Worst pain you ever had

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I was on me bike, had a head-on-collision with a car?left me with 12 broken bones including a broken skull, jaw, hand etc, lots and lots of lacerations?..my face was dislocated and left me looking like igor for a year?.

The worst pain though?my girl, back then..left me, two weeks after the accident?.cause she didn?t like the disfigured me?.no amount of broken bones can substitute that pain man.


if she left you that easily the b*tch wasn't worth it

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if she left you that easily the b*tch wasn't worth it


true and I dont know if I can be angry with her for what she did, but she was my first girl friend and we were doing good for three years.... cannot do much.

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I am lucky enough to have not experienced too much physical pain in my life. The worst stuff I can remember is:

1)Getting my shoulder dislocated by my brother as he pulled it out of joint.

2)Falling eye-first into a park bench in 2nd grade (I nearly lost my eye actually, had to have stitches right next to it and there was blood everywhere. Had I hit inches closer, I would be minus an eye right now.

3)Slicing my finger halfway through with a very sharp serrated knife while cutting a bagel. Ouch, I still have a deep scar from that one... blood everywhere too...

Then there is all the crippling emotional pain.

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i have a crushed disc in my back that has part bulging out and is resting on a nerve that makes it too painful to even stand up. ive had it for 3 months now


ah well i get an epidural next week. hopefully that will fix the pain.

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true and I dont know if I can be angry with her for what she did, but she was my first girl friend and we were doing good for three years.... cannot do much.


ya that would suck, I don't know, sorta makes you wonder what she was after, but men could also be guilty of that, as far as going out with the chick just based on looks

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Appendicitis when I was a child.

For days I kept telling my parents that it was only a stomach bug, by the time I got to the hospitial appendix had burst and was hours from death.


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it's a toss up...

when i was working on cutting veneer (spelling?) and i slipped and put a chisel through the palm of my hand (only six stiches, but i could see my hand muscles before i started bleeding and before it started hurting like a mf)

or when i came down after busting a 360 one footed on my bmx bike (exactly one month later) and i missed the pedal and my shin came in contact with my pedal, ripping it apart. i put a bandage over it and went to work moving stuff around in a church... 4 hours later i came home and it was hurting so bad and wouldnt stop bleeding so my mom drove me to the er again. this was 13 stitches. the receptionist at the er recognized me from exactly one month before, lol.

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Very unusual circumstances one summer led to me stubbing the same toe four times in less than five minutes. Coupled with a prior accident with a lawn mower, I'm not exactly a fan of sandals these days.

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Appendicitis when I was a child.

For days I kept telling my parents that it was only a stomach bug, by the time I got to the hospitial appendix had burst and was hours from death.



you were hours away from coming a done turkey

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Over 10 years ago, I was playing softball and threw out my left arm. Not only did this destroy my rotator cuff but it caused so much damage that my left shoulder never healed properly.

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If you've ever had kidney stones, you will definately know pain!

Amazing how they hit in the wee hours of the morning.

In 1986 (back when I was in my 20's), some of the guys at work went

to a bar right next to where we worked. Well, after drinking BEER all evening

I went home around 11pm. (for some reason, it didn't dawn on me I hadn't

uninated all evening, must have been the beer?).

Well, around 1:30 in the morning, I woke up with a lower back ache. Got up,

took some tylenol tried to go to the bathroom, hardly anything came out, went

back to bed. Around 2:00 I woke up again, this time in REAL pain. Called a friend

of mine to drive me to the hospital.

After sitting in the ER waiting room, filling out all the BS, they asked me to give them

a urine sample, which I barely was able to dribble out. After they looked at it, they

said it looked like there was blood also. Told me I probably had a kidney stone.

They shot me full of pain killer, which didn't do any good. I then was hauled up to the

Xray room for pictures. (why are the xray tables kept just below the freezing point?)

One picture was worth a thousand words. You could clearly see where the blockage


After another set of pictures, it was like someone flipped a light switch...pain went away

and boy did I have to see a man about a horse!!! Told them I really really had to go...

Oh! they said, sounds like you've passed a stone. I don't know about that, but I really

had to go. They said they really wanted another picture. Well, for whatever reason,

the picture didn't come out. I told them if they didn't get me something to go in,

I would ruin their shiny xray table! They brought me out a bottle, and I damn near

filled it up. Couple pictures later, a script for some antibiotics (do to the blood in the urine), a strainer, and tips on how to avoid kidney stones, I went home around 4am.

Went to work the next day, but wasn't tired, until around 4pm, then I went home and slept for what seemed like a week.

I've avoided the stones from then on, by drinking TONS of water, taking 2 cranberry capsules (crushed freeze dried cranberries) every day.

If you've EVER had kidney stones, you know how painful they are!

Nurse, thinking she was funny told me that it was about as close as a man would ever come to experiencing labor pains. :crazy:


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12 years old -- I had the most intense head ache I had ever had in my life, I passed out from the pain during Phys Ed and was in bed for about 3 days. I hope it never happens again.

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i was in toys r us with my brother, i saw a pogo stick, i didn't see that the rubber was broken, and i jumped one, fell backwards and landed on my tailbone and elbows. it was pretty damn painful.

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My second kidney stone...if I had one wish at the time of that pain, it would have been for a robber or killer to put a bullet in my head. Yes, that bad. :cry:

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motorbike accident, almsot got my right leg amputeed (sp), left arm was broken 5x, left arm 3x. 2 broken ribs, fractured him. oh the joy of removing all those pins and screws from my bones.

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worst pain, is a tooth pain. aint nothing you can do about it, untill you get to a dentist. keeps you up at night, and drives you insane when you do anything. makes everything else hurt, and you cant eat also. out of all my cuts, broken bones, burns, and whatever, tooth pain is my biggest pest.

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hmmm, I'd have to say, the most pain i've ever been in, was.......well, i've never really suffered any really bad physical pain, but since it wasn't specified in the topic, what kind of pain was being reffered to, the most emotional pain i've gone through so far, was the death of my grandfather, i couldn't sleep very well for weeks.

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left me looking like igor for a year


...lmao @ the guy who said the worst pain he felt was when he got cramps when he was sleeping :laugh:

another pretty bad pain that only lasts for about 1 minute is when you yawn to hard you get a cramp under your jaw

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Squished...and I mean squished the crap (muscle and tissue) out of the tip of my finger between a sheave and a gearbox at work. It split both sides of my right index finger and squished everything out but left the bone intact. I passed out. :D

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man, some of these are weak, and Im glad that youall dont get much pain... it sucks

anyways, Ive had some serious pain, but I know that there is alot more to be had so I will just say that I am thankful that I dont have to live through it daily

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I'm experiencing the worst pain right now.

I'm covered in blisters from very bad sunburn... :angry:

I even took pictures  :p




Had that type of a burn when I was younger, only double that with a chemical burn as well, on the same area. (I accidentally got some sort of chemical on the blistering sunburn, I did not want ANYTHING to touch my skin for days, hell even air burned and hurt it)

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