Worst pain you ever had

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Probably when I would get a random sharp pain coming from my shoulder blade.. I used to work Steel Construction and think I might've lifted something too heavy and pulled something. It went away after a couple weeks, but was damn annoying.

One sec I would have no pain, the next there was a strong burning feeling coming from my shoulder blade.. sometimes it would last for seconds, other times minutes.

Rotating my shoulder around would usually aleviate the pain.. it sucked though when I was stuck standing in a public train, traveling home from work and having no room to rotate my arm around.. so I had suffer through that 45 min ride.

Also, when I was working my boss didn't really like it when I paused a second to compose myself.

Oh, there were those times when I skinned myself pretty bad when I fell off my bike or skateboard.. nothing really bad though.

And that one time I left my slurpee cup outside, went to take a sip from the straw.. and almost swallowed a wasp! It stung me 3 times on the roof of my mouth. Kind of traumatic for being 8 years old.

Remember kids.. always check your fountain drinks if wasps/hornets are around!! They like sugary substances.

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prob the worst was while playing football(socccer) the ball was goin out and i started sprintin as fast as possible 2 stop it.... i did and flew into the wall and a barrier against d wall. I broke my wrist cos i put it up 2 protect my head and broke 4 ribs whilst winding myself.

EDIT-Also goin down a 50degree hill on my skateboard to get to the bottom and go over a stone.... i think you all know what happend,i flew forward, broke my nose and skinned my arms but the underside so i couldnt rest my arms. however my tshirt was perfect. THATS what i call good quality

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baseball snapped my finger like in half then they had to drill a medal pin from the top of my finger all the way down to the base it hurt pretty badly especially when they pulled it out

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Had a spinal infection, they cut an area of muscle out of my back... had a hole in my back for 2 years until muscle growed back. Had to put an iodine solution on the open wound so it doesn't get infected for the 2 years... you could hear the surrounding tissue sizzling when putting on that solution. Think about putting your hand in a fire and not removing it for at least 10 minutes.

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WELL.........I shudnt 4get d part i got mi finga stuck in da cob wheels of mi sisters bfs bike well d bike was pretty cool so it wasnt as bad dat as breakin mi hand whilst playin goalie in soccer dat suked i spent a whole month not goin 2 footie

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WELL.........I shudnt 4get d part i got mi finga stuck in da cob wheels of mi sisters bfs bike well d bike was pretty cool so it wasnt as bad dat as breakin mi hand whilst playin goalie in soccer dat suked i spent a whole month not goin 2 footie


what are cob wheels mr miggy

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i havent broken any bones or stuff, but it really hurts when im sleepin, then all of a sudden i get cramp in my thigh n calf and even if i stand it still hurts, then it goes, and then i lie down, and its back.It sucks. Also, being in goal and diving at someones feet and getting a foot to the face, and then studs, and then someone else coming in and trying to kick the ball out my hands but cause they are coming from the side it goes straight between my legs. yes...into my nuts.

My uncles brother and his son had a crash on a motorbike at 85mph, they crashed into the size of a tractor, the kid has onyl just recovered it was like 2 years ago, and also the dad had infections in his arm, and plates and stuff, and he's still not got full operation of his arm. Yet they still wanna go on the bike, i'd thought it would like scar the boy at least, but nope, hes back on. thats commitment. Btw the boy is 14.

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Broke my collar bone when I was 9 I think, it hurt to breathe...

More recently, when me and some friends were playing Halo 4 vs. me and I was kicking ass then I kept getting killed right after I spawned and I got real ****ed and punched the floor. Think I broke something in my hand cuz I couldn't barely move it for a couple months and now I have limited movement in a couple fingers...

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i'd thought it would like scar the boy at least, but nope, hes back on. thats commitment. Btw the boy is 14.


i belive thats what they call a deathwish, is he crazy?!?! :blink:

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I'm experiencing the worst pain right now.

