Apple x86 OS X DVD finally leaked

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  willvg said:
Bad news though, You need an sse3 proccesor to run it. And there is a think called TPM which blocks you from accessing the gui.


SO FAR, yes

  djsaad1 said:
i know this is a little off topic. But now that we are going to be able to run OSX on x86 machines are we going to be able to run windows on the next generation of apple computers. I would love to have a powerbook that can run windows without having to run slow emulators


There are already topics on running windows on the dev apple machines, so you're quite safe for it, when you buy your apple machine in a year or so i guess!!! :devil: :woot: :D ...

And surely the first machines to get revamped will be laptops, & probably, 64bit P4 for powerbooks, & 64bit celerons for iBooks... :whistle:

  ANova said:
I'm sure someone will crack it to run on any x86 based PC sooner or later.  The question is when.


Good luck.

Nobody managed to make PS2-exclusive games run on the Xbox or visa versa, right?

Same thing here. Apple knows that they have to use the best protection to keep OSX running on their hardware and it will be done in a way more impressive than a line of javascript *wink wink*

  djsaad1 said:
i know this is a little off topic. But now that we are going to be able to run OSX on x86 machines are we going to be able to run windows on the next generation of apple computers. I would love to have a powerbook that can run windows without having to run slow emulators


Yes. It's already been reported that the Dev PowerMacs run Windows just fine, and apparently WinXP runs pretty quick too. No reason to think all future Intel Macs won't work the same way.

  rainman. said:
Good luck.

Nobody managed to make PS2-exclusive games run on the Xbox or visa versa, right?

Same thing here. Apple knows that they have to use the best protection to keep OSX running on their hardware and it will be done in a way more impressive than a line of javascript *wink wink*


I agree. I just can't see how you can get around the lack of hardware driver support without actually writing all the drivers, which would just take too damn long, I'd think.

Oh, and not to mention the hardware chip thing...But I'd think that could be overcome before the driver thing is tackled.

Apparently, a pretty well known group released a version of OSX x86 that has the hardware limitations cracked out. They claim its working on Intel chips with SSE2+. I can't confirm yet. But if its really by this group then I have no doubt that it works.

Nfo file for the release if anyone is interested. Shame on the people in this thread that copied it from the nfo file and never cited it.

Nfo of the xiso release:


? ? Release: Apple MacOS X Tiger *x86* *PROPER* ?

? ? Type: OS ? Format: ISO ?

? ? Archives: 47x50mb ? Date: 08/2005 ?


? ? System requirements: ?۲??

? Intel Pentium 4 w/HT/1GB RAM/10GB+ HD ?۲??


? ?۲??

? R E L E A S E N O T E S ?۲??

? ?۲??

? Thanks to the guys at phe*NIX who released a non-working copy. Too bad ?۲??

? we at XiSO had the OSX x86 DVD for a few weeks now, working hard on dis- ?۲??

? abling the Infineon/Trusted Computing module which is present onboard of ?۲??

? the "developer" Apple-Intel boxes. As some of you have heard, Rosetta, ?۲??

? Apple's binary translation software used to convert PPC binaries to x86 ?۲??

? bytecode at runtime is a primary user of this Trusted Computing module, ?۲??

? and since majority of OSX Intel apps are actually PPC bins, not much of ?۲??

? the OS is usable without this binary converter working. So we patched ?۲??

? that, as well as a check during boot for "supported hardware". Enjoy! ?۲??

? ?۲??

????????????????????????? I N S T A L L N O T E S ??????????????????????͹۲??

? ?۲??

? 1. Burn to DVD using your favorite burning software. ?۲??

? ?۲??

? 2. Enjoy this fine release from XiSO. ?۲??

? ?۲??

? 3. This has been extensively tested on various hardware configurations, ?۲??

? but you WILL NEED a SSE2+ enabled CPU to run this on. Also, this has ?۲??

? *NOT* been tested, and not expected to work on AMD CPU's. ?۲??

? ?۲??


? ?۲??

? All software included in this release is only intended for your use if ?۲??

? you own a legal license to this software. We are not to be held ?۲??

? responsible for illegal use/installation of this software. If you choose ?۲??

? to install and test this software and you decide to keep it, you must ?۲??

? purchase a valid license. If you do not own legal license to this ?۲??

? software we will not be held responsible for any charges brought against ?۲??

? you by any software company(s) or people working for any software ?۲??

? company(s). We do not support piracy, we are here only to provide an ?۲??

? evaluation. ?۲??

? ?۲??

????????????????????????? Brought to you by XiSO ?????????????????????͹۲??

? ?۲??


So far it's a real one. I've been following that closely... as well as the PearPC community, which should grow much in 2 months... there will be some speed improvements everywhere :p

The thing is, I might be waiting for an emulator that can emulate both SSE2 and SSE3, maybe QEMU will do it... I dunno... when it works, I'll do something with this PC because it needs some *ahem* CHANGES.

Well, if this IS true, and the XiSO release works on any Intel machine, then it really DOES just show the futility of trying to protect software from piracy...

Maybe if they reduced the cost to a more affordable range, and made it more easily available, it would help reduce piracy? I dunno, no easy solution really...

It's fairly obvious that a lot of people want to run OSX on their machine, but either won't buy a new computer, or can't afford Apples prices. Maybe it would be better if they sold an unlocked copy for anyone to buy, but only provide support and drivers for official Apple hardware? That way, at least those that don't want/can't get the Apple hardware can still use their OS, and third party hardware vendors can make their own drivers for the OS, in the same way they do for Windows & Linux...

Oh, I know it'd impact their sales, but in the end, that's going to happen anyway with the pirated & cracked versions. At least this way they'd maintain plenty of legal sales...

I for one, would LOVE a machine that could run both. I'm a developer, learning to program for OSX would increase my employability no end :) But I can't afford an Apple machine, and I don't want to pirate...

What about future mod chips, to intel boards to get around the tpm thing, i don't know how, but it seems that would be cheaper than buying al new hardware x)

just saying because someone mentioned xbox and ps2 and how you cannot play each others games.. but they do use mod chips to get around game protections

  jlmodell said:
What about future mod chips, to intel boards to get around the tpm thing, i don't know how, but it seems that would be cheaper than buying al new hardware x)

just saying because someone mentioned xbox and ps2 and how you cannot play each others games.. but they do use mod chips to get around game protections


yeah but like xbox and ps2 mod chips, people selling them get nailed with the DMCA if in the us. Hell apple takes their own fanboy sites to court over rumors.

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