Worst pain you ever had

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Someone has probably already mentioned this. But I've lived a sheltered life, and I can honestly say, past the 3 times I've cracked my head on walls, despite smashing it on the ground trying to to a hand-stand on a skateboard, forgetting the measly broken knuckles.

The most pain I've ever had, was from taking the driest, largest dump I've ever had. I literally bled.

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Passing 2 Kidney stone at the age of 13--ouch :pinch:

Same here......oh the humanity :/ I was 18 all I remember is waking up the third day and my girl friend shaking the stone in a glass jar.

Doc had me on stuff that pretty much kept me out of it, gf would have to watch for me going to the bathroom to place the strainer in the path.... :blush:

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I can't put a finger on the pain that hurt most, but the following did hurt:

Fell 20ft from tree, landed on back and sprained ankle.

Broke bone in hand punching a large advertising hording.

Spraining ankle(right) playing Rugby League (I'm sure it popped out and then straight back in).

Twisted knee playing football

Knocked down by car (he had just come from a farm and had eggs on back seat :laugh: )

Golf ball exploded and squirted some burning liquid into my eye (it burned a small hole in the top of my eyeball).

Sprained left ankle whilst walking a dog, running after him and putting my foot against a large curb stone.

Throwing a 18inch spring from out of an old chair, and the hooked part at the end ripped my finger open.

Changing a lamp in a microfilm camera at work, you had to press down and twist. I pressed down, the glass shattered and sliced right into my finger.

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i guess for me it would be a tie between either spinal tap (where they stick a large needle in your spine to take fluid out of it while you are awake and undrugged) or when i had a lifting weight dropped onto my head from several meters and cracked my skull in half. now i cannot walk through the airport without setting things off because of the two plates in my head.

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Someone has probably already mentioned this. But I've lived a sheltered life, and I can honestly say, past the 3 times I've cracked my head on walls, despite smashing it on the ground trying to to a hand-stand on a skateboard, forgetting the measly broken knuckles.

The most pain I've ever had, was from taking the driest, largest dump I've ever had. I literally bled.

Lmao, those things kill so unbelievably bad. It's absurd.

Worst pain I've had is when last year, maybe 2 years ago, I was riding a wheelie on my bike, I pulled back too far, landed on my feet to run with it, landed too hard, snapped the tenden that keeps the knee working, pulled off so hard, it broke a chunk of bone of my tibia, my knee cap went 6 inches up my thigh. I didn't feel 1 thing the entire time, except when they went to do x-rays, the guy tried to bend my leg, I almost fainted. I would have rather died than felt that again.

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tooth pain, mine has effect from eyes, chest... And when I was nine my nail came out from the thumb(I bitted a part out and than it got really infected boyyyyy too much pain...

I am 31 now....mature!!!

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I had the shingles. (post herpetic neuralgia) - and no its not an STD.. Its a similar virus to the Chicken Pox

Shingles is more likely to strike if you are more than 50 years old or if your immune system is compromised -- by age, stress, or medications that suppress the immune system. Patients whose immune systems are injured by chemotherapy, radiation, or other medical treatments are also at higher risk of developing shingles.

..I got it when i was 16!

There may be no rash at first. The initial symptoms of shingles can be hard to diagnose and may include tingling, burning, itching, or even shooting pain. General flu-like symptoms, including fever and fatigue, may also occur. These symptoms can precede the outbreak of a rash by up to five days, but usually by no more than a couple of days. The rash first appears as red spots, which soon turn into painful blisters. The spots, which resemble chicken pox, will be distributed in the pattern of whatever nerves are affected. (More rarely, it can cause a generalized rash involving several nerves.)

I had the rash on by back anbd sides I akin the pain to being stabbed every 10 seconds. I got cured, however the scars are still on my back.

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last summer crashing my dirtbike into a tree, and the bike fliped forward and launched me into a barbed wire fence. broke my back in 3 different places and cut my self up where my gear wasn't protecting me. got over 150 stiches cause of it. I'm still suffering from that accedent cause i never knew i broke my back and where i broke it the breaks never healed properly and so now i have to go into surgery to get them to rebreak my back and have it heal proper.

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I was told that a guy a few years drove his sanowmobile off a trail and into a tree...The guy im told was flattened to the tree... Id say that hurt for the split second he was alive on impact...

Poor dude. Best things in life can be the most dangerous too...Wooooot for snowmobiling in New Hampshire!

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I had pyelonephritis (infection) in my kidneys in 2003 (was put in hospital for 3 weeks, first was to identify my illness and the rest was to get better under monitoring.

I always have had urinated like i was passing razor blades. I tried to see the doctor but he prescribe me antibiotics but that only works temporary. Alright I will explain here, in case any of you experienced it and tell me the best way to solve it:

When I go to the toilet and relax my bladder, the urine comes out like spray but sometimes, straight like it should. The urine will come out splashing everywhere and it can be very painful. By painful I mean a stinging and burning feeling in the head of my penis. Overtime it heals and urine comes out the way it should and is not painful but after a while, the cycle repeats and I experience the same painful problems. Right now, urine comes out straight but is a bit painful when passing urine and seems to get better.

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I think i have been pretty lucky, I have never broken a bone in a my body worst thing i have done is sprane my angle badly...

But the worse pain I can remember having felt is when I slammed the back of my elbow,"funny bone" (dunno what it's really called), off the coner of a wall, the pain just shoots up and down my arm for about 2 minutes. I swear my arm was about to fall off. That nerve in my elbow is really sensitive now.

Apparently being being stabbed/shot in the palm of the hand near the thumb and first finger is the one of the worst pain to experience.

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when i was 4 i was riding my scooter in a dip and there was water in it . the wheels slipped and i fell forward hit my 2 front teeth on the concrete and they went forward. worst pain ive had ever! the dentist wouldnt push them back down they said they had to do it by them selves. i had to eat soft foods for a month

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I think the worst pain ever was having my appendix burst in the ER at a local hospital. Waiting to be seen and then them thinking all I had was the flu. I had to have emergency surgery and lucky they got there and did it when they did because if not I would not be here today writing this. THANK GOD I'M HERE.

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2nd and 3rd degree burns from a pot of boiling water,morphine did the trick(for a minute anyways)

(First Post)

Mentally or physically?

WTF does it sound like?

Anyway, luckily I haven't had an outstanding painful experience.

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