Worst pain you ever had

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the day my ex gf choose coke over me, worst pain ever... stupid bitch!


oh man, that really does suck :(

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the day my ex gf choose coke over me, worst pain ever... stupid bitch!


coke as in drug or coke as in drink...

Edit: guessing drugs... sorry that must suck :(

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Nam '70

Crew chief on a Huey gunship. My twin 50 was hit by a RPG. It was a dud but the shrap damn near tore my leg off at the knee. Docs tell me I need a new knee now... Been linping for 35 years now...

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coke as in drug or coke as in drink...

Edit: guessing drugs... sorry that must suc:(:(


yea the drug =(, and ya nice Amateur Allure avatar:rofl:l:

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Taking 4 anaesthetic injections under by big toenails. Gives me a chil just thinking about it.

My wife would say pushing out two 10lb+ babies naturally, so I can't complain really. :-)

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i was playing hockey and i got a stick in the mouth and it bled all over the road and in the house with a ticket to the hospital

i also fell off a ladder onto a cement floor and got a concussion, and after i had did that this kid came in and pegged me in the back of my head with a ball

also i was playing hockey again and pulled my groin, for the first time... and that hurt for a week, especially scince i was still on the ice 3 more times after that at least

those have to be my top pains

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i dunno whats worse, poring your self a cub of tea but missing the mug and the hot water goes down your leg and in other places, or the fact i was making otffee the the thing exploaded sending hot caramel onto my arms and such...

But then again nothing sucks as much as getting your arse clipped by a milk truck... = 20mph

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Being kicked in the nuts by a bucking donkey (both hooves, damned good shot I thought a few hours later when rational consciousness returned).

Undergoing root canal treatment (real grinding involved here) when the anaesthetic hadn't taken was fairly nasty, but my threshold is high. Trickiest thing in the world keeping your mouth wiiide open when the instinct is to close and move away from whatever is hurting you.

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It's proabably between when I was in third grand and I wrecked my bike. I went over the handle bars, and broke out two teeth. Or two years ago, when I was leaving the orthodontist office, and it was raining so I ran to the car, and I tripped over the curb, and landed on my elbow. I thought I remembered hearing somthing snap, but the X-rays showed nothing was broken. I couldn't move my elbow for weeks afterward. That was the only time I was ever at the emergency room. :pinch:

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Dislocating my right knee cap, actually, that probably doesn't count too much because I passed out, but it hurt like hell for like 2 weeks after, and I also got a rusty jagged nail stuck in my hand from off-roading, it went in through the side of my hand and got loged in my knuckle, you couldn't even see the nail, all of it was deep in my hand, I had tetnis and they gave me an IV to take it out. I couldn't throw anything for at least a couple months after that, those bring back memories... :woot:

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Just after I graduated High School (in 1989), I was working in a seafood resturant. One of my duties when we closed up on Fridays was to get the grease traps from the vents above the fryers and put them in an acid bath. Well, one night I couldn't find the step ladder I usually used, so I stood on a table next to the fryers to get to them. Unfortunately, there was some grease on the table and I slipped. I tried to catch myself, but my feet knocked the covers off one of the fryers (they had been turned off for about 30 or 45 minutes, but were still very hot) and both feet went in. Fortunately, I was wearing leather shoes, which protected most of my feet, but my ankles got second and third degree burns from the hot oil. One of my managers reacted fast and put my feet in the ice bin to cool them down while we waited on an ambulance. I had to undergo physical therapy every day for about a month, and couldn't walk for about 3 weeks. To this day (16 years later), I still have the scars on my ankles. The day after the accident, I had a blister on my right ankle the size of my fist.

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I have an uncler in my colon that causes the most pain i have ever felt in my life. When i have to drop a load, the pain feels like being stabbed in the stomach for 30 minutes straight.

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god this thread is awful, i can't even bear to read what you guys are posting....

sunday night i sprained my foot and broke my big toe. never want to experience that again...

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Was a goalie for my team, age around 14 or 15, I come to grab a ball and this maniac coming slides towards me showing me the shoes (with spikes) the very moment I lean to take the ball. It hits my forearm and I couldnt bear the pain and almost black out. I was really really mad at this guy a few minutes later I started screaming like a madman.

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Uhhh...closelined by a metal wire under the neck while riding a bike. Busted open my head, I was in the hospital for about a week after that.

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