Worst pain you ever had

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I was 7 years old at the time, I was climbing up a tree, I was near the top, and the branch I was standing on snapped, I fell about 10 feet, and the last brach caught me, however I landed on the branch on my lower back, so I broke my back, very painful, 4 years of physical therapy, and the fact I still have metal for part of my lower back is still very painful, twice as bad when its cold


Edit-------- Im 26 now

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some of these stories are horrible.

Touch wood, i have never had anything quite so serious as some of these.

2 things i remember:

1. when i was about 6 running down a long hallway, brother turned into hallway carrying 10 plates, ran stright into it, fell to floor, blood everywhere, didnt stop crying.

2. Recently, for the past 3 years i've had a ingrowing toe nail. Not HUGE ammount of pain, but its been a long time. Every 2 months i've had the nail cut to top it digging into my toe, which is very painful to put pressure on. i've had 2 op's also to have the nail removed, finally the've made it so it will never grow back.

first OP, the guy gave me a local pain killer, and then grabbed his plyers and pulled really hard. ouch.

second was better, leavered it off.

I've had to dress the toe every day for the past 2 years. Its become more annoying every day. Like i said though, its not a huge pain, just a pain.

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Broken ribs, fractured wrist, torn ligaments twice, fractured skull.

All hurt but surprisingly the torn ligaments ripped and man, greatest pain i had.

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Appendicitis when I was a child.

For days I kept telling my parents that it was only a stomach bug, by the time I got to the hospitial appendix had burst and was hours from death.



same here

OMG ... what's that? I don't know what is appendix, but something which explodes ... in you!! that sounds scary!


Your appendix is a little weird thing at the end of your intestine, apparently we dont need it.

Rupture of appendix: A break or tear in the appendix, usually due to appendicitis. Also called perforation of the appendix. Rupture of appendix can lead to a periappendiceal abscess (a collection of infected pus) or diffuse peritonitis (infection of the entire lining of the abdomen and the  pelvis). Also called perforation of the appendix.

and thats why me and Nebula2020 were very close to death

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1. chest muscle injury that gave me spasmic pain once every few few minutes, for about a week

2. getting nailed in the face by a soccer ball from about 10 feet away.

3. getting nailed in the groin by a soccer ball from about 10 feet away

4. when i was about 3 i fell off a flight of stairs and ****** up about 10 different spots on my body,

5. tripping over a rock about 4 days later and uncapping about 4 of my scaps, hurted like a bitch!

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actually... come to think about it... id rather stick a chisel through my hand then ever get a charlie horse... those ****ers hurt so bad!!!! they wake me up sometimes and im just in the most excruiciating pain ever!!!!!

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passing a kidney stone ... you can't get anything more painful than that according to both nurses and the doctors that dealt with me.

More painful than a bullet wound (even to the stomach).

Even when drugged up, the pain is so bad you just want to die.

Eventually passing this huge stone when having a pi55 - I nearlly jumped in the air with joy with the sudden loss of pain ... even if I did hurt like f11ck as it passed through!

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A second one for me;

I was playing footy and chasing the ball down this big ass defender cleared the ball, full kick, i jumped to block it.

It hit me straight where you don't want it to and then his foot followed through.

I thought i'd lost em, i didn't play the rest of the match put it that way.

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When I was walking on the street from like 8 years, a running car hit me. I spent 3 month in the hospital to recover from the major injury.


you reminded me.

I was walking upto a zebra crossing, started to walk across when a car hit me, was going quite slow but still it hit me.

It took my legs out and i fell on the bonnet. Stood up gave the WOMAN evils and walked off. Not painful just weird.

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this didnt happend to me, but it must or have happened to someone.

Imagine ur wife phoning you telling you she'd found out about an afair you'd been having. Saying she was leaving you, was in a large shopping centre and had the credit card............ouch!

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I havent had any extreme pains, but last year, end of my cross country season i pulled my hip flexor (conects your groin to your thigh. anyways every step was painful for a week and i had to run on it since our last meet was that friday.... hmmmm

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Had my eardrum broken, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was getting it fixed. I went to the ear doctor and they put a patch on it by, get this, taking a needle and scratching up the remaining skin so the patch would stick. Then, after it was on there, they took the needle and poked the eardrum again to attach it correctly. No anesthesia. It sucked.

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My greatest pain recieved was getting hit in the head with a baseball bat, I got really disorientated and nearly passed out, I had a massive lump on my head as well. The person who did it was my best friend as well when we were playing softball, he swung back and "accidentally" hit me when I was behind him. Oww that hurt :yes: :yes:

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well for me its like right now. The other day at work i was carrying something very heavy and pulled a mussle in my but . I'm not really sure if that was the cause, but my but-hole itself feels stuck open i suppose, very weird feeling. Too emberassed to go to the doctors about it, yet want to know what happened :s - if anyone knows may you please explain?

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For me, it would be having to stop seeing the girl of my dreams for quite a while, just becuz her family thinks we shouldn't be togheter.......:(

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The worst I can remember was one time I was playing squash and I snapped my right Achilles tendon in two very distinct halves. It snapped about 2 inches above the heel! It made a sound like a pistol going off! Your leg just goes from under you and I lost control of my entire body, first instinct and reaction is that you are having a heart attack! Excruciating pain everywhere! Then the pain slowly starts to centre itself and this dull agonizing pain settles at the bottom of your leg! After operations and all the rest it took me about 6 months to even walk properly again. :whistle:

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That I can remember, hmm...having a tooth with 3 roots instead of 2 (yes, it was weird) pulled (healthy teeth, not loose), when the dentist only numbed 2 of the roots.

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the worst pain i ever had was when i ran into a wall at 3, and split my head wide open!

another time i had this wart on my knee, i got so ****ed about it, i took a pair of plyers and ripped the whole thing out

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Well here are my ones

First one happened a year ago...

well anyway i was at work mending a computers UPS, the battery had gone flat, or so they thought...

So i turn it off and open it up, and as i turned it off something strage happened, the lights started to flicker and im like WTF, so i just continue, and once i have remove the battery i say im going to do a full charge of it as it looks flat (after load readings) so i unplug the UPS and im like wtf slight blackness on the plug... Anyway i continue to setup the charger and as i just turn it on i get a jolt of electricity and i go flying back (1 meter) into the table, ne way lets say i could not walk for like 2 hours and had a funny tingaly feeling, anyway UPS battery was fine just needed to well move plug sockets, lol. Meh not the first time i been electocuted, lol.

Second time happened 6 months ago

I was out riding my bike in the woods as it was a nice day and had the weekend off from work anyway as im climbing up a hill i hit a tree root and come of my saddle and my balls clunk the bottom weel and i slide down (with weel still kind of going) and i fall on floor, roll down hill and bike lands on top of me, lets just say i ended up in A&E but discharged with ONLY a sprained wrist.....


I aint going into detail as you can guess what it was like.

Shut 4 of my fingers in a ar door, yes a car door thats what hapenes when your rushing about (lets just say i was closing the door and some dick ran by and hit the door and it forced it shut) MEH 4 brused fingers.

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Just from the top of my head, i was walking through my brothers room, and he always left belts on the ground, and on this day, i stood on one of his belts, the bad thing is that the little metal pointing thing went through my foot

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