I'm covered in blisters from very bad sunburn... :angry:

I even took pictures :p



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Poping my knee out, having it pop back in, then falling down because of it, and then breaking 4 bones in my foot and one in my ankle.. and having it all happen in 2 seconds.

I gotta tell you, that really hurt.

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I was eating some jujubee's candy and got some stuck to a filling. In trying to remove it with my tongue and some internal suction, a filling came out and with it, the nerve of the tooth got sucked into the root canal and was dangling in my mouth. It took me three hours to get an emergency dentist lined up. If there had been a gun around, i'd have offed myself right there..I've had multiple broken bones, nut busters and a broken heart or two but noting even comes close to what I felt. Tooth nerve damage is a well known torture technique and I'd say it would be damn effective.


DJ, that is the funniest description of pain I have read in ages, i'm sure it wasn't for you though.

Still wiping the (laughter) tears from my cheek.

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Testicular torsion.


lol, that's funny.. same here :x

It's like a constant pain from recently being kicked there over a few hours. :no:

Had to go to surgery, and before almost fainted from the pain even after I had got something against the pain from a nurse. Then a male doctor came in and went something like "hmm, THAT is not enough" and gave me something else. :D

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no hes not got a deathwish. its just he and his dad love motorbikes, so i suppose that because it wasnt his dads fault, theres no reason to be scared. its just the same as saying if you get injured by a shark, yet go swimming again you have a deathwish.

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Worst mental/internal pain was back in high school when I was going through some tough times. I was having dinner with the family and the discussion was about me--can't remember exactly--but my dad ended up saying something like, 'Why don't you just stab me with your fork? Is that what you want to do?' I ran to my room, but not before taking a full swing punch into a plaster wall which ended up breaking my hand. In any event, THAT pain was nothing compared to what my father had said to me. It's just one of those personal things that leaves an inner scar.

Worst physical pain was pulling both calve muscles plaing soccer. I took a throw-in and both legs seized. I couldn't stand up and the pain was there for a good twenty or so minutes.

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I barely even qualify for 'real pain' compared to any of the other posts here, but I'd have to say either accidentally touching the muffler on the lawn-mower when I went to prime it (couldnt fall asleep that night without having my hand in a cup of water); or getting the tip of my finger smashed in between the die holder and guard on the five-push pointer at the factory I worked at one summer.

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Worst mental/internal pain was back in high school when I was going through some tough times.  I was having dinner with the family and the discussion was about me--can't remember exactly--but my dad ended up saying something like, 'Why don't you just stab me with your fork?  Is that what you want to do?'  I ran to my room, but not before taking a full swing punch into a plaster wall which ended up breaking my hand.  In any event, THAT pain was nothing compared to what my father had said to me.  It's just one of those personal things that leaves an inner scar.

Worst physical pain was pulling both calve muscles plaing soccer.  I took a throw-in and both legs seized.  I couldn't stand up and the pain was there for a good twenty or so minutes.


my cousin said that to his dad 'Why don't you just stab me with your fork? Is that what you want to do? while we were eating supper, needless to say his dad slammed the fork right into is hand on the table, the prongs were about a 1/2 inch into his hand. We all just sat there in shock, including his dad, i dont think he even believed that he did what he just did lol

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when I broke my collar bone so bad that it was sticking 2inchs out of my skin and than asked to lie down for a X-ray when it poped it self back in...

jezz that was fun... :laugh:

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ive torn the cartalidge in both knees, broken my humourus at the elbow, broken fingers, cut my skin to th ebone, been run over by a car, knocked unconcious.... But tearing all the ligaments and tendons in my ankle was the worst, such intense pain, that all i could do was lie there and let out a low gutteral groan....eeeuughh it was the pits.

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I had a weird hernia which basicly caused some of my intestines to descend to my balls, it looked like I had a big 3rd testical. When I would lay down, everything would go back to where it belonged, but if I stood up and walked, it hurt like hell. It felt like I would get kicked in the nuts with every stap that I took. After the operation to fix it, it even hurt like hell, but luckily I had gotten some morphine.

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