Worst pain you ever had

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I forgot - my pilanodal cyst 7 years ago was absolute hell. Imagine a huge 3" zit in your buttcrack - that's it. Having cut open, drained, then operated on was awful, but then the hole wouldn't go away from the surgery - the guy screwed it up. I ended up having 7 - SEVEN - shots of novocaine injected into my butt before stitches were put in, which didn't even work. Finally grew back together naturally a year ago, but who knows if it'll open again or not. I've had false hope/alarms before.

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Flying of a swing backwards landing on my head on pavement -also probably flipping my bike off a cliff like basement garage thing and also landing on my head.

Explains a lot. :laugh:

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it would either be the time i got circumcised when i was 13..

or the pain i'm feeling right now after straining pretty much every muscle group there is between my elbow and shoulder.. i'm on Iboprofen (sp?) (1600mg a day) + another anti-inflamotary drug two tablets a day and i have my arm in a sling.. all that is still not enough for the pain, sometimes the pain is so bad even when i havn't even moved, i'll tear.

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Wakebording and have the rope going around my neck when I messed up, was stuck for around 10 seconds under water (in such situation it's like a lifetime) cause the boat had still some speed. Was burned all around my neck by the nylon rope. I guess I was lucky, it could have been worse ...

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had muscle cramps/aches all over the body....including the jaw and neck.The only place that doesnt has it is my butt and face.

The pain is much much excruciating then the dislocation of the collar bone I had before

Note: Do not have a cold bathe and sleep with the air-con or fan on after an extremely heavy exercise

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If the only pain you had was emotional,or a ache here and there,well good for you.I hope you don't experience excruciating pain.

Burns and tooth aches are bad from what i've gone through(never broke a bone,knock on wood)

A friend of mine had multiple kidney stones,and he looked awful.He still came to work everyday(vietnam vet)pretty tough for a man in his 60's.

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Had that type of a burn when I was younger, only double that with a chemical burn as well, on the same area. (I accidentally got some sort of chemical on the blistering sunburn, I did not want ANYTHING to touch my skin for days, hell even air burned and hurt it)


I've had those 5-6 times in my life.. Very uncomfortable, but not too painful.

Aloe Vera is the best!

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Worst pain had to be when I got cleaning chemicals in my eye, ironically while I was at the eye doctor. My eye teared constantly for like a day, and it got to the point where I started screaming in pain because it hurt so bad. Turns out my eye actually got scratched due to the chemicals, but it ended up healing just fine. Still, it hurt really bad :pinch:

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I don't know if this counts because it's not my pain, but I have a friend who wife fell off the front edge of their trailer. Well, you know the long piece of all-thread with the t-bracket and wing-nut that hold the propane tanks down on the tongue. Yeah...she landed on it and it went right up her a$$h0l3...about 6 inches. We're talking all-thread...sharp ridges. :blink: :pinch:

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probably splitting my chin open on a sharp edge of a table...when i was 7 :( i needed stiches. Hurt like a bitch


man i swear this thing happens to like 1 in 3 kids.. i know so many people who've done that including my sister.

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ieven i had a split chin , i came from my bath & slipped , wham i hit the edge of a table & the next thing i knew i needed 8 stitches

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Probably when I had to get six spinal taps withing about 20 mins because the doctor kept missing. Turns out I didn't have menigitis, I just had strep throat, mono and tonsilitis all at the same time. Throat was so swollen they were sustaining me through IV. In hositpital for about a week, didn't eat until last day.

Also got 3rd and 2nd degree sunburn on my face. Wasn't able to get to a doctor until a week after it happened and there was nothing he could do except give me a cream. Didn't really hurt until it started healing because it would feel like everyonce in a while that someone was jabbing me in the face with a screwdriver.

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Kicked in the balls,

dropped a brick on my toe,

playing basket ball and finger nail came off on my thumb,

almost cut off my finger with a hacksaw,

foot got caught in the wheel on a bike,

fell off roof of a parking lot.

