the asphault and 1/4 of my body had road rash. In the process of that, A guy pulls up in his car and says get out the road ass hole.

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My Appendix exploding insdie of me  :pinch:


OMG ... what's that? I don't know what is appendix, but something which explodes ... in you!! that sounds scary!

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was in a car accident when i was 16

head went thru the side door window

spent the next several hours in the hospital getting stitches in my face & head... after they picked out all the glass of course

that wasn't the worst of it tho. i had some minor brain swelling & fluid build-up. so the migraine headaches i got after that were the worst part of the whole experience. there were many nights i was in the fetal position on the floor of my bedroom crying like a baby.

damn migraines lasted for months

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I was eating some jujubee's candy and got some stuck to a filling. In trying to remove it with my tongue and some internal suction, a filling came out and with it, the nerve of the tooth got sucked into the root canal and was dangling in my mouth. It took me three hours to get an emergency dentist lined up. If there had been a gun around, i'd have offed myself right there..I've had multiple broken bones, nut busters and a broken heart or two but noting even comes close to what I felt. Tooth nerve damage is a well known torture technique and I'd say it would be damn effective.

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Ive had multiple dislocations all over my body in my short life. I skateboard, and I constantly do stupid **** to top it off. So im in the ER every now and then with excrutiating pain. I cant choose which ones been worst though. I think the time my leg popped out of the socket in my hip and went on a little swim around my hip muscles had to be one of the worst. To a point where I passed out of pain.

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I was eating some jujubee's candy and got some stuck to a filling. In trying to remove it with my tongue and some internal suction, a filling came out and with it, the nerve of the tooth got sucked into the root canal and was dangling in my mouth. It took me three hours to get an emergency dentist lined up. If there had been a gun around, i'd have offed myself right there..I've had multiple broken bones, nut busters and a broken heart or two but noting even comes close to what I felt. Tooth nerve damage is a well known torture technique and I'd say it would be damn effective.


Im sorry but the gun part made me laugh so hard :laugh:

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Hard to say, I think I'll go with pancreatitis. Morphine didn't help until they gave me my own morphine button I could push every like 7 minutes or something.

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I did break my hand once, but I was half drunk, so I didn't even care. Didn't realize it was broken for 4 days. Yes, I have a high pain threshold. :cool:

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