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I was going about 70 on my motorcycle and I was clotheslined by a wire that I couldn't see. :pinch: I almost killed myself (or at least that's what my doctors told me). I was in the hospital for around 3 months.

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got my forehead cracked while playing baseball with my friends ( we were using a ripped table leg that have nails on it instead of the real baseball bat )...

also a brick dropped on my toe which hurted more than cracking my forehead wide open, rofl ^^

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For me, it would have to be my ear drum bursting. Between the ages of 5 and 10, this happened 12 times. The most excrutiating pain imaginable. As soon as it healed over, I got another infection and it happened again.

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1)When a mosquito bite gave me Yellow Fever. Horrible pain in all my body for a week

2)when I sliced the top of my finguer off

3) mmm lot's of different pains here

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this is probably a weird first post, but what the hell!

i was around 12 back then. my old bike was falling apart piece by piece. a week or so before the accident the seat fell off, so the only thing to "sit" on was actually the hollow steel pipe standing up from the frame. i still used the bike, but never sat down. standing gave me more speed!

anyhow. one day at school i was pretty bored, so me and some mates got on our bikes riding around the school area. me (been brilliant and all) decided to ride the bike down some outdoor stairs. done it several times with the same bike, but never without a seat. i'm sure you get the picture here.. 3/4 down the stairs my foot slips of one of the pedals. the steel pipe ends up puncturing my ball-sack, leaving a ring on it. rushed to the doctor bleeding my pants. fixed by glue (guess ball-sacks are hard to sew). :no:

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this is probably a weird first post, but what the hell!

i was around 12 back then. my old bike was falling apart piece by piece. a week or so before the accident the seat fell off, so the only thing to "sit" on was actually the hollow steel pipe standing up from the frame. i still used the bike, but never sat down. standing  gave me more speed!

anyhow. one day at school i was pretty bored, so me and some mates got on our bikes riding around the school area. me (been brilliant and all) decided to ride the bike down some outdoor stairs. done it several times with the same bike, but never without a seat. i'm sure you get the picture here.. 3/4 down the stairs my foot slips of one of the pedals. the steel pipe ends up puncturing my ball-sack, leaving a ring on it. rushed to the doctor bleeding my pants. fixed by glue (guess ball-sacks are hard to sew).  :no:


Ouch! :pinch:

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I have very bad luck in my life:

When I was 5 I was playing near my grandpa's tractor, sliped and hit my head on a screw that was sticking out of it.

When I was 6 I put my head,arms and legs into my shirt so I looked like a ball and tried rolling my self down the smooth part of my building's stairs (for people in wheelchairs). Since I couldnt see, I ended up rolling down the real stairs. Dislocated my left shoulder,right foot and broke my nose.

When I was 10 me and my frends were playing on a hafl-finished house. I was walking backwards and fell through a hole in the wall that was ment for the chimney. 2 floors. Couldnt walk for a month.

When I was in 8. grade on summer vaication I jumped head-on into the sea and hit a rock. I lost my memory on what exactly happend. I didn't even know that something was wrong until my firends told me I had blood on my head.

A month ago I was at a open club. The club is on a small semi-island on a big lake. We were all drunk. I decided to take a leak. It was my first time there so I didnt know they had a bathroom. I jumped over the small fence they had sorounding the club and fell into the f****** lake. As I was falling I grabed the fence. Cut my left palm realy bad. If the cut was any deeper it would have gone through my hand. I'm really ****ed now since I cant use my left hand for practitly anything. Emagen the embaressment since I'm 18 now.

Oh and after reading the above post I remembered:

When I was aoround 6 me and my frend where trying to carry a wooden telephone pole. It got too heavy for him so he just let go of it. Since I myself couldnt hold it alone, I also let go of it. It ended up falling on my right leg. Luckily the toe nail grew back.

Edited by Krun
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well the worst physical pain was when i had apendisitus (excuse sp). worst mental pain was when i was i almost drowned white water kayaking, not much fun...

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